I'm thinking about getting the bundle from bundlestars, but I really can't decide based on the gameplay videos... I hate jump scares, I like creepy and disturbing when it comes to horror games and movies. That's why I never bothered to play Dead Space for too long. So, any suggestions? Would it be worth a buy considering what I prefer?

10 years ago*

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There are jump scares in it. There's a demo of Fear 2 so you might wanna give that a shot to see if you like it. steam://install/16420

10 years ago

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So the horror aspect is the same throughout all 3 games?

10 years ago

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The original F.E.A.R had it's scary moments and the story is interesting, there are things you don't really understand until the end. The game switches between fight sequences & scary, being haunted by a little girl in the dark theme, but it has an atmosphere. The expansion packs expand the story and I really liked them, Extraction Point is full of blood, demons stalking you even more paranormal stuff. The other expansion is kinda meh, but it has new enemies.

F.E.A.R 2 improved mechanics and still has jump scares, but maybe a bit less atmosphere, it is still very enjoyable, don't know about the expansion there.

F.E.A.R 3 is a multiplayer co-op shooter, maybe 1 level is scary, I had fun playing it but it's a shooter, can't remember being scared or any atmosphere, this is where the series went downhill.


10 years ago

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yes,kinda,if you mean by shooter a very bad and generic one then i agree and for the last one YES!!!!

10 years ago

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It's not scary. However, Alma is a creepy little bitch.

10 years ago

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Full of cheap jump-scares, get Outlast or S.T.A.L.K.E.R

10 years ago

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There's nothing cheap about the jump scares in F.E.A.R.

They're well made and sometimes force you to fight instead of just trying to scare you.

10 years ago

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+1 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.! Great series!

10 years ago

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LOL. Outlast only relies on jump scares aswell hahaha

10 years ago

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Stalker is climatic, not full of scarry moments. +1 for Outlast

10 years ago

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The first game and the two expansions packs have plenty of scary moments. Sadly the two sequels aren't really in the same league when it comes to scares.

10 years ago

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+1 to this. Though games overall arent really that scary but still it varies from person to person. Combat is well and rarely you will see something scary in it since you fight soldiers ... most of the time. Scary moments are when you get a vision in the past or face Alma.

10 years ago

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I love the dynamic between serious fire fights with soldiers and the creepy moments with surprising scares.

10 years ago

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very true..

10 years ago

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I only played 2 hours of the game,and my impression is that Fear is not an atmospheric game,you just walk through uninspiring levels killing soldiers and from time to time something supernatural happens,something shows up in your face(sometimes they just trow a image of something repugnant at your face,it's pretty cheap),or something blasts of a window,Fear is "scary" because of the jump scares,I don't think it's what you are looking for.It's a nice fps though.

10 years ago

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not scary, but the AI is smart enough to kick your ass in multiple ways.

10 years ago

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In terms of horror and overall atmosphere F.E.A.R. beats any of it's sequels. There are few jump-scares (that one with ladder), sometimes you won't even see if something supernatural is happening if you are not looking at the specific place, you will be informed if something is happening by a static or whatever sound. Of course there are some creepy levels in all pats, but sequels didn't leave that kind of impression on me like the first one. F.3.A.R. is just co-op shooter with some horror elements.

10 years ago

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Cough. Not even the school level in F.E.A.R. 2? Cough.

10 years ago

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School levels are always creepy :D

10 years ago

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Depends on what you consider scary, really. Personally there is a level in F.E.A.R. 2 that I found really nerve wracking scary- it was a combination of creepy atmosphere and dangerous enemies, some of which don't even attack (I ended up wasting most of my ammo shooting at stuff that disapear on their own, lol, that's never happened in any other game ever). Other than that, the series generally has "something is behind you and is gonna freak you out when you turn around" scares. Your call on whether those are "jump scares" or not. For the most part the games are action though, with horror added in at times.

10 years ago

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It is more of an action shooter, then a horror game. The horror aspect is mostly buckets of blood and some jump scares. But there is a mildly disturbing/oppressive atmosphere throughout as well, and some stuff is creepy.

10 years ago

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fear 2 isn't scary at all dunno fo the others ones

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yes, the games have jumpscares HOWEVER what makes them effective is they are silent. You don't get the musical stinger or the screaming lunatic out of nowhere. Here, you can find yourself at a deadend, turn around to go back and Alma will be standing here then disappear a couple seconds later. The games have atmosphere more than anything. I'm not talking about just the first game and the expansions, but I'm also talking about the second game as well. I know that goes against the grain, but the second game definitely had it's moments. It has no atmosphere, no real scares or creepy moments. It is an abomination and a travesty.

The third game on the other hand. I couldn't even complete it because of how boring I found it to be. That game exists for the same reason Resident Evil 5/6 exist and why Dead Space 3 exist. Some dude in an office who only looks at profit margin spreadsheets decided there needed to be a bigger focus of the multiplayer aspects than any other part of the game.

10 years ago

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Do you remember in Extraction Point, where the guy got dragged by an unseen force into the room (and died) that was full of demons of some sort?

I only noticed on the 3rd playthrough that after that scene, when you navigate the room, there are demons watching you on top of the cardboard boxes near the ceiling, but you're so focused to look forward that you actually don't notice them. That was one of the biggest jump scares in the game when I looked up with the flashlight and they disappeared! :D

10 years ago

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They are solid shooters with slight horror touch. Go get them if you like shooter genre and haven't played this series. But if you seek horror, look somewhere else - the horror if FEAR is a decoration to differentiate itself from other FPS of the era.

10 years ago

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Give me chills just by reading those stuff...
I don't have the guts to play F.3.A.R or any other paranormal/horror/disturbing whatever games...
I.E. I think i could'n play Slender-man even with 100 bucks on the table... =/

10 years ago

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Why? Nothing happens in Slenderman. Only your screen gets a bit shaky for no reason from time to time while you're running around in complete darkness trying to pick up pieces of paper which is absolutely pointless but is the only means to "win" the game.

10 years ago

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f.e.a.r. franchise is not pure horror. but a very cool hybrid of john woo/matrix style action+ paranormal activity/grudge spooky elements. so there you go. this is what people should have told you instead of comparing it to the true horror genre of games

10 years ago

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Played them all, loved the first, second was decent, third was awful.

Is the game scary? Well, yes indeed it is, if by scary you mean "has horror elements".
Now, just how scary is it? That's a bit more complicated to answer, as anyone and everyone has different thoughts about what is scary and what is not. I personally think that the F.E.A.R. franchise would fit more into the "eery atmospheric shooter" than a horror game.

It has a few minor jump scares, but as SPond said, you won't get a monster jumping at your face while screaming to your death, but more surprising and unexpected encounters of Alma. This makes you a bit more tense, since you'll expect a surprise at every corner.

One of my favorite scene for example is when you have to slide down a ladder, and as you turn around to grab the ladder, you see a glimpse of Alma who was standing RIGHT behind you. But as you are sliding down the ladder, you won't see it for very long.

Overall, it's more of a tense and nerve-racking shooter with horror elements than a scary horror game. But, as I already said, it highly depends on how easily you are scared, and what you consider scary or not.

10 years ago

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FEAR 1 and 2 have great atmosphere and I think are pretty underrated overall, they are definitely worth it. FEAR 3 is indeed nothing special sadly...

10 years ago

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You play Silent Hill games? You survive? Every Horror dnt scare you.

10 years ago

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Not much. It's running around grey offices with nonsense screen flashes and extremely predictable and cheap jumpscares with a hairy girl trying to squeeze as much money from the then popular Ring bandwagon as possible.

In other words FEAR is pretty much boring and if you want something more tense then play Condemned or some other horror game that's not boring.

10 years ago

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They're some awesome games.

10 years ago

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For me FEAR isn't actually an horror game but simply a dark shooter. It has its creepy moments but have to admit I kinda shit in my pants in some parts.

10 years ago

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Personally, I didn't really find it that scary. I still loved all 3 of them, but to me they were far more FPS than horror.

Seemed like every time it started to get a little tense, just as the atmosphere was starting to sink in.. Some guys would break through a door and you were back in a standard shooter. :v

10 years ago

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