I have a similar problem. I try to have as many whitelisted users as blacklisted ones but it's hard to keep up.
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I got like 40 whitelisted users and a bit over 200 on the blacklist :D
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I don't bother blacklisting those anymore because they're mostly level 1. The people that have a 5000 to 1000 won/sent ratio worry me more.
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<---- proud owner of having exactly 0 people on blacklist and counting
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Actually not counting, that would imply going up. What's the word when it stays the same permanently?
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He already said everlasting so I'm going with that.
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No, I don't expect anyone to really care about the topic, i expect them to care about the games ;) This was just another excuse to host some more giveaways, with somewhat of a theme to the giveaway (this one being a slightly more depressing one).
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only have a couple in my blacklist, but many in my whitelist :D
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Actually yes, it is. Considering that there is no afterlife nor reincarnation. Life is short enough to blindly like and trust people so it's smart to rather distrust and dislike people at first to save time on being lied to and such. :>
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I was referring to life in general. They do no literal harm that's why it's so easy to blacklist them.
And trusting someone who I don't like? I think it should be the other way around at least.
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Fnord will hopefully read our conversation then! Yeah, this is stuff that can fill up a whole night and is best accompanied by a cold alcoholic beaverage. Sleep well, mate.
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For me it is not about what harm it does or does not, but about the rules.
When you sign up, you implicitly agree to follow the rules of this site. If some people want to be a part of this community without following its rules, then I don't want them winning what I give to the community.
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we should give people a chance to change
I agree to that. I don't take any pleasure in blacklisting people, and if I see that someone I have blacklisted in the past seems to have positively changed their behaviour, I would gladly remove them from my blacklist. Unfortunately that does not happen very often.
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Reading this topic made me think. I ended up going through my 'won' games list and whitelisting every single person who did a giveaway that I won.
Now to go and check the winners of my giveaways and see how many didn't activate, to blacklist and report them.
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I try not to blacklist unless they really really really annoy me, and that is very hard to do! It's not empty though. Due to a lucky streak recently my balance was knocked a little out, 3:4 but after next week (or the week after) that will be flipped around!)
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I don't really have a definition. A prime example is asking me to use their referral link to sign up to a site and upvote them. Then being blacklisted when I tell them I am unable to as it isn't available in my area (and not entering their giveaway due to being unable to do as they requested). That annoyed me as I was letting them know out of courtesy that some people can't do it even if they were willing to!
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I ask myself "do I really want this person to win one of my games". Most people I'm fine with, but I don't really want someone who is likely to just turn around and re-gift it to win a giveaway. Nor someone who insults other people for no apparent reason. Fake gifters, people who like to get peoples hope up and then crush it by not giving away the game also reaches my blacklist (though those are a bit harder to spot, I've only won one fake giveaway thus far).
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"I ask myself "do I really want this person to win one of my games"."
Exactly as it should be. There is never a reason to argue with that. It's your money and if you feel someone is outside your personal parameters they should be eliminated from the pool. I honestly don't even understand how anyone can even argue any other point, it's so simple.
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This kind of thread with links in the text makes me feel I'm playing some text adventure...
I like it.
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this a good idea xD
I may do something like that... once I findsome great promotion on a non-bundle game
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Threads like these are why I wish I was black instead of white.
Women hate short whitelists, but love long, huge blacklists! :(
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Currently, my blacklist and whitelist are the same...0 and 0.
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My blacklist has sadly been growing really fast as of late. So many regifters and people willing to break the rules. I don't know why it feels like it's pouring rule breakers right now. I don't know if they are just being ignorant, or if it's intentional, but one thing is for certain, and that is that I won't feed their backlog with any more games.
But you know what? I think I have the perfect game to "celebrate" this with. Everyone who can see the GA are free to enter, there are no level restrictions on this one.
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