I asked the same question a month ago - heres the thread with the answers.
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Yes I bought it and barely played sadly, but I might if I find people to play with. I think its worth it if you want to try an MMO because theres no monthly subscription. So in a way its like getting 2 months worth of WoW, just for as long as you want.
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I put over 400 hours into the game and it still feels like I've barely touched the game, though I have two characters at max level. I thoroughly enjoyed the game. I haven't played it as much lately because I've been catching up on my backlog, but I still go back and randomly play it at times.
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Got two characters to max level when the game was released and once I hit the level cap I found out that there was nothing ineresting to do. Took forever to find a dungeon party.
WvWvW was boring as hell. Pretty much spam all your AOE's in the enemy's general direction and hope something dies eventually.
Some of the mechanics are also annoying as fuck. Having to swap weapon sets to change the skills you use for example. Or the lack of defined roles.
Thankfully they were nice enough to give me a refund for the game though.
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I put about 200 hours in at release, got to max level and stopped playing. Waiting for them to add some more end game content before I start playing again, but because there are no monthly fees I can just play again without having to spend more money, or worry about wasting days I payed for if I got bored again.
I think I pre-ordered it for around $40 and even if I never play it again I enjoyed the game and got my moneys worth.
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It really depends on what you like, for those who need a carrot on a stick to chase GW2 is not for you. It was designed from the start to have minimal progression aside from getting to lvl cap. The best gear is easy to get, money is not that hard to get unless doing something like making a legendary (same stats but unique skin that changes how spells look).
For those who like to sight see, explore, do trap filled dungeons (sometimes with platforming), ect it is great. Many also say it has some of the best combat. They made a beautiful world that due to how the npcs are always active and talking makes the world feel a bit more organic. The community is also generally abnormally friendly, going out of their way to help someone and groups forming organically to tackle an event then breaking up again.
Quite a few who got this last year rushed to cap and focused on just gear, levels, and other forms of vertical progression like is common in many MMOs and ended up finding a lack of content tailored to that and thus boredom. Many of those also came back months later with a different mindset and found a new game. Sort of a case of forgetting it is a game, see so many people actively turn it into work with farming and grinding when there is no need in this one.
On class design I quite enjoy it, they did some new things with the old types along with a few unique things. My main class is the Mesmer, somewhat unique to GW2. All about illusions, confusion, chaos, and teleportation.
There is a new patch roughly every 2-3 weeks of late with a progressing story that changes stuff, it is not the best story but MMOs generally do not raise the bar high on that with the exception of TSW (and others didn't think of).
On the topic of business model they have done it pretty well, B2P with the premium currency buyable with gold based on supply/demand. Aside from character slots beyond the base 5, more bank slots, and trivial boosts (they really generally not that good and you get free ones too) the rest of the shop is mini pets and gear skins. I haven't spent a cent nor farmed yet have 4 extra bank slots and an extra char slot.
On the pvp front is a lobby one where everyone has equal gear/level, even if jump in at lvl 1. The other is WvW, 3 servers fight each other in siege warfare over 4 zones. Matches last a week.
I won't say the game is perfect, far from it, and it certainly is not for everyone but it is a fun world to just go and hang out in and do whatever is fun with some new stuff every few weeks. No gear progression means you could quit for months and come back without having fallen behind. There are also quite a few quality of life features I wish other MMOs would adopt, some have been.
Personally I log in about two days a week. Friday night for the weekly WvW reset, which tends to be the most active point of the week. And Sat night for guild missions, which consist of us summoning bosses, doing missions that require coordination, and summoning/opening mini dungeons.
Overall it certainly is a good starter MMO with acceptable tutorial, friendly community, and casual friendly content. By the nature of MMO it will evolve, change, and grow over time so even if do not get now will just have more to do in future. So far they have done 2 free weekends since launch, so likely will do again if want to wait for that. My guess would be on the launch anniversary.
On topic of other MMOs there are plenty of good options out there, pretty good time in the genre with many new titles a year. WoW's success caused a certain amount of stagnation due to the amount of money and time invested in making an MMO, and thus risk aversion by developers, but we are getting out of that and the market is growing.
WoW is still the king of theme parks simply due to it's age and thus amount of content, you can get an unlimited time free trial that is capped at lvl 20 (out of 90). IIRC (been few years) might be a holiday event ongoing right now. Ignore the haters somewhat, so much as mentioning WoW is practically taboo and the ultimate flame/trollbait in many other games. People just love to hate it, and more often than not parrot the same line over and over.
Hmm I suppose should explain what themepark means, it is pretty straightforward. Themepark mmo pretty much just means the content is more linear than freeform sandbox, you start in one part of the zone and follow the chain of quests til done and move to next zone. While sandbox MMOs tends to have less of that premade directed content and more player made and freeform content.
The MMO genre is pretty varied now so if do not like either of these do not rule out the genre. Name a genre or game type and likely a MMO for it. The most common type aside from MMORPG is MMOFPS, I do not really play them but I think the main one right now is Planetside 2 (could be wrong). For the moment fantasy is more common than SciFi, and as far as I know only one set in modern day (The Secret world, Lovecraft/mythology themed).
I think many play MMOs due to their potential, no other game type is as large or as varied in what can do inside of a single game. MMOs by nature have huge replay value. While they may not live up to the stereotypes and cliches established in media some of them can be quite impressive.
The more mainstream games tend to be a bit simpler and in some ways smaller than others due to the wider range and thus less niche focus of them. An example of that might be Eve Online also sometimes known as spreadsheets in space, it is very niche but the stories that come out of it are sometimes impressive and it has been studied by economists among others due to it's complexity and the way it mirrors the real world.
Well hope my ramble was helpful, brevity was never a strength of mine and to few people go into any detail and are generally an absolute yes or no. I am certain there is plenty I did not cover, but that should be enough to help you decide.
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^ what he said. Except there is a huge gear grind in GW2 and it will take you months to get the best gear. However, you can get the second best gear in a couple of days and it's only about 5-10% worse than the best gear, stat-wise. On top of that, skill is way more important than gear (unlike WoW) so this really isn't a big deal and you will be able to do everything without even having the second best items
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I heard it's going to have a monthly subscription.
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WoW is terrible - I played it when it came out (for about 6 months) and then had been either on private servers or retail till about end of 2010 - I will say this, the first time I played WoW it was extremely addicting, but then it got boring really fast when they removed world PvP and made it a grind-fest.
Back in 2004 it was fun to level up, now ppl just rush to get max and then grind through instances.
Granted GW2 is a lot of the similar, but I feel the superior graphics, less financial burden on my wallet, better combat system is an improvement on WoW.
One thing to note, I last played WoW in 2010 and GW2 in early 2012, so things may have changed a lot since then.
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It's a lot of fun, the more fun i had in any MMORPG, however the random crashes and extremely poor performance optimization by ANet makes me cry.
nVIDIA offered them help and they refused, they have no clue about what optimization is, i've played other MMROPGs with MUCH better graphics and a lot more people around with High Poly characters models, shadows and the performance was by far better on other MMOs, it's like this is their first MMO and they have no clue about optimizing the code.
The best part is that when i put everything on Minimum i barely get any FPS difference.
This isn't exactly a problem for people with end machines but this is a downside for people with bad graphic cards and CPUs, and by bad i mean anything near a single GeForce 570 because that's what i have and sometimes i get 30 FPS in main town, the only place i get steady 60 FPS is when i go outside and there's no one around and i look at the sky (pretty much nothing to render :p).
All modes are a lot of fun tho.
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Going to buy it soon :) , its looks amazing and I'll have a free time soon after tests :3
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I've tried GW2 on the free weekend and got bored after 5 minutes (literally). I've played it for about 3hrs, just to test things out. The visuals are great, but the game doesn't have soul, if you know what I mean. The gameplay is really dull, but it does look good on videos. WoW is still the best MMORPG experience out there, by far.
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GW2 is my favourite mmo. it's just so different if u compare with the other standard mmo's in my opinion.\
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I've never played an MMO like GW or WoW before, or anything similar. (Well, never really gotten into one)
I saw on GMG that GW2 was 37$. Is GW2 worth the price?
Whats the replay value?
How well would it run on my system? Specs
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