Rabbit Holes III - OVER

Thank you all for playing and helping out!

Reception wasn't as big as the past event, but I think it has to do with summer sale.
I thought summer sale distracts people from events such as this, but it seems to be the other way around.
Regardless - Alot of people played and contributed gifts and giveaways.

Hope you had fun!
See you next time!


(thanks extsidvind)

( /_/)

Gaben is giving away all of steam!

Enter the giveaway before its too late!

Click here before you miss it!

If you wait too long you'll get this error


roadmap - Get tips and help dig holes

Participants leave your mark here
Participant list

1 decade ago*

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The 2 new holes (23, 24) seems hard, can't find anything that could be a hint for them.
I assume 24 is inside 23 though.
Edit: found both. I think I was searching for 23 when it wasn't ready yet.

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure myself since the guy that created them did not tell me yet

1 decade ago

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can't find 23 either without a hint but...24 is not inside 23, keep looking

1 decade ago

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Both holes are exceptionally easy. I found them within an hour of them being put up lol

1 decade ago

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Yea they should be pretty easy ^^

1 decade ago

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this reminds me the 2011 winter sale's grand prize, the winner guy was so lucky :D

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I'm finding it quite relaxing to find the new holes when I get up each day. All current (24) holes found.

1 decade ago

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How many holes have you dug? I'm having trouble deciphering your clues.

1 decade ago

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I dug 13 and 15. Just follow the digits.

1 decade ago

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I found some letters, but they don't get me to a giveaway. Tried to bruteforce the right order of them, but nothing worked for me :/

1 decade ago

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yeah,same here..

1 decade ago

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email me and I'll try to give you a lil hint (you can find the email in my steam profile)

1 decade ago

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No brute forcing should be required, the hints should help. Make sure you have the correct upper/lower case as well, that might be causing your issues if no permutations of the characters works, assuming what you have found is correct (they should be fairly obvious).

1 decade ago

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Nevermind, I've read the hints again and got it now :)
Thanks for your help!

1 decade ago

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Good thing you said which holes are yours. The hints for those two would have been useless if we didn't know they were yours.

Edit: nevermind, what I thought your hint meant does not seem to be correct.

1 decade ago

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The solution is perhaps far simpler than you might expect. ^_^

1 decade ago

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Added you on Steam, I need to discuss something with you.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I'm pretty good at this sort of thing. Let's do this

1 decade ago

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I signed up, now to find a rabbit.

Youtube is a piece of shit ><

1 decade ago

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Wait, do I have to sign up in the participants list? I thought it was for people creating holes, but there are many names there.

1 decade ago

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participant list is just a list anyone can join to show theyre playing, or make some lolz. (or something else)
to sign up for making holes see info in the roadmap.

1 decade ago

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Oh ok, I thought if you didn't sign up you weren't allowed to enter the hole giveaways. :P

1 decade ago

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no anyone can sign up there

1 decade ago

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Had fun hunting the new ones. 11, 12, 16 and 21 remain unfound for me.

1 decade ago

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It really bothers me that i haven't found 11 and 23 yet because they are entry holes so there are in this very thread.

1 decade ago

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Looks like 11 was the wrong colour, should have been green. Updated the Roadmap document.

1 decade ago

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I see, thanks. Still haven't found yours, I haven't even the slighest idea. I've only found 4 letters. Oh well.

1 decade ago

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if you understand the hint you'll know where to find the letter you're searching for

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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11 and 12 are down. Are 25 and 26 actually dug yet?

1 decade ago

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I think so, I'm not sure how to get to them yet though

1 decade ago

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I found some leads but I don't have time to follow them right now, probably later tonight.

1 decade ago

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Found 26. Updated the colour coding on the roadmap.

Still looking for 25.

1 decade ago

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I'm a bit confused about the color coding myself. It seems to me that anything not orange should be green.

1 decade ago

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green = outside this topic AND the rabbit holes' giveaways

1 decade ago

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Uncoloured ones are found inside the other holes.
Orange denotes those that are found directly in this thread.
Green is those that are found outside of this thread but not in the other holes.
Purple is ambiguous as to the location, but indicates that an ITH puzzle is involved, which leads to the hole.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Moo has found all your holes. Took far longer today, but I got there eventually. ^_^

1 decade ago

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Lets play a game.

1 decade ago

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Hmm I was pretty sure I solved this but none of the links were valid. Either that or I accidentally missed a permutation.

1 decade ago

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thats sick :D

1 decade ago

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Oh dear, this may require further investigation...

1 decade ago

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Got some clues for this hole, but I'll have to think harder on this later.

1 decade ago

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Found something related to 26 a while ago, but still don't know what to do next.
At the 25 roadmap, is that a minor typo?
edit: Solved 26, was overthinking. :p

1 decade ago

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I think its intentional

1 decade ago

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Hm, can't figure out 25 and 26 even though I found clues to them both.

1 decade ago

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Hmm, 27 has me stumped for now. I've found some.. things.. some of which I've made into something usable, 1 or 2 of them though are either quite ambiguous or I just haven't figured them out at all. Even brute forcing some of the seemingly more likely possibilities with what I thought I had didn't go anywhere, so I'm probably wrong somewhere (or not brute forcing hard enough).

On a positive note, it has inspired me to fix and improve my brute forcing program, so it now no longer gives a false positive on both non-private contributor giveaways and private giveaways that are already closed, while at the same time reducing the number of lines of code I needed down to 49. Also I made a modified copy of the program to test for valid itstoohard.com puzzle URLs in case that ever becomes useful. So yay for that I suppose.

1 decade ago

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No brute-forcing would be required. No external pages except the ones directly linked.

1 decade ago

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Yup, found it now. ^_^
I was being slightly dumb on one of the bits, though the other part wasn't working for me for some reason and I ended up brute forcing it anyway. :P

1 decade ago

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This 11th hole is really elusive

1 decade ago

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if you can't find the hole...track down the rabbit who made it

1 decade ago

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I know who's the rabbit, I'm currently raking his steam profile but to no avail :\

1 decade ago

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I'd have to say you're doing it wrong then.

1 decade ago

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I figured... I always had a general idea for every hole except for this one. Meh, I guess I'll figure it out eventually

1 decade ago

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Wait, then who do think the creator is?

1 decade ago

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It's you (unless you lied when you said so, but I guess not)

1 decade ago

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Might I suggest you get a better rake.

1 decade ago

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or a new pair of glasses....

1 decade ago

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Thanks for that comment, make me open that link again and spot it in the first second. And now I feel retarded.

1 decade ago

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Now you see why I asked? LOL

1 decade ago

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Damn, can't find hole 25. I found something according to hint but can't get anywhere from there.
The rest is done. :)

1 decade ago

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any hints for 11?

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure, whos responsible for holes 25 and 11? I'm lost

1 decade ago

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remember that you have a walkthrough for the first 22 holes...it will help you find your way home Tzell

1 decade ago

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Is there still any hole thats being really difficult to crack?

1 decade ago

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I haven't found 11, 12, 25, 26 and 28(although that's new so I can't say if it's hard or not)

1 decade ago

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mmm maybe the people responsible for these could drop a lil hint :3

1 decade ago

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I know you are responsible for one of these, since you have 13 private giveaways, and I've only found 12 of them. :P

1 decade ago

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oh, I am? durp. lets see

1 decade ago

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you're responsible for 12 and no hint is needed for that one...don't worry

1 decade ago

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  • 11 is quite easy and you are on the right track.
  • 12 is in another hole.

But 25 and 26 I'm still not sure of even if I found clues to their whereabouts. Haven't given 28 a try yet.

1 decade ago

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25 is maybe the hardest as I'm looking where the hints asks me to look, and I have still no idea.

1 decade ago

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It might be hard to find because someone is trolling. If Tzell could delete 95, it would be nice.

1 decade ago

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can I delete 95 or is it part of anything?

1 decade ago

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Not that I know of.

1 decade ago

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Okay, I found 25 with the new clue in the roadmap.

1 decade ago

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I haven't found 21 yet. No idea what the hint is supposed to refer to.

1 decade ago

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Neither did I until I found it (it is kind of obvious though). Remember that it is a green hole, i.e. entry point but not in this thread.

1 decade ago

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Guess I'll sleep on it. Btw a certain image of yours won't scan, even after some manipulation so I'm afraid I'll have to resort to brute force :o

1 decade ago

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I heard some had trouble with it, try it with a phone if you have one that is capable of it (I use neoreader on Android). Otherwise crop and set contrast.

1 decade ago

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Yeah my phone is ancient. I tried cropping/contrast/rotating but it won't read. Of course it doesn't help that my only editing tools are imgur and paint :p

1 decade ago

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Haven't found 13,15,18 and 23+.

I guess I can't find some of the new holes bcuz I need 13,15 and 18 :c (even with the hints)

1 decade ago

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I have a feeling 28 is going to be a pain...

I'll tackle it again tomorrow, see if I can get the rest of the answers.

1 decade ago

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Think about the deception

1 decade ago

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The problem with that is I start inferring bluffs and double bluffs, until I don't know whether to trust that deceptions are the deceptions they might be, or whether I'm supposed to not be deceived into thinking that. Presumably I have to trust something otherwise I have no information to go on at all.

Also things that look like clues seem to be all over the place to the point that brute forcing is impractical without more information, which presumably I am missing (not that I haven't tried about 1000 combinations of suspicious characters).

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Yes. It is good.

1 decade ago

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Don't care, just trying to be last response in every thread!


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Tzell.