10 out of almost 5000 is tiny dude, the guy wins very infrequently
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I have 2,800 giveaways entered and only 3 gifts won. I gave away 7 games. Idgaf, I like giving away games, If you giveaway games to expect something back, you're giving away games for the wrong reason.
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That awkward moment when one of the participants wins.
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same here, won dead space 2 on my first day, seems suspicious -_-
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we are all admins when we win. but afterwards we're all members again. and yes, ALL THIZ IZ FAAAKE!
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So...I'm an admin? I've won some cool games and I'm saving to give a good game in return.
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I am an ordinary user and i won 2 games. I hope i can make a giveaway in march.
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Yeah, I hate it when people claim they haven't won anything even though they have won a developer giveaway. Come on, those are giveaways like any else, just because they're giving more copies than usual doesn't mean they're any less valuable giveaways.
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For quite a few of the dev giveaways, there is a lower chance of winning than for normal public ones as well.
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It does though. Look back through your previous entries and you'll see that for most, you've had a 1-in-1000 or so average chance to win. You've entered 700-ish. Mathematically, not having won yet is nothing unusual. Even Dwarfs was only a 9.133% chance for everyone. 90.67% of people who entered didn't win.
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What are you a noob or you just don't understand logic of how random giveaways work.
Here lets break it down for you as schooling has failed you.
You enter a giveaway where there is another 1000 people entering. Only one person can win, your odds are 1 out of a 1000. Or better way of putting it, low.
With what your trying to say, is I should have won the lottery today because I entered so many times. Get real, suck it up, and move on. It not like you have to pay to enter a giveaway. So quit bitching.
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Nope I'm Canadian and nothing pisses me off more then people bitching that they are not getting enough hand outs while others could use it more. Try thinking about that for a min and come to terms that giveaways are done by people like me out of the goodness in our hearts. Last thing we want to hear is QQ from undeserving people like yourself.
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"more than 700 entries and NO ONE SINGLE win....... with 2 givaways created.... !??!?!"
You may want to edit your original post ;)
"how the hell this work.... I begin to think this is all fake"
Red the FAQ. Or, if you think it's fake, why do you bother in entering the forum and making a thread? You can go anytime you want.
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You mean developer giveaways don't count as giveaways because they have better chances to win than usual. That makes no sense at all. How about private giveaways with 2-10 entries, those doesn't count either?? Crud, I just solved a puzzle and entered a giveaway with 2 entries, and managed to win it. But by your logic I didn't win anything since the chances were 50%.
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that's not the point.
the point is to understand HOW the system works.... I just have partecipated to one extraction with 4000 copies of a game and ALL the others are with just 1 copy.
If you think about that this mean the % of possibility to win is totally different and you can't just take as an exemple something that has different rules...
It's just math....
BTW this obviously count as a WINNING, maybe I wasn't clear in my topic but I m trying to calculate the % of the NORMAL givaways....
Most of them are around 500 to 2000 entries...with an average of 1250 entries per giveaway.... this mean that I should win something soon...... it's again math.... btw besides luck or unluck....
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I'm sorry but I'm having some trouble understanding you due to the language barrier.
You're problem is that you don't know how the system works? I'ts random. There is no mystery behind it. Just because there are about 1250 entries per giveaway doesn't mean that you should win something soon. It's just a statistic and nothing more. That can happen with the next giveaway or sometime after the next 1000.
The more you enter, the more will your estimated win increase. But that does not guarantee a win no matter what.
You're just going to have to wait.
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Science or not, it doesn't guarantee anything.
If you create giveaways, your contributor value will increase(subject to rules). This means that you can enter giveaways with restrictions. This will in NO WAY increase your chance of winning any giveaway, just grant you access to other giveaways.
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You're so ignorant you know?? And your comments insult me. You can calculate your odds to win all day long, but it doesn't change the fact this is all random. No matter how many giveaways you have already entered, your chances to win the next giveaway won't rise. I think you're the one that should go back to school to learn the basics of probability, you clearly have no clue of is at all.
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Clearly that Dwarfs win is a lie. Developer giveaways don't count!
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This site is indeed a scam. I'd stop coming if I were you.
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thank you for your input on this matter. we will ANALyze your concers and take the appropriate measures.
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Contributing doesn't entitle you to win more on it's own, it just raises your contributor value so you can enter contributor giveaways and hopefully get better odds. Also, your estimated wins is less than 1 and you have won a copy of Dwarfs. So far you're ahead of the estimate. Join some giveaway groups and contribute more so you can improve your odds. Enjoy your next 700 entries =P
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Yes, it's all fake. You can leave now.
Nah, just kidding.
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Oh look, this thread <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL8e2ujXe8g">again</a>...
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The html codes actually work in the live preview section? I'm surprised.
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In case you wanted to know how to fix it, [text][]()(http://www._________. Link here)
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more than 700 entries and NO ONE SINGLE win....... with 2 givaways created.... !??!?!
how the hell this work.... I begin to think this is all fake
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