EXCITED DELIRIUM EVERYONE ! :D:D:D good for ur health ! :D:D
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Damn, I hit that wall of text and broke a knee. I better take some random antibiotics I found in the cupboard, just in case.
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It's not what they do with their health. Well, it freaks me when people make uninformed decisions. Also when they give bad advice to people.
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I've sort of done that. Like, recently my left pointer finger started hurting (it's been a month, still does); I went to WebMD and concluded it must be broken, so I went to my doctor and explained the symptoms just to make sure. He gave me anti-inflamatory pills...my finger still hurts.
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Hm, no private giveaways opened, too bad I didn't check before reading all of this :(
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Yeah ,this was the forum I happened to be at when the rant invaded me D:
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There's people out there that actually believe all that crap.
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But I play medic in TF2! Surely I'm qualified to offer medical advice to strangers over the internet?
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Only if you Übercharge them.
Also, that Pyro is a spy!
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With topics such as these im just being constantly reminded how much i'm in peace with myself by caring so little about things, so thank you for that. All is good
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Ignorance is a bliss they say.
But seriously, you all can die for what I care if you insist in being stupid, but don't make others die because of your stupidity.
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Personally, I wholly recommend smoking modest amounts of powdered bleach. I find it relaxes me to the point of near stupor, releases a cascade of endorphins and helps me take a more ambivalent stance toward the stupidity of my fellow man.
Totally recommended. Forget the risks, kids. YOLO...
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I am pretty sure they found a possible connection between THC and positive effects regarding cancer. I wont bother looking them up though because I know what kind of people you are talking about and I agree completely (that and finding any real medical research is difficult in a sea of crazy). Smoking weed is hardly the same as getting THC related medication and doesnt cure cancer so much as it cures the side effects of cancer treatment.
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I never said there's no therapeutical uses of compounds found on weed. They can be used for a number of things, but one thing is that and another it's claiming it's healthy.
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It was not the THC (that one gets you high) but CBD (this one makes you...calm? stoned? dunno). Basically, if you just want to smoke weed you get a plant with high THC (probably some sativa), and where legal, hospitals get CBD high, THC low ones (usually indica). Thats what Ive read so far. CBD relaxes some muscles and eases problems that people have with chemo nausea while also having some pain suppresing effects. But its all too new and people are too touchy about this subject, so I doubt we will be certain soon. More like one or more decades.
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People are not touchy about anything. I'm goint to reiterate myself here. Give articles supporting your claims. I'll take them into account, and I do agree that some chemicals present in weed are or could be useful. But there's a difference.
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Wikipedia points to this article, still no point in smoking weed though because thats a very inefficient way of administering medication.
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By people I mean general public. Ignoring any articles, studies etc. Say something positive about cannabis and chances are people will:
Call you an addict (now Im ignoring how addictive it is compared to everyday "drugs" like coffee, alcohol or smoking)
Say you are wrong
Mention that it doesnt matter since its illegal (in most places) anyway
Only a small group are open minded enough to agree, that in the future, we might see something good come out of what is nowdays in most places illegal and comparable to taking really hard chemical stuff like metamphetamine, heroin, cocaine or LSD. Which I find funny, since one of the pills I daily take contains substituted amphetamine.
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In studies, what's just as important as the findings are the methods of measurements and data input. As a statistician, I know how easy it is to manipulate data so that "connections" can be found between factor X and factor Y. But yeah, I agree alot of people don't know what they are talking about when they just correlate two variables.
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I'm not a native English speaker so I'd appreciate if instead of being a bich over things like that you stick to the content and not the container. Thanks.
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Lol... if you're going to tell people to get a"f***ing clue" at least get yourself a dictionary. If you want people to take what you have seriously, you need to at least sound like you know what you're talking about. Butchering a word like "psychological" - this is one you should know how to spell.
That and don't sound like a "bich" when you want to offer advice or address a group of individuals in order to help them really think about things rather than taking everything at face value. You also won't be taken seriously.
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Well, if you are going to dismiss the whole message for a typo or two go ahead. Keep the ad hominems coming.
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Oh FFS. MrCastiglia's English is better than many of the native speakers on here and, whether you agree with his views or not, he is easily one of Steamgifts' more eloquent posters.
If the apex of your forum activity is making snide remarks about other people's spelling - people for whom English isn't even their first language - then you'd do everyone a favour by hanging up your keyboard and skulking back under whatever rock you crawled out from...
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Well, a bunch of factors joined together and I was really mad with the world. So that's where the tone came from. Also I didn't proofread it either, so well. I might have overlooked some gramatical and spelling mistakes.
What's that attitude you talk about anyways? I don't know if you do, but I don't like my health or other's being played with.
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"Butchering a word like 'psychological' - this is one you should know how to spell."
Because obviously people can only form some more complex thoughts in English, right? They can't think in their own native tongue, then translate it to another language and make some mistakes in translation, right? Because that must most obviously mean the original thought they had is either uninformed, dumb or otherwise invalid.
What a f-in' genius you are. Really.
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haha actually the moment i saw that word and OP's name i automatically assumed he's spanish with english as a second language. he could have been italian or something else so i could have been wrong, but it looked more like an ESL error than a matter of literacy like you assumed.
i partially agree with your other point. people are naturally defensive of the opinions they've carefully cultivated, because they're invested in them and they coincide with their conception of the world. it's not very helpful to resort to personal attacks to make a point, as people will feel insulted and ignore the meat - many of the positive responses you'll get are people who already know your arguments and agree with them. in a sense a big long rant doesn't serve as much more than self-gratification.
OP is right, no doubt about it. but there's just no sense in getting pissed off at people for something like this. sure their reasoning may be based on weak inductive arguments but frankly a lot of the things we know for "fact" is based on induction and trust, which meshes with our reward system i.e. letting a trusted colleague teach us correct facts 90% of the time is often helpful because we don't have to spend our own time researching the truth. i can see why it seems contemptible but stupid people are victims more than anything else.
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Yeah, I'm Spanish, where did I give myself away?
Anyways, I do agree that it could not have been the best way of presenting my point. But as I've said I've lately been in my nerves lately, and that was like the straw that broke my back, so I had either to write this or bash some skulls and I think I took the right decision.
Anyways I do get mad, because there's actually people who are either too naïve or too uninformed to accept, if you may forgive my words here, such bullshit as people often claim to be true on the Internet (more than anywhere else, but I'm also against recommending pills to friends or relatives and so on) I don't know. I really can't concieve how people talk so lightly about things that could even cause your death, so lightly and with such a entitlement.
Also feel free to point out any akward sentence constructions or things of the sort you think that might need improving.
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There have been many studies linking weed smoking with less birth defects, increased infant cognitive development, lower chance of heart disease, and plenty more. Also weed does cure cancer, and also treats conditions like Parkinson and Alzheimer. so chill out with your hatred on weed.
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But if you try hard enough, you can make anything study say one thing or another... similar to your "studies linking weed smoking with less birth defects" there have also been studies saying that drinking while pregnant is good for cognitive development. People that put that kind of crap out should be shot.
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drinking while pregnant is definitely a good idea. the study i read said that it allows the mom to relieve stress and stress free mom = healthy baby. Alcohol is mostly ethanol, which the body converts to ethylene, which is a natural growth hormone.
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Have you even understood what I try to say? I dare to say you didn't. I don't hate weed, why would I?
Also, link those studies. And they have to be scientifically correct, using double-blind method and statistically significative.
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One sentence about weed in a whole article = article is about weed.
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It's probably worth pointing out that there is a sad tendency in today's scientific (and especially medical) landscape that the majority of the findings in published scientific studies are actually false. This isn't some crackpot conspiracy theory, it's a simple observation derived from clear and logical statistical methodology (meta analysis) employed on the very methodology of the studies in question. And, yes, this finding was published in a study. Far from being ironic, the point is that in an overwhelming majority of hundreds of published scientific articles that were analysed, the authors of these studies have failed to correctly employ statistics and methodology, or their data analysis was of (not necessarily conscious) self-serving nature, and their research findings are thus skewed.
If you don't feel like wading through the original paper, the Wall Street Journal sums it up here. In short, chances are that a study that touts the benefits of so-and-so substance/treatment/you name it isn't as accurate as it purports itself to be.
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I doubt I'd ever take medical advice from a forum....caus it's a forum.
It's the internet, so need to take everything with a pinch of salt (that isn't medical advice).
Even though there are countless more qualified or
knowledgeable people on this forum than
me, I have no real way if knowing who they are and who is just claiming to be informed.
I mean, people can write anything!
Future revolutionary leader.
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What's that revolution going to be based on? I'm good at getting mad with things.
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You sound pretty angry maybe this is a symptom for something? I found this let me give you some medical advice cos you know you could be pregnant N' all. First and foremost get a pregnancy test if true give birth but only feed it from your bosom for its more healthy and medically sound if false happy days :D
Happy to give more advice at 0800-555-SGADVICE
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Do people really say that weed is good for you? Sure, it can have some positive benefits but inhaling any smoke into your lungs is inherently going to have negative consequences.
That being said, I favor legalizing all drugs and focusing efforts on education and rehabilitation so people don't make stupid uninformed decisions. I'm generally not a fan of making laws that protect people from themselves.
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Smoking weed has all the medical issues regular smoking does (in fact, more, because there's no regulations governing blunts; they tend to be unfiltered, say.)
But that's not the only way to take it. Brownies with weed in them aren't substantially more dangerous than brownies without weed in them, and as long as you're not about to drive or operate heavy machinery, the most dangerous ingredient is probably still the sugar.
More generally, the laws against marijuana prevent us from developing and encouraging safe ways like that to use it. And they're stupid laws, because THC (the stuff in them that gets you high) isn't any more dangerous than any one of a thousand things doctors prescribe for pain every single day. It's a potentially-useful substance that's banned purely because of an enduring moral panic.
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In many countries it remains banned, while substances with NO benefits and plenty of proven detrimental effects on health are not only legalised, but practically state-sponsored, providing a healthy stream of tax "revenue" for governments, while the health effects will only hit the nation in the pockets long after they have been voted out of power.
While I would argue vociferously against legalising socially ruinous drugs such as heroin, I am fairly ambivalent about the legalisation of "soft" drugs like marijuana, but there is a tremendous amount of hypocrisy and borderline hysteria surrounding the issue which seems to muddy the waters when it comes to having a calm and logical debate about the issue.
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tobaco is not state-sponsored (at least not in Portugal) and my government has been hiting hard on the tobaco laws. the problem is the following argument-people only smoke because they want. If people stoped buying it, it wouldn't probably legal.
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There's a difference. Prescription drugs are prescribed. Marihuana is used as a recreational drug.
Also I'm not really in favour of drug penalization as Portugal seems to be doing rather well without it, if I'm not mistaken, but that's not the point I'm wanting to raise here.
Also how on earth is sugar more dangerous? I'd love to hear more, and please, back those claims.
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well, NCBI articles normally put Portugal in almost the top of europe in terms of percentage of drug users. the thing is that my country has very few organazations that take data to use in epidemologic research. i remember reading an article that said AIDS prevalence decreased all over europe with the introduction of retroviral treatment with the exception of portugal because in Portugal drug users didn't get the retroviral treatment.
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Dear SG user,
I'm adressing you mostly because of one simple thing. And that is, that if you like to throw medical advice around and you are no health professional or have the very least idea of what the fuck you are talking about, well. I sincerely hope you burn in hell.
I have no ill intentions towards any of you, random strangers surfing the internet. But there's only one thing that really pisses me off, that could make me kill people with my bare hands, is those kind of persons that like to start spurting random medical and mostly made up data without having not a fucking clue of what they are talking about.
If by this point you are wondering why am I writing this, well I'll answer you, it's mostly because of the weed topic, well that one and the previous cigar one. I could go into more insight but if you say, weed fights cancer, you better back it up by some SCIENTIFIC research. And, no dear stranger, articles published in a website named www.legalize.it are not SCIENTIFIC. If you are not familiar with the Scientific Method and the procedures a drug has to go through to be considered as effective and safe to use I'd gladly explain them to you later on. But please STOP GIVING FUCKING MEDICAL ADVICE.
You are playing with your life and everyone else's, can't you see it? Every time you automedicate, every fucking time you say, Hey have this amoxicilyn for that headache, they cured me. every fucking single time you say things of the sort as weed is healthy, there's no problem in taking steroids. I'm doing a ketogenic diet and I'm perfectly well, it's totally safe. YOU MIGH BE CAUSING DAMAGE TO SOMEONE. And not psicologycal one, but physical and sometimes irreversible one. Not to mention that by using medicines badly, and that is any of the following:
Not fullfilling treatments.
To name the two main ones, you are creating SUPERBUGS, bacteria and viruses develop resistences to medication. I will gladly go into further detail if someone is interested, but what you are doing is causing a lot of health problems. Did you know that penicillin is almost useless now in many of its forms? [citation needed]
So that's it. Be aware that everything can and eventually will kill you. Jesus Christ, you will die of breathing too much if you don't do so before by other means. And now I'll quote Paracelsus Alle Dinge sind ein Gift und nichts ist ohne Gift. Allein die Dosis macht, daß ein Ding kein Gift ist that is roughly The dose makes the poison
All the drugs used daily are lethal in some dosis or another, there's something called therapeutical margin that determines in which concentrations they are safe to use. For example Digoxin will cause hallucinations if overdosed. Paracetamol will destroy your liver and Aspirin will pierce your stomach. That is, if they are not used properly. So please for your own benefit and everybody's, do so. I beg you.
Now into the weed topic, something having medical uses does not mean it's healthy. Did you know that heroin can be used to stop cough? And cocaine is a good local anaesthesic? Now, would you recommend someone to have those? That's it. I'm not saying you shouldn't or should smoke weed, or inject yourself heroin. But be aware of the risk and act consecuently, and most important be able to take an informed decisition.
So, please, next time you are going to take some Augmentine because your head hurts or you have a cold, or you want to claim that there's no such thing as cancer, or that it can be cured through meditation. Please, fucking refrain.
A future Pharmacist.
TL;DR: Don't be an asshole
Alternate version provided by Misha
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