Normally the minimum is lvl 1 because there seems to be lot of bots around there at lvl 0, and a few of them even at lvl 1(thats why my minimum gets to +2 always). and sometimes if the game i give is triple A, I like to give more chances to the people with more lvl, there is a discussion where you can see the stadistics of % people at X level so maybe you can get guided by that, so as an advice try to do +1 lvl.
For example if you are giving away a 150€ Collectors edition of something, you may like the "most generous" people from here "lvl 10" to get the chance to get it instead of no lvl requirements.
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It's entirely up to you, there is no system, some people will make everything lvl 0 because they want as much attention and entries as possible, some people will make same GA mid-level just to avoid bots and rulebreakers which flood low levels, and another person will make the same GA for high level because want to give it to someone who gave a lot himself.
Only one thing plus kind of personal thought - you will not find anyone on SG who "don't have any games in the first place" - in order to even register an account you need to have over 100$ worth of non-bundle games on your account (it's anti-multiaccount system, but it's in place nonetheless). And here comes my personal thought - there are really no (or almost no) people on SG who cannot afford to give away anything, there are only people who choose not to give anything. Ofc not everyone can afford to give away a lot, to get high level etc, but everyone can afford to give back anything to the community. You got hundreds of dollars worth gaming PC, you had to buy over 100$ worth of nonbundle Steam games, you earn steam wallet basically for free just from selling cards and other items on market, yet you want me to believe you cannot afford a few cents (that's how much the cheapest bundle games cost) to make a GA? Not to mention taht for massive cost of 1$ you could buy Tier one of let's say Humble Bundle, give away actually good games. few cents to one dollar is amount of money anyone can afford (I mean anyone who has SG account, ofc if you live in third world country, starve, make less than a dollar per day etc you cannot afford it, but in such case you are even less likely to afford gaming PC and 100$ worth Steam account, so you cannot have an SG account),
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From here: Users sign-in using their Steam account, and we require their account to be valued at $100 or greater. Games that have been accessible through bundles, or games that were once available for free due to promotions or pricing errors are not included in this calculation. We have this requirement in place to prevent users from registering multiple accounts.
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Maybe this from long ago?
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I think it is a common missconception ;) this functionality works since long time ago in SGv1 and in SGv1 bundled status functioned differently - now it's simple 15% of price, back then you had separate bundle CV and nonbundle CV and from them site calculated actual CV (your bundled CV could be worth maximum of 20% of your nonbundled CV, if you capped it your bundle GA would be giving you no CV at all). CV got remodelled in SGv2 3 years ago, so people assumed that this part got updated as well, but it's not, you still need 100$ of nonbundle CV to get an account (which makes sense, especially with all ultra-cheap stores nowadays like DIG where you can buy game for a few cents and all massive free games GAs - you could buy an alt account for multiaccounting by investin 1-2$ which is no protection at all)
Or I may be wrong and it explains the influx of lvl 0 bots we see in last two years ;p
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There surely are people at level 0 who just can't afford to buy games due to region, no/minimum wage, being kids..but also many leechers and bots. There are ways to get to level 1 with only spending a few cents. On the other hand, there are bots at higher levels and people that abuse CV. Therefore you couldn't relate it just to their level.
If you want to exclude bots, use puzzles. If you want the games to be played, use groups like "Playing Appreciated" or maybe the wishlist functionality at SGTools. If you want to reward nice users regardless of CV, create your own group or use the whitelist. Or likewise, if you still want to create public GAs, sort people behaving badly out by using the blacklist.
Personally I only use gifts for WL only, since I can rely on them regarding reaction time. For keys it mostly depends on bundled/unbundled. And I'm checking all winners on SGTools regarding rule-breaking (except of whitelist GAs).
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There are no people (or almost no people) who cannot afford to buy games for GAs, only people who choose not to. nowadays you can buy a game for GA for a few cents (for example from DIG store, but also other massive bundle keystores, not to mention let's say ST, where you can get a game for 1-3 trading cards), you can even get a game for GA for free (wallet money made from selling Steam items, sites like tremor etc). I can think of only one case when someone really cannot buy game and it's not because he cannot afford it but because of political reasons. I remember a case of one user who lives in Syria, due to war US prohibited any transactions between Syria and US, guy couldn't buy anything from Steam Store, couldn't have PayPal account (not accepting Syrian banks), keyshops would not accept his card (again, it's processed by US companies). So yeah - in such case someone may not be able to make any GA, but anyone saying he's just too poor to give away anything is simply lying - he could easilly afford to give away anything, he just choose not to.
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If you want to give the most chance: level 0.
If you want to filter out those that never give: level 1
If you want to make a compromise between opening it to as many people as possible while also shutting out the majority of the bots: level 2
(Or just do a region-restricted by removing a few certain places from the country list and you will also shut out most of the bot users.)
If you want to further minimise the amount of bots and want the active user base to participate: level 4 or 5
If you want to maximise the chances for the game to be played: level 5 or 6
There is no real point to go over level 6.
If you want a good midway ground, level 1 or level 2 is letting enough people in to quell your conscience. (Even though level 1 shuts out 80%+ of the user base).
Still, level 0 with some patience and the active use of SGTools to check every single winner is not that of a deal.
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Some people just roll a random dice between 0-10 and then chose from there. Its really up to you as there is no correct way. Do what you think is right.
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Yes, there are, although a bit less conventionally shaped: 3D print 11-sided dice
Of course, not on the conventional market either.
EDIT: scrapped, you can buy them here, and not only d11, but also d9, d13, d15, d17, d19 and others.
Completely geeked out!
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It also depends where you make it
In Groups and puzzles I normally add no restrictions as people have earned the right to join the ga through other aspects
Puplic better lvl 1 or 2 so most bots get removed
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If you want that the games reach real users and not bots/autojoiners/bad script users and extreme leechers then avoid public GA's. You have there often such people (i would say at lvl 0 90%, lvl 1 70% and lvl 2 50%). Up to lvl 4 you have a lot of bots and so on too (and it give a lvl 10 autojoiner/bad script user too -open "secret"-, i gave him the name "Pink Rabbit" because no one can say his name because it would be seen as calling out.... and you get punished -yes strange...-). When you avoid CIS/RUS region you avoid a lot of the bots/autojoiners/bad script users/extreme leechers... but maybe a bit "unfair" to the nice people from that regions -i have a big part of nice steam friends from there so i avoid that step-.
My solution is to make sgtools Giveaways with a real CV ratio of 0.5 and checks for Trade Bans, Multi Wins, Not activated wins.
You have then nearly no problem and each one from lvl1+ can join WHEN he/she gave anything (sometimes) in the past and not only take over years.
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Normally I don't care about the lvl (although I was recommended making lvl 1 GAs just to avoid the bots). What I do care is the winner not breaking the rules, so to avoid my gifts going to people who don't care about the site rules (multiple same game wins, VAC and all that jazz), I do custom GAs using SG Tools and always check the winners manually.
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For public giveaways, unless I'm making a honeypot... never really low levels! It's just more hassle than its worth. Not saying that high levels is hassle-free, but there's less hassle involved.
For forum giveaways I usually keep levels relatively low, to allow more people to enter
For better giveaways, I'm far more keen on giving them to groups dedicated to playing games. So there level is not required.
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How do we choose the lvl of giveaways? I haven't figured it out. When I did create them I only saw these options :
Who Can Enter
Invite Only
Whitelist / Steam Groups
but I don't see where we can choose level? (ie: Lvl 1, 2, 3..).
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Oh wow I never understood what that was and I had no idea I could click on it and slide it lol. they should have a little caption on it that indicates this. thanks so much o/.
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I can never decide the level requirement.
The rule of thumb is your giveaways your rules, it's that easy. ^^
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Really its a personal choice and many factors can come into play:
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"I feel like everyone should have a chance of getting the game."
Where mine classification. It'll help you I hope
Where also some other unclassified people which I can't classified cause of many reasons like small number, hide motives, etc. I'm not against people who use sgtools, puzzles and jigidi, etc. who are part of 1-8 groups (except group #3) or who use it for fair and good purposes. I don't trying to insult anybody by this classification.
Time to talk about opposite groups of people. I not lost any groups above in the text I hope. Well, 2 other opposite groups are kinds of bad people in my opinion.
First group farms games by unfair methods like using multiply accounts, special plugins to avoid rules/limits. They use it to get max number of games as it possible or use it to regift it to other for money ("sell", by other words).
Second group is very hard. Some people of it's group are hypocrites, some of them ask you to dance or do something else to participate in their sacred giveaways. some of them are haters. some of them replace sg rules by own, etc.
P.S.: I have more than hundred blacklists of last group people mostly and I sure I'll get about 30+ for "mine vile try to insult them" (as they believe).
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Where also some other unclassified people which I can't classified cause of many reasons like small number, hide motives, etc.
So, I save space for people not from classification. But you are free to consider yourself as part of any classified above group as you wish. It's funny that I have no any disagree opinion from u but u added yourself to "bad people" group.
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that's not what I am talking about. you say yourself you don't want to insult anybody, yet then you directly insult people using SGT or asking to do something to participate in Ga (I guess you mean puzzles and other stuff like that). Not to mention that both things you mention - special rules and puzzles/actions are totally ok with SG rules themselves, so it's not even the case of you insulting people because they are rulebreakers (your group one) - you are insulting people simply because you disagree with how they want to create their own GAs while still following site rules.
If anyone's a hypocrite here, then it's you ;)
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"Hypocrites" and "haters" not insults but it's characteristics of a person.
I'm not against people who use sgtools, puzzles and jigidi, etc. who are part of 1-8 groups (except group #3) or who use it for fair and good purposes.
It's mean where some ways to use additional rules as above for misapplication. I mean then user use it to restrict participants by discrimination. And it's not mean that user is bad if he giveaway game to users who passed his puzzle or else.
Hypocrite are users who talk about charity or "free entire" while using sgtools with several restrictions for example in my opinion. Also, you able to find here people who discriminate people by level of earnings or other reasons.
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both 'hypocrite' and 'hater' are clearly negative statements, calling someone by negative statement is insulting, doesn't matter whether it is actually their characterictic or not. For example I am fat, word 'fat' is clearly characterizing me, yet adressing me by 'fat' is still insulting.
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I'm not sure about meaning of "fat" cause Oxford's dictionary have not this kind troubles about this word.
both 'hypocrite' and 'hater' are clearly negative statements, calling someone by negative statement is insulting, doesn't matter whether it is actually their characterictic or not.
It's nonsense. You mix meanings of words. "Hypocrisy" is description of behavior. "Insulting" mean something "disrespectful or scornfully abusive". I used respectful and censorial words only.
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could be a language thing, but i don't consider fat to be an offensive or insulting word.
depends more on the meaning that the recipient has of the word and on the tone of the voice you word it.
similar to the word black or others: different people have different meanings on how it is offensing or not.
also, calling somebody hypocrite is not half insulting than being hypocrite.
insult for me is not describe somebody, insult is more call somebody with some pejorative word beyond simple description. without checking the dictionary.
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could be language thing indeed, in polish 'fat' as adjective is 'gruby', and can be both neutral and pejorative depending on context, voice tone etc, but the 'fat' as noun 'grubas' is considered rude no matter the context. but I guess even in english I would find it offensive depending on situation. If someone sees you and says "OMG how fat did you get?" in high voice tone I would find it insulting same as it goes for any characteristic which is commonly considered negative. Maybe fat wasn't the best example here , used it simply as first thing coming to my mind, because I do encounter it, but another example would be 'ugly' - someone can have not the nicest face, word 'ugly' is not a vulgar one, yet saying to someone 'you're ugly' is insulting.
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Let's talk about level-restriction. It's using to discriminate people by level of earnings, to sort people by their activity level. So, it's ok to use level-restriction system to sort by their activity level but it's hypocrisy to make giveaway by level of earnings cause meanings of "giveaways" and separating people by level of earnings is contradiction.
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it's GA's creator choice to make whatever 'restrictions' he likes - it's his money he bought game with, it's his choice. Also while you may see it as discrimination others may see it as GA creator wanting just to reward people who gave away a lot. Not to mention, that it's hardly discrimination while there are many times more low level GAs on SG than there are high level GAs. Every day hundreds-thousands of lvl 0-1 GAs gets posted, while only a few lvl 10 GAs per month. Low level user will practically never run out of GAs to enter, there are too many GAs for anyone to enter them all, so noone is discriminated, there are just people using avaiable options as intended.
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Don't forget
9. People who make mostly region-restricted giveaways either to exploit cheap prices to farm CV, to shut out countries they don't like, or because all their income comes from selling Steam items, so they cannot do anything but buy games on Steam and take the region-locking consequences.
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As much as I'd love to see more and more GAs for lvl 6 or higher (better chances for me, ha! xD) I doubt lvl 6 is neccessary to fight-off bots, it seems like a quite big overkill. Ofc I'm not saying there are no bots at lvl 5 for example (we know there are even bots on lvl 10, a few big lvl 10 gifters admitted to using autojoin scripts), but I'd say that on lvl 5 population of bots is very small compared to fair users and not so noticable to say 'you gotta make lvl 6+ to avoid bots'. High bot population is mostly visible at lowest levels - 0,1,2, on 3 it alreeady significantly drops (not many people want to invest into bot too much) from there it goes lower and lower.
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If you'd bother to check before jumping to conclusions you'd see I started quite a few years ago ;p I created 400 Public GAs (including 50+ copies featured GAs) and almost 1000 private GAs publicly posted on forums, which could (and for low levels were) accessed by bots.
But I think I get it - I present actual arguments, you have no answer to them, so best form to avoid having to counter is to go "Argumentum ad personam" instead :D:
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It depends on how valuable I consider the giveaway.
The most valuable ones I give either as a invite giveaway to some of my bluehearts who wishlisted it, to the whole wishlist or a few favourite groups. There the level doesn't matter.
Other better games I give as invite only giveaways here at the forum or as public giveaways to level 4 or higher (sometimes using ;))
If it's more a crappy game or a not so popular DLC I give it to lvl2+ public.
If I just want to be sure to get rid of something I choose lvl0/1 public.
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I mostly just do whitelist giveaways and don't bother with level requirements.
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I tried that approach a few times. It always ended a bit weird. I mean, the last time I somehow I ended up giving away all my underclothes to an Elven Bard, helping a dragon with a rash, and getting drunk in a tavern. And then the Bard refused to mark Received, so I had to go on a quest to drop him into a volcano. I mean, I think. I was really drunk by that point. Anyway, the point is, dangerous things happen when you play with dice.
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Talgaby posted a fantastic list, so I will copy it with some changes:
If you want to give everyone a chance: level 0 - It is trivially easy to get to level 1, so this level really is full of bots and leechers.
If you want to filter out many bots and those that never give: level 1 - Because it's so easy to get to level 1, there are still lots of bots, but much fewer.
If you want to make a compromise between opening it to as many people as possible while also shutting out the majority of the bots: level 2 - You could reach level 2 just off of Steam cards.
If you want to further minimise the amount of bots and want the active user base to participate: level 4 or 5
If you want to maximise the chances for the game to be played: level 5 or 6 (Or the Playing Appreciated group!)
There is no real point to go over level 6.
If you want a good midway ground, level 1 or level 2 is letting enough people in to quell your conscience while shutting out most of the bots.
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I usually do level 2, and at the very least, level 1. Level 1 requires giving away a single game with CV, which you can literally get off DIG for 5-10 cents. Those who are level zero either probably don't realize that or don't care enough to do it. I more often choose level 2 than level 1 though because it isn't that restrictive but still hopefully filters out a decent amount of the bots/auto-joiners.
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I find 2 is pretty safe for making sure its marked as received. If its a really good game I'll raise it so those who contribute have a better chance.
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I want to give away games but I can never decide the level requirement. I feel like everyone should have a chance of getting the game. Especially people who can't give away games because they don't have any in the first place. So how do you decide? Or maybe I just don't understand the system. Thanks.
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