..when you make/win a multigroup GA ?

I have just won a GA which was made for 3 groups (A/B/C). I am a member of B and C.
I thought that I had won in B.
I ve decided to repair my win/given ratio in B. And launched a GA

But than I realized that my won ratio had changed in C. Not in B.
I didnt notice C because of the long names of the groups - third group (C) was not shown directly on GA`s page.
Funny mistake. Both groups are cool so I dont mind. I m gonna launch the same GA in C too

But I am just curious how it works. Is it random ?.

BTW. Some old HB stuff I ve forgotten about (lv +1)


9 years ago

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Exists in Account

I dont even remember buying all these Tomb Raiders, thanks tho.

just bumping, idk how to calculate group ratio

9 years ago

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+1 meow

9 years ago

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Anyone ?

9 years ago

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It depends on the group, I guess. Some groups count multigroup wins as part of their ratio, others don't. Depends on the group and how they think of it.

9 years ago

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Sure, but to be more specific - my question considers that ratio
not the private ratio that can be calculated by admins.
I dont think the basic ratio calculated by SG can be modified by group admins.

9 years ago

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Bump because this is a pretty good question.

9 years ago

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the truth is out there bump

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I also would like an answer to this. Bump

9 years ago

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Looks like it just splits the ratio, depending on the amount of groups. If you look at the amount of sent or received they tend to have decimals, so maybe if there's 2 groups it counts as .5. Although I haven't given it a detailed look, maybe those numbers don't fit.

9 years ago

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Checked a group that I have 2.3 as received and two of the giveaways were for just that group and the other was for 3 groups. So it might be that way.

9 years ago

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My guess would be the same as yours, but I don't know, either.

9 years ago

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Yes, this must be it. Thanks for verification.
I ve checked with my other groups and apparetnly SG splits the general ratio.

But I focused on the value of GA won / sent. And it is more confusing.
I tried to count my ingroup GA s` value manually but it does not match with the official one - no matter how I count :)
But it seems that in both groups my value of received GAs increased. Almost equally.
So it must be same rule.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 minute ago.

8 years ago

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Right now its march 10th, 10.31 cet, and as of now, that comment was deleted 19 hours ago.

also dont mind me im just bored


8 years ago

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No - just for this post I ve stopped the time.

8 years ago

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fair enough, that totally makes sense :P

8 years ago

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Yes. Thanks for Skyrim

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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i have no idea
trying to figure it out just makes my head hurt

9 years ago

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I've been up for the past 22h but are you asking about your in group ratio for Charitable Losers? Group gibs are not mandatory and you should never feel compelled to make gibs. Any that you do make will be greatly appreciated, but so long as your ratio is above the threshold, feel free to leech :P.

9 years ago

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Really ! So ....super leech turbo mode ... ACTIVATED !
Thanks for hint :) But I always try to improve my ratio after winning sth nice.

This thread`s issue is a general one. I just like to know the rules :)
I think drbeckett gave a reasonable explanation.

9 years ago

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Np :).

Enjoy your wins and have a good weekend.

9 years ago

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Thanks adn Bump :)

8 years ago

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  1. Making GA for one group will give you +1 in sent games in this group; making GA for two groups will give you +0,5 in sent games in every group and so on. Same goes with winning, even if you belong to one out of 5 groups, you will get +0,2 in won games in every group page xD
  2. It's RAW CV, not REAL CV. So it's possible to win AAA games and give bundle ones, and still have big difference toward sent games in raw value.
  3. Neither "Giveaways" or "Gifts Sent" number indicates directly how many keys / gifts were sent on group page. First is just number of individual listings on GA page (so when you make 2 GAs with 100 copies of Bad Rats it will show 2 as number of created GAs). And second indicate number of sent GAs, after taking in consideration this "0,5 for 2 groups, 0,25 for 4 groups" thing. So if group will have 10 GAs listed, shared among 9 other groups it will say 1 as number of gifts sent D:
    Though "gifts sent" will indicate directly number of created GAs inside group, if not single GA was shared with other groups (aka completely hermetic 1:1 ratio group).

That's what I have "discovered" after messing with numbers and trying to understand how all this works xD

8 years ago

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Thank you very much;)
Words od wisdom,
Number 2 makes the whole ingroup statistics rather useless.

Cholera, mogłem to pytanie napisać w naszym plcorner., to bym miał przetłumaczone :D

8 years ago

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Yeah, to keep track of ratio /cv value people have to constantly check it. Unless you're using some kind of bots but meh.

I może i tak :P Ale nie wiem, czy zajrzałabym tam, nowe wątki bardziej przyciągają wzrok ;D

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by varmas.