Hey guys!
I know this website's been mentioned on reddit and some forums a couple times, but I personaly didn't believe it much. Usually when you try out something like this, it takes you months to even get something like a dollar on paypal, but this website is different. It's called TREMOR GAMES.


It offers a lot of ways to get coins (points to buy games or other steam stuff with)

  - trade in steam trading cards                                          
  - trade in TF2 items                                                        
  - complete offers (surveys are pretty much all bullshit, but there are a few good offers you can complete by playing some browser        games for an hour or so or by downloading an app on your phone)                          
  - complete easy quick tasks (through crowdflower)                                      
  - play games and earn coins by completing achievements                                
  - watch daily videos                                                  

and in return for doing these things, you can get free steam games, trading cards and other things. It was surprising to me how cheap some of the stuff was and I already got 4 games, 2 ref on TF2 and 5 trading cards in less than a week. Of course I got some of the cheap games, but you can save up for some really good stuff as well. One of my referrals managed to get CS:GO in a day.

You guys should check it out if you're looking for some legit way to get free steam games without waiting to win a giveaway. ;)
NON-REFERRAL: www.tremorgames.com

10 years ago

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Old news, and i think there is a topic about this website and remove the referral link

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by PrimeShark.