How much do you think we'll get?
Hopefully I at least pass 400 so I can say I matched a community train
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Bumperino, hope I can contribute with something soon
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I have! It's an amazing game, but that was definitely an unintended reference lol
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Holy crap I'm actually getting carts thanks peoplez <3
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I think it was a good idea to remove the game value requirement because I don't think it serves any purpose. Nobody gets anything for creating giveaways for this event, so why does anyone care if someone gives a game worth $1 or $10? There will just be a larger total number of giveaways without the requirement and I don't see why anyone wouldn't want that. If a user can't find the time to click though a long list of games to enter giveaways, they probably don't have the time to actually play the game if they win it and maybe they should leave it for someone who wants to play it.
I could understand only allowing games that have not been free so that we don't have to click through tons of the same game if there is a free game giveaway during the event and lots of people decide to create giveaways for it, but that also cuts out a lot of games that were free years ago that many users missed out on and would want to enter. Maybe a good rule would be "Don't create a giveaway for a game that you got for free after April 20th".
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While that's a good idea, I would have no way of really tracking that, and some people might buy that game legit and didn't realize it was free, or they get it for free and say they bought it legit. That, and most free games have an expiry date that may not work with the time limit. Still, thanks for the input <3
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It's just a friendly community event with no real benefit for creating giveaways, so there's not really any need to keep track of anything :)
We don't need the rule anyway. I don't think there are that many users that would create giveaways to post here that they just got for free when they know we can also get a free copy. It's just a few more clicks anyway, doesn't bother me. To be honest, I would welcome it. It would create more work for the people that don't want to bother clicking through a really long train and I think that would be a good thing.
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43 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by lostsoul67
47 Comments - Last post 40 minutes ago by TazPT
30 Comments - Last post 59 minutes ago by Icepick87
156 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by MagnificentOne
33 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Gramis
260 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by Adamdoodles
2,433 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by Spiralll
313 Comments - Last post 2 minutes ago by Sykon
9 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by Zaugr
1,316 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Myklex
71 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by unblest
11 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by Tucs
6,987 Comments - Last post 45 minutes ago by knsys
129 Comments - Last post 54 minutes ago by shadowshiv
THIS TRAIN IS NOW OVER! We have reached a total of 1326 carts. although 1 ended a bit early and three were removed. You may want to look at the game LevTaylor did at 1000 and the last one that Khalaq did for us, I know a lot of people want those games
Game edit: GUACAMELEE! SUPER TURBO CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION is currently free on Humble. While it does expire after this giveaway chain, it is only a day or so after. If you do giveaway this game, make sure to clarify where it's from and the expiry date.
Second game edit: (166) (165) (570)
These giveaways for icaio were deleted for reasons unknown. Cart owners who have carts next to those, please put the one above each number on your next or one below each number as your previous. (569-571, 571-569.) I don't feel like asking all 1000+ carts to renumber because of this, but if you want to fill up these slots you could. Just comment not only on the number before and after but also here.
So, I decided to look at the stats of giveaways this year only to find out just like last year, this has been an all time low since 2015! In fact, February has been the lowest since the February of 2015. So, I've decided to try and do a community train even though I have near no idea how to. Since I honestly don't have much to say, let's put some rules! These will be the same value as before, with a slight quirk. I've removed against my better judgement the rule of game value, so you can put a game of any value. This is mainly so people don't need to derail their cars. All other rules are the same. The previous ones were made by Xarlor with 577 carts reached, usercar007 with 421 carts reached including 4 bonus and FiddlerOnTheWeb who reached a whopping 4500 carts.
Must end May 21st 2019 EST at any time (I will accept a few hours difference as per time zones)
No region restrictions
Set to "Invite Only"
Set Contributor Level no higher than 3
Post URL in the comments of the last cart in the train.
If there is already a link for another cart in the comments of the last cart, wait until a new cart is added.
Number your cart in the description.
You can do games that aren't released if you want.
I can't really stop people from making Profile Feature Limited games (As icaio and maruten helpfully reminded me exist), but if you notice a game is of that variety, please tell the creator posthaste. And if you can enter a game even if you own it, don't.
The train stops accepting carts around May 21st 2019 EST. I will leave a giveaway at what I'll declare as the last station. If you add carts before I declare one as the last, that's fine. But afterwards will not be counted as part of the train.
Check your GA comments regularly until you get a link for the next cart. That way, you can add the link to your NEXT and thus continue the train. I'll start off with This.
Please comment down below if I missed anything, or failed anything hardcore.
Edit 1: Read 9000 one as >9000, I can't edit it ;-;
Edit 2: Passed community train 2!
Edit 3: Passed community train 1!
Edit 4: LevTaylor says he'll throw in a game from the top 10 wishlisted on SG if we reach 1000 by May 18th so I guess there's that
Edit 5: We passed 1000!
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