I normally wouldn't post a thread about this, but this is actively affecting one of my giveaways, for which I purchased 50 keys of this game - Invasion of Barbarians.
As far as I know, the dev has sold keys to DailyIndieGame and to GiveAway.su; they've all been revoked, they don't give any feedback and the retailers are saying they've been scammed.
Please boycott this developer and game and try to report this to Steam, as they cannot go unpunished for this. Here is my thread on the Steam Community, 0 replies from the dev.
I don't know what to do with my giveaway at this point...

7 years ago

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You should probably ask the winners to agree to delete the giveaway. You seem to have already contacted support about the issue. Good luck.

7 years ago

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Yeah good luck in finding 50 people to all agree together, if one doesn't it can't be deleted.

7 years ago*

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I couldn't think of another way. I don't think that SG support would allow you to delete the giveaway otherwise. And I really, really doubt the developer would just give them the 50 keys right after revoking the last ones.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

7 years ago

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I've the same problem with 42 GAs in sum for this game. Still waiting for response from DIG but I've my doubt that they can provide valid keys if the developer scammed them. Like you I don't know what to do with the GAs here on SG.

7 years ago

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Not 1st time when keys from DailyIndieGame revoked.. I'm not surprised if they buy keys from sites like steamground and resell. And keys from steamground could be stolen ^^

i'm sorry, but why u use scam sites like giveaway.su?
with all this tasks "add this trash to your wishlist" u broke steamgifts wishlist page
and more πŸ˜₯

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

7 years ago

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oh, your keys revoked too? ;_;

I believe dev will make announcement about this soon.

I just don't support thing like this

Please boycott this developer and game and try to report this to Steam, as they cannot go unpunished for this

We don't know what exactly happened. Ppl should report sites and steamgroups like giveaway.su, not the developer ^^

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

7 years ago

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Considering that only Devs can mass revoke keys, I can't see how the websites that sell these keys are at fault. Unless of course those websites got the keys in a shady manner, which, at least to my experience, DIG is not known for.

7 years ago

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i'm not defending developer - I'm total ok, if this game and dev will be banned from steam (right now u can buy this game on shady russian site for $0,025 with 15 000 keys in stock)
Its a business - make gabarge game, pay $100 to Volvo and generate keys for profitz

I don't know where DIG got this keys - will be interesting to read some info from site owner

7 years ago

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And I never said you did. I just pointed out that unless the store which sold those keys got them through shady means, they shouldn't, imho, be blamed.

Even the shady sites you are talking about probably get the keys directly from the Dev, as I can't see any other possible way to acquire such a vast amount of keys.

The way I see things is that:

  1. Dev should come out and state why he revoked the keys
  2. Then Store owners give their side of the equation to see whether they agree on the facts or no.

However, as long as the Dev is nowhere to be seen, he is to be blamed as he is the one revoking those keys while giving no explanation.

7 years ago*

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"i'm not defending developer" " Ppl should report sites and steamgroups like giveaway.su, not the developer ^^" Yes you are. Especially when time after time this has always been proven to be a developer being a moron.

7 years ago

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nope, if u won a key from shady site and key revoked - just stop using shady sites with stolen keys.
If u buy a key from steamground or random guy from internet and key revoked - just stop buying from non-official resellers

And If u buy key from DIG store and key revoked - send ticket to DIG support - they will explain what happened and give u refund. U bought something in a store, ask store owner why he made a deals with "morons" ?

7 years ago

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well in that case the dev should battle against the websites, not leave the customers scammed, injured with no money and no game. but hey let's cry for either the devs or the resellers, who cares about costumers nowadays

7 years ago

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I obviously care about the costumers as I am one of them and have no association with any Dev or store owner whatsoever. However, when a property of someone is being stolen, which may or may not be the case here, and sold it's only natural you sympathize with the person whose goods were stolen. In such a case you should demand to be refunded by the website as they are at fault and I suggest you not using that site again.

If that's not the case and the Dev revoked the keys for his own reasons to which reasons the website has no involvement, well no one can help you here. The only options would be to make a fuss to catch Valve's attention or beg/demand to be compensated by the Dev. In extreme cases the store may refund you the price, yet they are not obligated as they did indeed deliver the promised product.

7 years ago

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Not revoked here, yet.

Redeemed it on 28 november, won it here.

7 years ago

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I got my key somewhere else and it hasn't been revoked either. It might have just been his purchase only since it was so many?

7 years ago

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Yeah op should change "all keys" for now, but it's still possible ours can be revoked too, it's done in batches i think.

7 years ago

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I think the person I got my key from probably got my key from one of these sites too so I guess we will have to wait and see. Mine was activated on December 2nd.

7 years ago

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Mine wasn't revoked yet. Won it here on SG a month ago.

7 years ago

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One of the worst thing a dev can do is revoke your keys without prior informing about the issue

7 years ago

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Revoked 11 keys too =(

7 years ago

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revoked, waiting for dev reply, try adding him to personally ask, not accepted yet

7 years ago

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Valve should step in and deprive Devs of the ability to mass revoke keys with no questions asked. It is getting ridiculous at this point.

7 years ago

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Sounds like the johns.game debacle again from a month ago or so. Hope the dev sees common sense and provides new keys.

7 years ago

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Hmm, mine hasn't been revoked yet, but honestly I won't miss it if it does get revoked.
Kind of a pain for those who made giveaways for it, though. Sorry for you guys.

7 years ago

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I'm sorry to hear that, Ayuinaba, mine isn't revoked for the moment and I had also dev revoke issues with giveaways of Axyos and Days Under Custody.

7 years ago

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This is where you start playing the old game: Russian, Ukrainian, or Chinese? Seems to be these three tend to cover all mass key revokal scams, when they are actual scams. The latest one I know of was Ukrainian, so I am putting this on a Russian dev now.

7 years ago

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All the more reason for me not to ever shop on these sites that just keep pumping out these trash games (DIG, Otaku/GoGo, Cubic, etc). That's not to say that a revoke can't happen elsewhere, but I think that the chances are higher with these due to the nature of what is being peddled.

7 years ago

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and indigala as well then - if we are to lump all sites with revoked keys and not genuine keys into the same basket - as they have suffered the same fate in the past as well - indeed all five copies of my anime sugoi had the first game marked as not a genuine key when trying to redeem on steam - something to do with a mass revoke of keys because they used something in the game that they did not own :( - and indigala did not even bother to contact me to tell me that this was happening, no I had to find out when a giveaway ended !!!

7 years ago

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I suppose only staff member can help you regarding this issue unless dev steps up and grant you 50 new keys upon showing em that you legit purchased em from a reseller etc..

7 years ago

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If you have any giveaways running for this particular game, it may be a good idea to delete them.

If you have already gifted a key and your winner informs you that the key has been revoked, file a ticket for deletion.

7 years ago

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This is VK page of developer of this game:

7 years ago

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Its definitely unfortunate. There's a range of things that could of caused the dev to do this. Seeing how some people haven't had them revoked it seems like it was only in certain batches. I wonder if the person who purchased the batch for the free giveaways used a stolen CC or did a chargeback. As far as DIG is concerning I wonder if those keys were given out for promotional purposes and the people running DIG put them up on the market for sale.

Has the dev team responded to what's going on?

7 years ago

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So far not. At least not in steam discussions or game announcements. I'm also still waiting for response from DIG.

7 years ago

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Hi, my key was NOT revoked! It was used!

Well .... I do asume that, because I got a "double product key" error, product already activated.
Can this happen for revoked keys?
The error for revoked keys I got were different. (usually something with payment)
For me it looks like that the developer sold a charge of keys twice.

7 years ago*

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Just tested with another key left from the batch of keys I bought and I also got key already used. Maybe they changed the error and don't wanna give us the information why a key isn't valid any more.

7 years ago

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Revoked keys show as "used" if you try to redeem them after they've been revoked.

7 years ago

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Yep, revoked keys show as duplicate.

7 years ago

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I got new working keys from DIG

7 years ago

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I didn't get them from GiveAway.su, unfortunately...

7 years ago

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You mean you did not get them from DIG but giveaway.su. Otherwise I don't understand you're response.

7 years ago

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No, I mean I didn't get new working keys...

7 years ago

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I hope you'll also get new keys in the next time.

7 years ago

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Unfortunately this has pretty much become common practice among developers with poor sales.
Sell keys, get paid on the spot, and then revoke the keys hoping some people will purchase the game again.

2 recent examples: johns.game and this one. Revoked exactly during the STEAM sale period ... because what happens when keys get revoked? All of you start posting threads, links and give the game a nice exposure.

Let's get real:

  • Stolen keys? Because websites like us build a business model on stealing keys. How? They are not merchandise on a shelf which can be stolen. Hacking into developers computers? Let's get serious.
  • Payment issues? How far would a site go if we wouldn't pay developers?

We have listed over 1700 games on DIG so far. If we would have stolen them, or not paying for them ... I am pretty sure we wouldn't have 1-2 cases of revoked keys with no stated reason. We would be out of business...

Common sense people. Common sense.

And have a happy new year.

7 years ago

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Thanks for the statement exosyphen and a happy new year.

7 years ago

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Cheers for the clarification from your side. I've been fortunate to buy games from your site and not had any issues so far (fingers crossed).

7 years ago

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Do you plan on getting an SSL Certificate to secure personal info on your site?

7 years ago

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lets encrypt is the way to go :)

7 years ago

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DIG has a certificate from Comodo but they don't automatically forward you to the https site. But I think that's better discussed in the Better than bundles thread.

7 years ago

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Luckily I already have activated mine (we'll see if it gets removed, but if it does I'll have to open a ticket to avoid having a non-activated win :s) so I was able to post a review about that

7 years ago

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Shit game anyway

7 years ago

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Never heard of it \o/

7 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by ayuinaba.