I'm thinking about making a giveaway for a certain game (I'd prefer not to say which since I'm thinking of making it a holiday giveaway), but I'm unsure of the restrictions. The game I'm thinking of gifting (directly through steam) has " No cross region trading and gifting" on SteamDB, but when I tested setting up a purchase, it allowed me to get to the approve purchase page for a user in Brazil, where the game is less than half the price.

2 months ago

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You can gift to users in regions where the game is cheaper than it is to you, but not to those where the game is more expensive. Or at least that was how it worked last time I checked.

2 months ago

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I thought it was higher or lower. But basically, I would just go through all of the prices and check off the ones above 10%? Would SteamDB be missing anything that could cause a problem?

2 months ago

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It shouldn't be missing any price, at least I've never seen Steam-db be wrong about that stuff. So yeah, in theory you can gift to anyone with the same or lower price than in you region, and also those who are just very slightly higher, but I can't remember if it was 10% or something else, so I'll let someone else confirm that part.
Just keep in mind that some games have extra restrictions, like separate versions for different regions or not being giftable in some countries due to censorship or stuff like that. It's mostly 18+ games not being allowed in places like Germany but it can't hurt to make sure.

2 months ago

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The limit is 10% more expensive than your regional price. So if the game costs one buck in your region you can gift to regions where price is lower and to regions where price is up to 1.10 bucks.

2 months ago

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It also seems to work for a country where the price is 12.5% higher? Even though it shouldn't?

2 months ago

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I don't know if it's true anymore, I recently bought the new Indiana Jones game and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 from Norway to UK, it was 20% price difference (mine was cheapest), still were able to gift them.

2 months ago

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An oversight on Steam's side maybe? From my gifting experience the 10% threshold still holds true and there wasn't any announcement from Valve to say otherwise.

2 months ago

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Got someone else from different countries to try it out too, they weren't stopped by the 10% difference either a couple of days ago, would be nice to see if more people experience this :) Would be a welcomed sneaky change.

2 months ago

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I couldn't send my last blue giveaway to the UK. Although according to steamdb I could.

2 months ago

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Would be a welcomed sneaky change.

Certainly a move in the right direction on Steam's side if it was intentional which I still doubt. Most likely it's caused by Winter Sale overwhelming Valve. Still nice if you can use it to your advantage.

2 months ago

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It was prior to the sale, a week ago.

2 months ago

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