You frequently blacklist people?
maybe gachifags blacklisted you because you are weeb ?
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I think blacklisting has its place. I blacklist people I see being very out and out rude, or post sexist/racist/homophobic things - if you're a dickhead, a misogynist, or a neo-nazi, I don't want you to have a chance at winning a giveaway I hold. I'm not giving you a game! Foh
On the other hand, sometimes blacklisting is relatively benign. I know some people blacklist people who win one of their giveaways just because they don't want the same person to win another game from them, to make it more fair for other people.
I don't think there's many users who actively use the site and the forums that has absolutely zero blacklists. If you get a few, don't worry about it.
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People blacklist because they can. That's all you need to know.
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People will BL for anything. You might have had an opinion in a discussion somebody didn't like, perhaps you even dared question someting someone said Oh NO - you didn't...., like you said perhaps because they don't like your GA:s, if they don't like the colour of your shoes, if they think you just might torture chickens in your free time You MONSTER!, etc, etc, etc. For any reason really.
Even the most friendly, the most generous GA creator here will have a few blacklists on them - so you shouldn't worry too much about this.
And it is better now, before you could blacklist someone and still enter their GA:s. Today when you BL someone you are blocked from ther GA:s too, that cut down the drama a lot.
But there are a few general things that will annoy people that you should keep in mind to minimize your BL:s if you are worried about them still;
Read the descriptions on GA:s - Many times there will be bits of info there about what the creator doesn't want you to do. Just don't do it. And if it says 'No thanks needed', that usually means the meaningless I-have-joined-Thank-You, not the I-won-it-Thank-You.
Don't use scripts to auto-join GA's. You cant then follow the advise above.
Be respectful in comments/discussions.Be aware that a strongly voiced opposite opinion might get you a BL, many times maybe not from the person you are arguing with, but from others reading. Try to be on point and not write anything when your pulse is up - the text tends to get shall we say snotty that way... You are absolutely allowed (and I think you should) voice your opinion in the matters you discuss, but spend a second to think about how you present them, that's going to make all the difference. We all like to discuss at times - sometimes even heatedly - but we don't like being laughed at or belittled even when we clearly are wrong, ;-).
Rulebreaking - read the FAQ.
Just enjoy the site, have fun, all will be good. You will probably get a few more blacklists but it's really nothing to bother yourself about.
Hey - the type pf person that will BL you for nothing might just not be the type of person You'll want to interact with anyway, now is it?
And just as a little proof I'll show you my stats on the matter, see that sudden rise at the end? Snotty comment written when my pulse was up...
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I blacklist those foreign types while I shout things like, Get off my land and MURICA :D
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extrem bad ratio and gaining high lvl only with region restricted giveaways.
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Well I whitelist every person I won game from, but was thinking about whitelisting people that sent a lot of games but didn't won that much.
If I want to avoid leechers I will just make GA with higher level. The only problem is with people that don't mark games as received for more than 7 days and maybe I will blacklist them in future.
That's all :)
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thanks a bunch, Tix.
just a tip, for you: i know your account needs CV. i craved for for CV.
one time (it happened actually twice) a whitelisted user didn't click on received, after 2 weeks. made a few clicks, here and there. more than a month passed.
when he was back home, from hospital, he activated three or four games of those giveaways waiting for a Received.
cavasansdire, he's one of the best buddies met here :P
so my tip could be: try to not blacklist. make a few clicks, check him here and there, have fun and enjoy this crazy world of g i v e a w a y s
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As you have already gathered from previous comments, blacklisting is done for any reason. Whitelisting is similar. What I have to offer you is three tips.
Welcome to SteamGifts, and enjoy your stay. )
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number 2 for me, please!
also, as you're "SG fresh", wanted to ask you quite the opposite:
now you know that, if i blacklist you, you will not see my giveaways anymore. do you know, instead, where to look if i whitelist you?
(asking this cause it took me ages to discover that! :P)
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Reasons for me blacklisting? Usually terrible ratios for high amounts of years, and the occasional asshole.
Reasons for anyone blacklisting? <Insert reason here>
If a reason exists, you can definitely find someone who will blacklist you for it ;-;
Hope you have fun here <3
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Exactly except with a 5 because 5 looks sorta like s and this is sg so rule 35
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I was included in the blacklist by three users for uploading this song:
(If it was not this video it was another, but the same song... By the way, it comes out in Spec Ops The Line
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Well, I do blacklist for difference of opinions in a way (like when people are being homophobic, racist and so on). Being really rude or intentionally breaking site rules can also be a reason for me. Also sometimes being a vocal fan of Putin. That's maybe a lot.
As for blacklisting for making giveaways, I think that's ridiculous. And yeah, I can't stand anime, but I don't get blacklisting for basically a difference in tastes.
I got blacklisted for preferring cats to dogs, for describing my audio setup, for quoting a game developer who'd advised to pirate his game. And, of course, I got blacklisted for making giveaways (SGTools protected trains are apparently the most sure way to get blacklisted). As many people have already written, it's a part of everyday SG life, you'll have to get used to it if you plan to stay here.
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I was blacklisted several times only because I live in CIS and my giveaways can be region locked (so they mean they can't enter my giveawsys, so I should not enter in their). ) But people forget, what humble keys can be not region locked.)
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People blacklists for pretty much everything, some people blacklist if you don't say thanks, others if you say thanks.. Others if you got a bad won-gifted ratios.. Others for comments on whatever, and some people blacklist if you win something from them so you wont win anything more from them (to give others a chance I guess?)
The other day I got blacklisted by someone that gifted Abstractism (the game with the potential cryptomining) and I just said the winner should do its research because game may or may not have one (as some people have seen the game doesn't have a miner)
And he started attacking me, call me a dick (even when I said it the most polite way) and blacklisted me... So yeah, people blacklists for everything
Also, I have no doubts you got blacklisted for doing this post, people blacklist people that complains about blacklists
I blacklist if the person is an ass (I've found some people on the forums) or if he regifts my game (of if he regifts any game, like the Citadel one or the From the Sky one).. I only got like 5 or 7 people blacklisted and like 40 or so whitelisted.. Sadly can't do much giveaways as the economy in Venezuela sucks, but once I'm able to move out I'll probably do more
Long story short: people will blacklist you for anything, some people blacklist just because.. Heck I even have someone on a Discord group that I never said something bad at him and we talk very good on the group.. he did a SG giveaway and I found out I was blacklisted, yet we talk on the group daily.. So yeah, you shouldn't care too much
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Hi, I am new on the site and today I got blacklisted by some people and I was wanting to know if this behaviour is usual arround here. Usually I would thought that you blacklist people for not activating gifts or for difference of opinions in forums. But that does not seem to be the case yet. Then based on my limited activity I thought about the possible causes and ended with a couple of possible reasons.
The first is to get blacklisted for creating giveaways of trash games. But since those giveaways get entries I understand that there are people interested in them? and also if you don't like to see those giveaways isn't better to hide those games?
The second is being blacklisted for creating a giveaway for a game which the following day was given for free (CandySnake). And again isn't better to hide the game? or maybe I should requested to delete the giveaway?
Maybe there are other reasons of which I don't realize, so what do you the community think?
Sorry for the bad english (not native). Also I am aware that this post may only raise the blacklist count but ... I was curious.
EDIT: Those were way much more positive answers than what I was expecting. Now I see steamgifts has a good community, thanks!
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