What type of giveaways should I make?
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Actually, the two mentioned groups are easy to join tho.
For Unlucky-7 you either need less than 8 SG-wins, or you can be in as gifter with a Group-gift-difference of at least +7 and doing some GA at least now and then.
And for Playing Appreciated you mostly need to make a reasonable effort at playing what you win in the group - which comes with a neat backend, which moderators use to check if group-winners stick to rules, while you can check also yourself on-going progress of e.g. winners of your group-GAs.
I like both groups, as +1bots are pretty much filtered out and therefore not making it a waste to make GAs even with no level restriction.
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I never said they were not easy to join, but I don't want to!
I was a member of PA and I left because I got sick of the constant wondering if I was sure I would be able to get myself to beat a game within a month and with the chance I would just do it because I had to instead of enjoying it whenever I felt like playing it and so I stopped joining their giveaways all together.
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Ah, I see, fair enough. On the side of entering PA-GAs, I usually can find 10 or so hours for gaming per month, and if I don't care for a game that much to play it soon enough, I don't enter such a PA-GA. So or so, on the side of making GAs, I like the PA-option about games such as Frostpunk, as it is likely to not end up merely as a +1 to someone as a means to make a few cents profit from cards, or in case of Unlucky-7 has increased odds to go to a new user who discovered forum etc.
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Because of my depression, it's already hard enough to find motivation to even eat, let alone play games, I do game sometimes and trust me, time is no issue because I am sick at home but getting myself to play it while I don't feel like it and then also trying to enjoy it, is hard for me which means either I have to force myself to game which doesn't work often or I won't finish it on time and to play it safe, I just close to never bothered entering those giveaways because I would feel bad for the creator if they make a PA giveaway and I don't play it.
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After roughly 24 hours, the "Choo-choo train"-option is so far the front-runner. Currently followed by the "Public mid-level"-option.
Trailing far behind is the "Public for all"-option. This may not be surprising, considering that monthly amount of new SG users is quite low compared to previous years, but does it beg the question whether there is too much exclusivity on SG in regard to level, groups and/or forum, an exclusivity which arguably formed mostly as defense against +1bots?
Talking about which, in my view it would be nice if GA-makers had some additional option when making a GA. My current favorite would be option to add some sort of captcha challenge when entering a GA, as to require some manual interaction when entering a GA, and therefore pretty much ruling out "bots" as argument on why to not make at least some nice "Public for all"-GA now and then.
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aka Demolition Derby, huh? :)
As far as video games as such are concerned, my personal favorite of "free for all"-mode is FFA in X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter.
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So I happened to accumulate a few keys. Mostly from bundles in past year, of games I have. And it seems that there are some options on what type of giveaway to make, due to which I made a poll for you to crowd-suggest what I should pick for a batch of keys.
I'll give it until the weekend (March 7th) for some votes to come in.
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