If you played a moba before and have some experience yes, if not, get the fuck outta here.
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Nope, but you will be when everybody is going to cut you in pieces when you have no idea of Dota.
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^ Average Dota player
He is right, stay away from shit community.
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This is very true...The exception is that in games like Counter-Strike you aren't stuck with the complete noobs for 40 minutes + in one game unless your scrimming, Therefore giving the impression that Dota 2 is a garbage community...It's exactly the same, your just putting more of other peoples time on the line when your horrible lol
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I disagree 100%, never have a entered another multi-player game and have been treated that badly. In other games even if you are terrible people will help or at least be like, "hey go there defend this" but in Dota2 as soon as you show that you are new its "#%$% GETDA *&&^ OUT NEWB!"
Only game I ever experienced such elitisms. Hell even L4d which some consider to have a bad community is more forgiving and nice.
No offense taken, we just see it different is all.
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I went into my first Dota game expecting LoL, and I pushed a bunch of buttons I shouldn't have. My team was like, "It's all good, here's what you do." I find the community to be quite pleasant as I'm not terrible at MOBA, just new to Dota controls.
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Learn the outlets in game where you can learn it rather than joining matchmaking and making it a painful experience for everybody...this game isn't like tf2 or hello kitty island adventure, its much more competitive and if you don't know the game your wasting 40 minutes of the other individuals on your teams time
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And theres a difference to League of Legends? In LoL people report you for beeing active in the chat as spammer,if you dont say a word they report you for refusing to communicate with the team, if you die due to 1vs5 ganks they report you for feeding on purpose. If you dont help the team and die a lot they report you for solo play, if you die a lot they report you for feeding :)))
I see what Riot did there, fu cking opened a gate to hell and insanity. Btw you can pay the fees for the suicide hotline with riotpoints aswell.
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Can't agree more. It's like having a special sandbox on the playground that all the mentally challenged bullies go to. Regardless of how great it is, the company is a dealbreaker.
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Totally agree. It's the typical example of more bad guys spawning in a larger community.
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You can play co-op against bots.
Maybe the tutorial will improve once Dota 2 gets "officially" released (as in "available in the Steam store")
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I love playing with bots for practice. The thing is you have to practice with friends because the team AI sucks bad. Opposing team will stick at the 30-minute mark. While Team AI pretends that nothing has happened.
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The community is not very forgiving if you are new to MOBA games.
I prefer the LoL community.
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"LoL community is same as in Dota ;P if you're noob you should just delate the game and kill yourself :D"
Very mature comment, but sadly the majority of the MOBA communities is like that.
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WC3: DotA
DotA 2
Demigod (never played it, I heard it's pretty dead)
League of Legends
Rise of Immortals (played it, didn't like it)
Heroes of Newerth (haven't played it)
(Super) Monday Night Combat (which in my book are FPS MOBA)
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HAY! I PLAYED DEMIGOD! And then it was the end of the week, and I found something else. ;)
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mu online is an rpg(and a pretty good one actually). dota is a moba which means massively online battle arena. dota community is really really unforgiving because there is a lot to know you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of every character in the game to be even remotely good at it. because there is a huge char base + items with thousands of combinations between them. it has a high learning curve and the community at MOBA games is not helpful for that matter because people are just too competetive.
-Source: 6 years of dota experience and various moba games over the last 2 years
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No other multi-player game is this bad community wise, at least I have not seen a game with a worse one yet, and yes that includes team based games.
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What I wanted to say is that many wonderfull concepts (like persistant world MMOs with intended player created content) fail because people like to grief, kill and ruin the game experience for others.
If only you could create AIs that are as unpreditacble and creative thinking as humans, but without all the pesky emotions. :)
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By the sounds of it, you're part of the problem. I don't know why I bother saying this, since nobody looks at themselves in the mirror in the morning and says "yeah, I'm doing really good with that whole being a jerk thing." But someday you might realize it. Maybe if enough people let you in on the secret it will help.
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Someday people might realize that they need to read the instructions first before trying to build a skyscraper...but oh wait, they do...It's the same concept, and its common sense...before hopping into a game where people are going to rage at you for playing horrible, you play bot games or public lobbies...and don't be so quick to jump to assumptions...I'm not a jerk to the new players I try to help them, but other individuals not so much...Sounds like you've had some pretty bad experiences in the game based of your little name calling lol
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It's a game, not a skyscraper. And I think the most telling thing you said was right here: "...before hopping into a game where people are going to rage at you for playing horrible..." Have you ever asked yourself why DOTA is in about the 1% of games this is true for? No, you guys aren't normal, and no, it's not ok. There shouldn't be games where you get raged at, even if you are horrible.
At no point did I call you any names; I was making an analogy about people not being able to see their own faults. Truth be told, I haven't ever played DOTA2 at all, and I traded away the beta invite I got during the holiday sale, specifically because of the reputation your community has. The very same reputation you're justifying, defending, and perpetuating right here.
To quote your wittiest retort, "lol".
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Dota 2 isn't made up of the 1% of games this is true for...and making up false percentages doesn't make you appear smarter in any way...The game is considered a competitive moba and has games that last on average anywhere from 25-40 minutes...the "rage" from some individuals is to be assumed to go along with it and if you don't like it, then you don't play the game its simple...and your right the game isn't a skyscraper but lets say you never played football, lets throw you out on the field and see how many people that play every single day start to rage at you because you suck (and you say there shouldn't be games where you get raged at) its the same concept...Oh wait you never played Dota 2? no sense even arguing this then because you lack the knowledge to comment on this game...I'm done here
btw "clever insinuations" aren't analogies
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You know, I think I am as well. Everything after my first reply wasn't really for you at all (I said right there that I didn't know why I was even replying), I just thought it would make a great visual aid. You've illustrated nearly every point I've made, and better than I ever could have hoped.
I don't care how good you are, you're not getting a paycheck to play. You're no pro ball player, and this isn't the NFL. It's a game. And if you throw a new guy on a field with a group that plays a game every weekend for fun, I don't think you'd get any rage at all... What you would find are people who understand that having more players is a good thing, and people willing to let him get up to speed without trying to make him feel like he's less that a person. If not, well, those guys would be douches. Kind of like...
Anyone who was on the fence will hopefully read our conversation, and see the two different viewpoints perfectly. If they think the same way you do, I hope they join your illustrious ranks. You'll deserve each other. I haven't ever played DOTA2. I also haven't ever eaten a dog turd. That doesn't make my opinion on the subject wrong, or invalid (pass on it, by the way).
EDIT: But thanks for calling what I wrote clever, even if you can't properly identify an analogy.
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You aren't throwing people into the game for a few plays in Dota 2, its for the whole duration...It goes the same as real life, there's a bench, and there are practices during the week...That's where these individuals learn (in practice) in order to get better and that's why the game lobby's and bot games exist in Dota 2...It's the people that lack knowledge and awareness that complain about the community being total crap and that's the point that's being made here...It's a competitive game and essentially you're saying it should strictly be fun and not competitive? That contradicts the meaning of the moba genre...Try going outside and watching a group of kid's playing sports on the playground during their lunchbreak...It's not all just fun, its also extremely competitive...the same goes for Dota 2
Although your Dog turd reference was cute I never said your subject was wrong or invalid I clearly stated that your making statements without the correct knowledge to do so...Essentially based off your analogy being compared to your knowledge of Dota 2...You've never seen a dog turd in your life, yet you have an idea what it is and what it may taste like...but your then taking what somebody else told you and repackaging it into your own idea without fully knowing any supporting information from first hand experience...I'm not surprised though, because this is what a media driven society has done to us in today's day and age
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Can you name a single game that pits two players, or two teams, against each other that isn't "competitive"? Slapping a label on your game isn't carte blanche to be a douche, regardless of what you think that label means. The general gaming population regards your game as "super competitive"? Well you've heard how the general gaming population regards your community as well. If you're going to claim popular opinion makes one true, then take the other and at least own it.
As far as my dog turd reference, thanks for saying it was cute! Since you had problems... digesting... it as I had intended, let me make a better one. Have you ever seen plutonium? But you have an idea of what it is and what the merits of eating it might be (I hope). You have no first hand experience. If someone asked you if it would make a delightful snack, what would our "media driven society" have you answer?
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The difference between "our" game and others is simple...In Counter-Strike for example, sure its competitive if you aren't scrimming yet you aren't stuck with the same team for upwards of 40 minutes with no way out...CS scrimming is exactly the same as a Dota 2 game...however people don't call CS's community bad because pubbers stay in the pubs and competitive players scrim...It keeps the separated...Dota 2 has this ability, although the pubbers decide to hop into scrims...and this results in them calling the community bad
also the difference between your plutonium statement and your Dota 2 statement is that your taking something that is a known fact, and you're comparing it to something thats your personal opinion (that your basing off of a game you never played let me add)
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Sooo... I think I get it now. Your community finds it acceptable to abuse and degrade people (this is what "raging" is, don't dress it up) because this beta game doesn't have the controls to keep new players out of your matches.
And that's cool with you. Got it.
The more you talk about it, the more it sounds like the "pubbers" have you pegged.
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The community doesn't find it acceptable but it is understood why some individuals rage, when the people unaware of how to play could easily not join matchmaking and join the other modes available...As for you saying the beta game doesn't have controls to keep new players out of my matches, once again an uneducated and inaccurate statement...I have no issue with new players being in my games because I've played enough to be placed in a higher skill bracket...Pubbers have me pegged? you misread and misinterpret everything strictly for the sake of argument...the "pubbers" in Dota 2 are the competitive players, there's no gap because of the game genre...I'm not going to argue this anymore, because you don't get it, and you don't understand anything about the game besides what you've heard, read, or looked up on youtube...It's like writing a report on first hand experiences from a war, who would you ask? The veteran who was in the trenches fighting, or the Hipster on the sidewalk thousands of miles away w/ big posterboards yelling about the stuff they saw on Fox News...who would you ask for an accurate interpretation of information?...Play the game for a bit, then come back and comment when your done...Until then, have a good one
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The best way to look at it is like this...In basketball there's a reason why only 5 players are on the court where the other 8 or so are on the bench...The reason they're there is because they aren't as skilled or knowledgeable of the game to be able to participate in a In-Game situation...They don't learn the game from being thrown out onto the court, they learn in practice...the same analogy applies to Dota 2, if you aren't skilled enough to be a starter...learn in practice and build up the skills necessary to be able to compete at a similar level as the other individuals...The game isn't intended to be played for cosmetic items, and its the majority of these individuals that lack knowledge of the game who complain about the community being horrible...all because they don't take the time out to learn
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The community for this game doesn't suck...The problem lies with individuals that don't know how to play...there are bot games, and public lobbies that aren't associated through matchmaking in order for you to learn the game before joining the normal queues...The reason why people believe the community is complete crap, is because individuals that barely know the game join matchmaking and end up wasting 40 minutes of the other individuals time
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The game is great and a lot of fun with friends, plus challenging. On the other hand, most of the russians dont know what the world language means. This leads to my point which is the lack of teamplay and coop from their side. I dont have any problem with the russian players. But most of them are simply ignoring any kind of a teamplay as they cant speak english at all, they are picking extra carries when we have 2 or even more already, they never heared of the item courier and most using support heroes to get kills over carries instead of getting the teamitems like mek and such. And these are just a few things in my mind atm.
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Never played a game of this kind before (MOBA), but I started playing with a friend, he explained the game and walked me through it, and I very much enjoyed it and keep on playing.
You realy need somebody to play with you, at least at the start.
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It's a great game. I see people complaining about having teammates that wont talk english or don't know anything about the game. I don't see the problem here, as you can invite your friends to your match. But oh right your friends don't want to play that game with you because you rage at it lolololo
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Dota 2 good game ?
Its like the game MU online ?
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