Looks like The Witcher 3 on steroids, it's a quite long game to finish though explaining why people have 500h in it;
MAIN STORY: 45h 57m
We believe in you though, even though it may be a long journey!
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As a person with 547 hours on MH:W and the expansion I can give you some pointers:
The game is not hard per se, it's very forgiving and fun, it has co-op and other mechanics to aid the player and make the experience as pleasant as possible. I highly encourage trying to take the monsters by yourself and then get help for farming, but that's your choice. I would rather have another hunter enjoy the game and the hunt in company than having one struggle and leave the game.
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I get it. Im still trying to get into it cause it looks fun! Ive had it since quarentine
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Play it for the cute & fluffy buddies you can exp up and evolve :3
I played this game with my buddies, the multiplayer aspect isn't the best thing in the game though, so we started playing something else instead. Now I'm waiting to get steam deck to start playing again^^
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I have nearly 1.5k hours in that game, the thing what gets me hooked the most is (which is very obvious): hunting the monsters and learning new strategy how to face them in different watys, basically a lot of experimenting.
No matter what i do even after owning a lot games, i still keep coming back to it, even after MH:Rise was released.
If from your experience in the base didn't meet the expectation a.k.a you didn't really enjoy hunting the monsters, best to say it's probably not your cup of tea (I don't mean it in offensive way btw, because everyone have different taste in video games), but if it's because you don't enjoy the gameplay that much and it's hard for you to get used to then my advise is: try find the best weapon who suit you better, trust me it sounds simple but it will be a game changer to your experience.
There are a lot different type of weapons and you can try them one by one and finds out which one gives you the most enjoyment to use, because gotta be honest in my first experience i also almost dropped the game because the same case, once i figured it out what weapons suit me, everything turned out different since then.
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Don't. :D
Honestly though, if you don't feel like it, maybe you shouldn't force yourself to play.
That was my first Monhun game ever. The game quickly become a chore (I think right around desert area as well?) because I had wrong expectations. I finished it and spent some time in the endgame (106hrs, killing all bosses at least once) and it's grindy as hell.
Overall, its game loop is as follows: go on a hunt for a monster A, get your ass kicked, learn some useful info about its behavior, prepare some traps, potions and food, kill monster A, go on a hunt for monster B, get your ass kicked, grind the hell out of monster A getting resources for armor A and weapon A, kill monster B, rinse and repeat.
Small addition. Imo it's all about your own preferences and mindset. There are people spending tons of hours in DOTA2 or LoL, CSGO, Apex, Dark Souls etc., etc. Personally I don't understand why people enjoy these games so much so they spend thousands of hours in them but that doesn't mean they are bad, it means these games are not for me (as I personally spent too much hours in Warframe and both The Division games lol).
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I'm also not in the mood to play it, but it's better if you're playing it with someone or with some friends. My friend gifted it to me this May 2022, we only have about 20+ hours in this game, whenever one of us wants to quit or take a break we all do it too, no one's staying alone to grind it. We just grind together but otherwise we don't really enjoy it. So I'm talking about me and 2 of my friends whom I play with (I know some friends who play mh:w but they already have their own squad). This is my first mh but the those 2 are a huge fan since when we're still kids.
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Honestly? Just play at your own pace, even if it's playing for a dozen hours every few months. That's what I do - I like the game, but it feels a bit too tedious for me to play it for long duration of time, so I usually play it for a few days, then drop it for months, then pick it up again.
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500 hours = about 50 audio books or 3/4 mastered new life skills
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im almost always listening to audio books well playing games
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Hmm, I thoroughly enjoyed my time in MH:W, but it clicked with me instantly (and it was my first time play a MH game). If you've made it to the second biome and you're not enjoying it, then the game just might not be for you. There are plenty of new things that will be added if you keep going, but the core experience isn't going to change much.
I guess it depends on what is preventing you from enjoying the game. If you are just struggling with the combat (which can be brutal, even when you know what you are doing), then few tips are all that you might need: As someone else already mentioned, find a weapon you like and stick with it (I used longsword mostly, and occasionally greatsword). Don't ignore the side quests, as the unlocks you get from them can make your life easier. The same goes for leveling up your palico and meeting the hidden tribes in each area - you want those unlocks! In combat, focus on staggering or knocking down the monster (= free hits) - there are a few types of ammo for your slinger and some traps that can help with this, so don't be afraid to use them. Learn the breakable parts of each monster and focus your attacks there. Meals are crucial - always eat the best meal the cooks have available before every single hunt. Take the type to hunt for the materials you need to upgrade your gear - it's the only way to get stronger.
But if it is the grind that bothers you, then there isn't much that can help you. This is a JRPG at heart, so you MUST grind if you want to succeed. Upgrading your gear, and unlocking tools, abilities and meal ingredients through side quests is not optional, and the only way to do that is to grind hunts. If you're not OK with that, then this is not a game for you.
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It's one of those games that really just depends on what you want to get out of it, but if you're looking for tips to help ease yourself back in, I might be able to shed some light on the matter.
First and foremost, I want to address the overpowered armor set you mentioned. If you're referring to the Guardian Armor, I can personally confirm that armor set can pretty much carry you all the way to end-game or even post-game content. It helps simplify the early game and allows you to focus on the core combat gameplay without getting bogged down grinding for new armor sets constantly. Since you say you've been feeling overwhelmed, I would definitely say it's worth giving it a shot. If you get far enough into the game, it does need to be replaced eventually, but by that point you'll have a much better idea whether you actually enjoy the game enough to invest time into learning how the armor system works.
tldr; The Guardian Armor is incredibly strong, but offloads some of the learning curve away from the early game
Taking a step back, I also have some more 'generalist' advice (in no particular order):
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Which weapon(s) did you use? Some are easier to use than others and maybe that was the reason why you got overwhelmed. You could also try to play it in MP with someone else, like with one player tanking with lance / gunlance and one other doing ranged damage with bow / bowgun. The game's way more fun in MP anyway :)
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This story begins in April of 2019 when I purchases MH World for 50% (it was $29,99 then).
The first time I played it I got to some desert area, got overwhelmed with all those things, and dropped for a bit. Then 6 months later I decided to give it another go and this time I ended up being worse at it compared to before.
Then a year left I reinstalled it and didn't pass the first area.
The last time I played it (2 months ago) I found out that they added some overpowered armor that pretty much turn the game into easy mode.
Now, every once in a while I'll stumble on someone randomly on Steam and if they played MH World, they usually have around 200-500 hours in it. So clearly the game is fun and this is all just a "me" issue.
So for any veterans of MH World here on SG.......what do I need to do? How to play? I have no idea how to start and what's the playing path in these games. This is clearly a great game that is (undeservingly) collecting dust on my virtual shelf and I want to fix that.
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