For me, it's definitely MirrorMoon EP

11 years ago*

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I am eagerly awaiting the revival of the first original online TCG, Chron X. I also think it would be nice if Paramount let Star Trek: Qonquest Online get rebooted and the WWe allowed for the return of With Authority!

So... yeah, three games that I doubt anyone else might have heard about.

11 years ago

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I've been making quite a few giveaways of less known games lately (With the idea to "raise awareness" even though I made them for a group, lol. ^_^' )- Singularity, Bionic Commando and Worms Ultimate Mayhem- all of these are really good games... yet they are hardly known and often underrated. There is also this FPS called Will Rock that has been pretty much completely swept under the rug by Ubisoft.

11 years ago

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Half-Life 3

11 years ago

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Parkan: the Imperial Chronicles

11 years ago

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More people need to play the American McGee's Alice games.

I'd also like some of the classic LEGO games, like the Island games, Chess, Football, Creator etc. I've got a few but I want a complete collection.

11 years ago

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Command Air Naval Operations,
War in the Pacific admiral edition
Revolution Under Siege
Smolensk 41'

and any game by matrix, ageod or hps simulations, or at least most of them.

Histwar is nice as well.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by playingcards.