You're suppose to be able to get three cards a day, not two, so if that worked, you'd have 18 cards, not 12. I'm at 10 now as on two days it refused to give me even two cards. Then as stated, all they'd have to do is list more things to vote on if they want to offer more deals, and give more cards. Voting, you go in maybe just once a day, vote, done. This click, click, click, click... thing is the bloody definition of repetitive, and with no failure state, it's not even a game. An auto clicker would perform better than a human can, as we need to stop now and then, they don't.
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Purely copied, if games like Cookie Clicker, Clicker Heroes & AdVenture Capitalist didn't have so much succes on Steam the past months Steam never would've have come with this crap, it's stupid as fuck I got better things to do than click like an autistic basement dweller (redditard). :p
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Its indeed broken. I got 1 - 2 cards most days. Today, I got 7 for joining a game.
Yet I still lack one card I need. :P
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Don't worry, when all else fails, I'll be going to market for L5
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I was there, then I figured out how to get cards and then I figured out how to level my badge. Got to level 10.000+ not getting any higher cos i like the badge.
Here is the trick for cards
when the game resets
start new game = 1 card
kill the boss on level 10 = 2nd card
get outta game
In the morning find friend that is starting a fresh game-connect to that game - 3rd card (not always but chances are high)
Sometimes card don't drop but steam stacks them and then you get something like 4-5 cards in one go
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I know, read the first post, I said I do that multiple times, yet can still be stuck at one card.
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I've done that, but still haven't got all the cards I'm supposed to get.
And I know others who also have trouble with the card drops, both single card drops and/or more in one go. So it might work now for a lot, or maybe even most, users but it still doesn't work for everyone.
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Did those, never get more than 2. Today, I got only 1.
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I don't even bother to do anything past level ten anymore, I'm so efn' sick of the bloody thing. If we fail to do more milestones again (have already missed at least one), then piss on it.
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It's broken, I joined today and got 6 card drops.
Also, I don't know what the people I was playing with are doing but somehow we got to level 250 in less than 15 minutes. I didn't even saw some of the bosses, they were gone before spawning in my screen.
Heck! I just went to look and I'm at lvl 18483... in just an hour!
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Level 18483 in an hour, yep, that's totally working as intended. I've seen it skip the boss round too, so effed up.
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I'm just going to bookmark your badge to see what it says tomorrow, that's bloody nuts.
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The guy in the post above you (Wormoxide) went over level one million.
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Current highest today is 512310. Clicky.
Edit: Whoops, fixed.
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sweet baby jesus @_@
what is this, a full team of people with clicker scripts?
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Of course. Clicker games are played with scripts. Valve knows this, and expected it.
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Essentially fill a room with part new people and part people who have badge points, buy all wormholes, spam wormholes on levels that are multiples of 100 so that each wormhole skips 10 levels, go to a new room after getting a few thousand levels and now the new people have badge points. Repeat, with more wormholes.
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Yeah, I was AFK while the wormhole strategy was implemented. So I'm still in my original room. However, my room is almost 3/5th to 300K so I'll be getting my badge if nothing drastic happens.
Someone said, "I hope they make a 1M-10M badge." I hope this person gets a spider bite on their eye.
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i stayed in my original room, while WH strat is faster it still was kinda dick move 6 hours into the day
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I take a rest and a shower and left runing a game (about 68 min time play) and when i check for card drops .... nothing. In all the past days of event i join the monster game to get only a single one card drop (i know many ppl get two just for join the game) by what say in my Monster Game Stats i hachived to unlock 5-6 cards, today after join the monster game i recived 7 cards at once. For me is clear that the drop system is working like cr@p.
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The only time I got all three cards is on the first day. Now, despite starting a new game multiple times, I can't even earn the other cards until the evening, it seems, as any time before that, it never gives me anything.
Although they're trying to make it more interactive than the voting, it's interactive just for the sake of being interactive, and doesn't offer anything more than what voting would. It actually offers less due to the missing cards and risk of failing to reach a goal.
Voting was at least consistent. Hell, If they really wanted to do the monster game, it'd have been nice to have some form of community voting decide on the goal rewards, so that the most voted games become the rewards out of a handful of choices. It'd have made the goals more personal, giving people a specific reason to reach those goals rather than the somewhat sub-par rewards (not to knock the rewards that have been good, but some of them were just... meh) that they don't reveal until after they're reached.
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This, and voting are for some people are interactive in the same way, they click on stuff without paying much attention to what they're clicking on till they get cards, then quit. Since they need nine new milestone rewards per day, they really are more likely to be "meh" then the lesser volume of voting ones.
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Or maybe they do not want a big thread about the subject that will just turn into shit,because to many on steam are not civil.
Either way i got my badge for doing the game and i got bored of it,and now i just log in to start it and get my card drops,i like the game idea,just now how this was done.
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On the plus side, at least we don't have to deal with the community's stupid voting choices.
I mean, really? You vote for a game that's already a daily deal? That's your game, Steam community?
Sweet GabeN's corneas.
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This, and voting are for some people are interactive in the same way, they click on stuff without paying much attention to what they're clicking on till they get cards, then quit, so it's a given some of the votes were dumb. Although at least voting worked to get you the instant reward (cards) as they were suppose to.
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I agree. I haven't touched the monster click game. I don't have the time nor interest in wasting my time. Community vote is better. That said, the one tweak I'd make to community votes is that only games that are sold in all regions should be eligible.
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The community voting never worked. People would vote for the "best" game. There have been several cases where a game was going to get its HISTORICAL LOW PRICE if people had voted it as winner, but they would vote for yet another seen-it-a-million-times discount on a "better" game instead.
Democracy just doesn't work.
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Many didn't really put thought into it, just clicked on something to get cards without paying attention to what they voted for. Others voted on something as they liked the game more, or whatever, most likely never looked up the discount history, or what not. But people don't put thought into the "game" either, and the main thing once again is that for the sake of cards at least, voting worked.
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They try something new every year it seems. Just let be.
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Until now after cards were added voting was the standard thing during a sale. They may have had something else as well like special items made from crafting sale card badges, or that raffle thing with gems, but voting was the standard from the first sale when cards were first introduced.
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You're not winning cards. The cards drop for playing, and it's supposed to be 3 a day. However, the drop system has been glitchy after day 1 so people have lots of backlogged drops.
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What people figured out was what I wrote in the first post, one card when you join a game, one more when the room gets to level 11, and another for joining a friend's room. It's just not reliable, as even when people do all that, repeatedly, there are those only getting one card a day, with some not getting any, even though they are at least Steam level eight. They're just not unlocking/dropping as they should, with some finding a backlog suddenly being awarded on some days.
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It was not rude, there were no insults, threats, etc, I didn't even mock Steam like I did at the end of the first post here. I was just annoyed that the click thing wasn't working as advertised, and has been so much of a hassle, while voting worked, and was so much more straightforward, which I used to show why I thought they should go back to voting in future sales.
The only thing I could think of that they may not have liked was how I mentioned in a reply that many people use auto-clickers to automate "playing", which was functionally the community interaction of it (getting most milestones), so was being done by bots, not people, with bots being better at it. Although if that was it, why not delete the post, rather than the thread? Seemed like they just didn't want it being said, I poked around some before posting, and didn't see any other "get rid of the click thing" threads, although there may have been others, just not so many that the forum was spammed with them.
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after 4 days of Clicking all day long, my wrist feels like it's broken, and my clicking finger feels like it was smashed in a car door. T.T
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As I said to another, I looked around for other threads on the matter to join before posting, but didn't see any. There are many threads relating to the game in one way, or another, which could be named in one way, or another, so just using search isn't really going to be that helpful either. Then there's multiple threads asking for a chat window, multiple ones asking to fixing the lag, and multiple ones asking to fix/change the same other things about the game, but I can't see any "please don't use it again, and just use voting instead." Seems like the idea is asking to change it is allowed, asking to not use it again is bad.
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Less hassle? Seriously?
The Monster Game works so that you can join it once every 24 hours, LEAVE IT TO IDLE, and you'll get up to 3 card drops per day.
The old system you had to VOTE THREE TIMES, ONCE EVERY 8 HOURS, EVERY DAY, to get MAXIMUM ONE CARD per day.
The new system is strictly better unless you are so unlucky you get 0 card drops in 24 hours (which would be ridiculous, and even then, the coming days will make up for it.)
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They changed the voting thing last time they did it to one round of voting in a day (24 hour period), which gave one card per round. Then as I said, all they'd have to do is add more games to vote on if they wanted more deals/cards offered per day.
With the game it works that one card when you join a game, one when you finish level 10, and a chance at another when you join a friend's game. They seem to have lumped the level ten card in with the join game one, so it's two for joining a random game, but if you want that elusive third card, you'd need to keep making, and joining new games with friends. Also "playing" the game to get the milestones which unlocks the game sales is decidedly more activity, and hassle than just clicking on maybe a few icons once a day. Since that is more hassle, people have been using auto-clickers to do it for them.
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Read the OP. They don't let people criticize certain Steam aspects. That plus paid mods back then and now spending half a day to get card drops from one game (it's very new, you may not know about it yet) is showing IMO that Valve is not going in the right direction.
Fun sales? I don't know if you were around but a few years ago there was a fun sale. A very fun sale. Basically for collecting certain listed achievements from certain games you got coal and if you get enough of it you could craft it and you could get either games as a reward or coupons I guess, I don't remember. But I won a few games back then thanks to this and this was truly a great and exciting event. Everything after that is far from exciting, mostly "voting" is everything one can do during those sales and during summer there are those little games where you can get either cards or some minor DLC's that are not even listed on the games pages (2-3 years back if I recall there were such events). Once you got to experience the big "win games for collecting achievements" event every next event was just plain boring where you couldn't get basically anything worthwhile.
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As Gaben said about censorship and critique in that recent fiasco with paid mods, that stuff isn't supposed to happen. Valve is a company that doesn't act as one, it has a lot of employees and if some people abuse their power it doesn't mean the whole company is corrupt. I assume there's an asshole there that abuses his power and deletes annoying messages because I'm sure they get countless of the same type of whining that people want easier free cards for themselves. Not supporting this practice or anything, but basically it's just someone that needs to be disciplined or fired, either he's deleting spam messages in their literal meaning, "stupid pointless annoying messages", because it's pointless to keep complaining about the current event, it won't change, they'll take the lessons learned for the next time and do something differently.
Paid mods wasn't a bad thing at all, Valve simply tried to help modders earn money for their work, the moment they saw that it wasn't working out as they expected and people didn't like it, they shut it down, something that any other company would not do. I was all for this system, but unfortunately Valve couldn't handle it without actually hiring competent support people that would monitor every new mod for fakes and all that. Now I'm not here to argue about how paid mods was working out for who and percentages and all the other issues, there's a ton of reasons it was shut down, let's not expand on this.
Spending half a day to drop a card is bullshit, I just bought a game and got all cards within 3 hours. It used to be like 2 hours before, but now it's 3 and I'm not complaining, because I don't buy games for cards, that's fucking stupid. Plus it became like this because of the new refund policy that everyone wanted, now that it's finally in place, some adjustments had to be made to the system that lets people get free cards that allowed them to earn some extra money for having the game. Eitherway, if it really was half a day, who cares? It's cards, if you really want them for yourself you can buy them, if you want to sell them for money, don't buy the game in the first place then and you'll save more money than you'd earn from the cards. In the worst case you'll have to leave the game turned on overnight or, god forbid, play it.
I was around during the coal sale, that was cool and I do wish they would bring it back, but that sale also brought upon some difficulties that forced Steam to create certain restrictions. The event had a lot of people who abused the coal system and did everything to gain as much coal as possible in the free ways that Valve provided, including farming with multiple free accounts and other stuff like that. That event made me happy because back then I wasn't buying games yet, but I could get some stuff for free without paying, yet it won't happen again, because of all the assholes that keep ruining it for honest people. It wasn't just that event too, it happens all the time, every time a new feature on Steam arises, several others have to be "nerfed" because of those annoying scammers and assholes that abuse every system for their own gain, they're also the reason that the card drop times have been increased and the reason that a lot of other Steam features became time restricted or level restricted.
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I hope you're right.
It was because like 70-80% of money went to Valve. That was ridiculous. If all of the money or 80% went to the devs of the mods I would be ALL for it. But it wasn't like that.
Do you know how many games do I have that offer card drops? Hundreds. If I was going to get all cards from them now I would never do that, basically (especially that cards are added on a daily basis). It may not be a problem to people who don't have many games but I do and I'm not the only one. Cards are just a bonus but the problem is that they got us used to something better and now they're taking it away. Cards used to drop fast more or less (in some games I got all the cards after an hour) and now they start dropping after being 2 hours in game (so if a game has set card drops every hour and there are 6 cards in the game it's 8 hours until you get all of them) and it's ridiculous. Refund shouldn't have been introduced in the first place IMO (refund for digital goods? That's stupid. Teaches people irresponsibility (I don't have to think much about what I buy because I can refund it anyway)). But even if it was why honest people have to be at a disadvantage? Longer cards drop were introduced to "fight abusers of refunds". Also, another group of people who is at a disadvantage is the group of people who will never get a refund because they just don't do that, including me. They could have taken better measures to fight abusers, not the "card" thing.
Abusers have been on this planet since the beginning of the world and will be there until the end. That's why there are preventions that are undertaken to stop them from abusing services. I imagine it would be easy now to stop abusers during such event (we have levels now and so on). The problem with many companies is that in the name of "fighting the abusers" they always come up with stupid shit that hurts regular customers. I remember polish digital store Muve stopped accepting Paypal payments because people from foreign countries were buying games there. They could have just ban all IP's outside of Poland and problem would be solved but no - Paypal payment which most people use was removed. I guess it's just easier to do. Just an example. Companies often don't do what's the best for most customers but they do what's the most convenient for them.
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As far as refunding goes, it's literally against the law in multiple European countries to not be able to refund your purchases or something, I don't know exactly what is it, but basically Valve was getting sued constantly over this. I agree that refunds are stupid(although let's be fair, a game like AC Unity deserves to be refunded if it was prepurchased, although preordering is itself a stupid concept that should've been gone with the introduction of digital age), however refunds are necessary to have for all kinds of reasons. I agree that there were better solutions, but my guess is that the Steam staff didn't really think about people who have that many games to go through to get cards from them, it doesn't seem like a big issue on a first glance and I doubt they thought about it too much. My solution would be to keep the cards and if you trade them/sell them/touch them, you can no longer refund the game, but I assume that would require much more development and care to make it work.
I don't think companies have what it takes to understand the needs of all of their customers, often the solutions they come up with are stupid because they don't take a lot of things into account and sometimes it's difficult. The moment Valve released paid mods, a shitload of concerns went through my head and I was wondering how they'd get around these issues, but they didn't, they didn't even think about those things, because not everyone working there is gonna be concerned with these things, they had an idea and they wanted to implement it, they worked on implementing it and they completely missed a shitload of problems on the way. I do wish they hired someone to look forward into the future and have direct communication with the community, someone like me, to just relay to them the wishes and complaints of the people in a more organized manner and warn them about the problems that might arise with the features that they're planning to release. It seems that they lack people like that there and this creates this lack of communication that creates these kinds of issues.
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So I made a thread in their suggestion forum saying how they should just stick with community voting, rather than using this click, click thing again. Main thing was how voting just plain works, and is less hassle. I've yet to get three cards in a day with this, and at times it has only given one (I join a random game, "play" to level 11, and join a friend's game, doing each multiple times some days), if they want to offer more deals, and cards with voting, they could just provide more daily voting options.
About thirty minutes after making the thread, and getting a couple responses, a mod deleted it. Now if only Steam support would get to our tickets as quickly as they work to shut people up in the forums.
Some seem to have forgotten that the last time they used community voting, it was changed from one round of voting every eight hours, where you needed to have made three votes for a card, to one round of voting per day, that was up all day, with that one vote giving a card. As I said, if they wanted to offer more deals/card, they could just list more sets of games to vote on at once.
Also, I did look for other threads on the matter before making mine. There are multiple threads on the same topics where they ask for a chat window, to "fix the lag," and other such things, but none I could find asking them to just not use it again.
Looks like it's official, mods really don't want people asking for voting to be brought back. Found another thread asking for the return of voting which a mod replied to saying that the game is better, then locked the thread. Used the whole "you can get nine games on sale, not just one" argument, but of course as I keep saying, all they'd need to do is let people vote on more sets of games, or some other such voting thing, and voting could offer more games on sale too.
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