Dear SG user,

I'm adressing you mostly because of one simple thing. And that is, that if you like to throw medical advice around and you are no health professional or have the very least idea of what the fuck you are talking about, well. I sincerely hope you burn in hell.

I have no ill intentions towards any of you, random strangers surfing the internet. But there's only one thing that really pisses me off, that could make me kill people with my bare hands, is those kind of persons that like to start spurting random medical and mostly made up data without having not a fucking clue of what they are talking about.

If by this point you are wondering why am I writing this, well I'll answer you, it's mostly because of the weed topic, well that one and the previous cigar one. I could go into more insight but if you say, weed fights cancer, you better back it up by some SCIENTIFIC research. And, no dear stranger, articles published in a website named are not SCIENTIFIC. If you are not familiar with the Scientific Method and the procedures a drug has to go through to be considered as effective and safe to use I'd gladly explain them to you later on. But please STOP GIVING FUCKING MEDICAL ADVICE.

You are playing with your life and everyone else's, can't you see it? Every time you automedicate, every fucking time you say, Hey have this amoxicilyn for that headache, they cured me. every fucking single time you say things of the sort as weed is healthy, there's no problem in taking steroids. I'm doing a ketogenic diet and I'm perfectly well, it's totally safe. YOU MIGH BE CAUSING DAMAGE TO SOMEONE. And not psicologycal one, but physical and sometimes irreversible one. Not to mention that by using medicines badly, and that is any of the following:

  • Not fullfilling treatments.

  • Automedicating.

To name the two main ones, you are creating SUPERBUGS, bacteria and viruses develop resistences to medication. I will gladly go into further detail if someone is interested, but what you are doing is causing a lot of health problems. Did you know that penicillin is almost useless now in many of its forms? [citation needed]

So that's it. Be aware that everything can and eventually will kill you. Jesus Christ, you will die of breathing too much if you don't do so before by other means. And now I'll quote Paracelsus Alle Dinge sind ein Gift und nichts ist ohne Gift. Allein die Dosis macht, daß ein Ding kein Gift ist that is roughly The dose makes the poison

All the drugs used daily are lethal in some dosis or another, there's something called therapeutical margin that determines in which concentrations they are safe to use. For example Digoxin will cause hallucinations if overdosed. Paracetamol will destroy your liver and Aspirin will pierce your stomach. That is, if they are not used properly. So please for your own benefit and everybody's, do so. I beg you.

Now into the weed topic, something having medical uses does not mean it's healthy. Did you know that heroin can be used to stop cough? And cocaine is a good local anaesthesic? Now, would you recommend someone to have those? That's it. I'm not saying you shouldn't or should smoke weed, or inject yourself heroin. But be aware of the risk and act consecuently, and most important be able to take an informed decisition.

So, please, next time you are going to take some Augmentine because your head hurts or you have a cold, or you want to claim that there's no such thing as cancer, or that it can be cured through meditation. Please, fucking refrain.


A future Pharmacist.

TL;DR: Don't be an asshole


Alternate version provided by Misha

11 years ago*

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It's always interesting to see someone you feel identified through words.

11 years ago

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Why would you believe a random guy on the internet? Even in medical facts, the only safe person to ask is your doctor.

11 years ago

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People do. A lot. If they didn't this would not have place here. But trust me, many people are eager to believe whatever crap you throw at them. If not see all those conspiracy theories.

11 years ago

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As a medschool student I can feel your pain, once in a forum someone believed that cancer was actually caused by candida and you could get cured using Sodium bicarbonate facepalm

This theory was created by Dr. Tullio Simoncini and the guy after reading his site went crazy with Conspiracy theories and some other bullshit :D

More info here, but it's all in italian D:

11 years ago

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I had a quick look at it. And it's total bullshit. I think that the fine he got is nowhere near what he should have been punished with.

11 years ago

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OP makes a good point. However, what are we to do? Rely solely on Medical Advice from professionals?

My mother has cancer, and lives in europe (Vague on purpose). All the doctors there hate Cannabis, and it is highly illegal. She is dying. no two ways about it. She was dying, and in significant pain. One day she switched doctor's yet again, and he suggest Cannabis, and dosage of it. We had to be very secretive. My mother is doing a lot better. Now, I'm not saying it cured her cancer at all. 1 thing is for certain, that her pain became much more manageable, and her mood improved greatly. Perhaps (not a medical expert here), this had an effect on her recovery. Gave her the strength to fight, to eat that extra meal, or ask that extra question that mattered to her doctor.
Now I say all this while not being a medical expert. I say all this without being able to find a reputable scientific source. I say this as a person who does not use drink/smoke/drugs of almost any kind (legit prescriptions), unless absolutely required. There is a legitimate basis, to trust in others "Amateur and lack of knowledge" in terms of medicine. Always take the source of such testimonials with a grain of salt, yes, but sometimes it really does mean something. Determining cause & effect can be difficult for these stories, as people can interpret the effects of fringe treatment idiotically. Regardless, the Placebo Effect is a legitimate phenomenon. So, If someone dying of untreatable cancer is told that drinking the juice of this magic fruit will cure them, who cares? Let them believe it, maybe it will help.

TL;DR Op story good, lot's of truth. Not perfect, as there is legitimacy in fringe medicine sometimes, as all medicine tends to be "fringe" before it becomes "legit".

11 years ago

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I'll write a proper answer later. Thanks for your input. And sorry to hear about your mother.

11 years ago

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All right. Thanks for your concern. Apologies if it was too "aggressive" or anything. Intent was not to insult or be mean.

11 years ago

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No problems. Actually it's a rather calmed way of expressing yourself having in mind my initial tone, I'm quite vehement when expressing myself so I understand other people when do so too.

And yes, you are right. You are almost completely right but there's a point or two you might have missed. :)

I completely agree with you in that there are bad (and really bad) practitioners out there. Medics that have next to no idea of what they are doing, that are corrupted by the evil pharmaceutical companies or simply a good medic can have a bad day and overlook a symptom leading to a bad diagnosis or prescription. The thing is that chances of that happening among professionals are rather lower than when you seek advice in your nearest fishmonger or the first result of a google search.

Anyways, what you've said is true. The Placebo effect is something to take into account (Jeez, it's what makes Homeopathy still a thing, don't tell anyone, but I'd kill all the homeopaths) but the problem is when said people decide to leave their current treatment in the seek of a "better" one. Or if there is any interactions between that and their current medication. That's where problems show up.

And you are completely right that weed can be a good complementation for a chemotherapy treatment. As the main problem with those is that they make it rather hard to eat so people start feeling weaker and weaker. Weed actually helps into making them eat some food and well, it can change their mood.

I'm not antidrug nor prodrug. I'm only pro-information and antistupid choices. That's all. I'm the first one to question every single treatment I get and I avoid taking pills as much as I can. But I do it by informing myself into reliable sources. Which sadly, and I mean it, are not accessible for anyone. I don't like that knowledge is so difficult to obtain.

Anyways, feel free to ask any question you wish or debate further.

Cheers. And best luck for all of you.

11 years ago

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Huh. Yeah, I uh... Don't have much to add. I pretty much agree with you on all your points. If this was an argument, it's the worst one ever.

Thanks for making this Post. Any conversations like this, no matter how passionate, are excellent. Everyone comes out learning and understanding a bit more. With this subject matter, a little learning & understanding is very important.


11 years ago

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If the idea of other people being wrong makes you want to murder people, then you should seek help.

11 years ago

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You should seek for help too. That reading comprehension of yours need improving.

11 years ago

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Chill guys, smoke some weed. Is good.

11 years ago

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^ = Inappropriate trolling

11 years ago

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The time

11 years ago

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To be honest, it serves anyone right who seeks for medical advice on this website. Sure, I'd say SHUT UP if I knew every medical detail, but then again, who would expect professional medical replies on SG?

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MrCastiglia.