If I understand, it's for day-one supporters. I didn't see anything on the special tiers for the free game. The $55 is for the torment tides of numenera.
EDIT: Yeah, description says $20. My bad.
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"For all backers of The Bard’s Tale IV at the $20 Reward Tier and above. Wasteland 2 will be delivered on Steam or DRM-Free on GOG.com after the Kickstarter campaign. The Witcher and The Witcher 2 will be delivered on GOG.com."
Says clearly at the top :)
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So, wait, do the tiers give you the bought tier plus everything below? That's one thing that I don't understand.
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FREE copy of inXile’s Wasteland 2, or CD Projekt Red's The Witcher, OR The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. (until 6/3 at 6am, PST)
Key word or
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That doesn't say you get to pick. That says you get only one game. It could quite easily mean they give you a random key.
Given the other two titles have been offered for free before, and have gone on sale for tiny amounts (whereas Wasteland 2 hasn't) it's a bit of a lopsided choice. I mean, any choice or options are always nice, but I'm just adding a little caution given they weren't explicit, y'know?
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Sure, they could just make it be random but that would defeat the purpose. It's implying that you're getting a game for free and that you get to choose.
EDIT: Since, y'know, I'm pretty sure you can refund your kickstarter 'purchases' but still.
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From an answer in the comment section by inXile "Just to confirm, yes, you still get your choice of the three games for the first 24 hours. Your game selection will be made and distributed on our backer web site, after the Kickstarter campaign has ended." So yeah, we get our choice of both game and platform.
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I WOULD support them if I actually knew what this is. I 'unno. For $55? I'm iffy about this since I'm trying to save up money for building that monstrous computer.
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As in, the original series is apparently really old so I would have to put my trust in how the game would generally feel rather than being familiar with it, because I'm not familiar with it.
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Well from the description it sounds like it will play similarly to Legends of Grimrock. But yeah, i get where you're coming from. I for one have only played The Bard's Tale, which was nothing like the other games in the series. still, i like Dungeon Crawlers and it seems like a good deal so i'm in :)
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Backed as soon as I saw this on Kickstarter today.
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The fact that I decided to back this proves my lack of will when I have money in the grasp of my hand input sad face here. I blame capitalism.
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I look at it as, I was debating buying Wasteland 2 for $20 so why not get both? lol
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Backed at $20 level. Will get Wasteland 2 on GOG. Already backed Torment via KS.
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This is the first time I've ever backed anything on KS
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Same here. I'd go for the 20$ tier, but no PayPal means no deal for me. It sucks.
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Planescape Torment is an epic RPG and I'd happily back any new project if they wouldn't only put it on CC only Kickstarter.
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Yeah, but I'd rather get some games right now, so I'll go for the 20$ option to get Wasteland 2 ;) I just wish that Kickstarter would accept PayPal or anything else than a CC.
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free game offer has been extended for another 24h https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/the-bards-tale-iv/posts/1251607
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That's not how Kickstarter works. Kickstarter takes your money only if the project is funded, at the end of the campaign. I think the bigger issues would be how easy it would be to troll and do chargebacks with Paypal. With creditcards it's much harder and not worth the trouble/risk.
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4th game I have backed... with the other 3 being "War for the Overworld", and "Pillars of Eternity", and "Stonehearth"
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I only ever played the one that was released on Ps2.
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Baby got BACKed!
This deserves a better pun, but I'm no Bard.
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Backed, no hesitation!
Then I watched the kickstarter pitch video.
Pledge cancelled!
Not even joking.
The mind-numbing horror of the video aside, it, and the content below, doesn't give any real idea as to how the game'll play; how much- and what parts- of the first three games are included, etc.
Kinda worrisome when the devs don't seem to know what they're doing with the game yet, though it could just be their marketing division failing epically.
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Don't know what they're doing in what way exactly? Getting an idea of what the game will be like is the easiest part, google/youtube The Bard's Tale, then imagine it with the graphic style from the art and the extra features in the description and you're there :) You can also get a very good understanding of exactly what they're going to be doing if you take the time to read the long ass description below the video, but, the way i suggested first should be faster.
They're not reinventing the wheel here mate, like with their other 2 previous Kickstarter games they're taking a more modern approach to an already tried and tested genre and setting. They already did it successfully with Wastelands 2, Torment Tides of Numenera is looking great and for many is one of the most anticipated RPGs of the year and The Bard's Tale IV will very likely be a very good return to good old fashioned Dungeon Crawling. I don't think anyone would call any of these games innovative, but they're, as you can see from the huge number of pledges in just the first 10 hours, what people want, a flashback to the old and golden days of gaming, for some also a flashback to their childhood.
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My decade in game design might have given me a differing opinion of what a mock-up/pitch should look like :P So, I may be looking for something more in-depth than is usual for a Kickstarter (which I'm not near as familiar with the conduct for- though the pitches I HAVE pledged to, eg https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/114971883/tokyo-dark/ , have provided adequate initial feedback).
As far as Wastelands 2, you can't honestly say that bares more than a spiritual succession to the first game. The issue with revamping games that old is that there's quite a lot of ways to approach it. I had the same issue with the Wastelands pitch, though it turned out solid, which is definitely a reason to throw in with this one.
The main problem is, I hated the first few games, growing up- in fact, most of my friends I spoke to about the Kickstarter did. We all had mixed, but not especially unfavorable opinions about the more modern game.
The lore, the concepts of the bard, there's some good stuff in the setting, but we hated how the early games played.
And all we really know about how this one plays, is that it uses the Unreal 4 engine, and has an intriguing sounding play-at-your-own-pace system.
Which, if that's enough substance for you- and as you said, a lot of people are jumping on out of nostalgia and loyalty to the setting- that's fine!
Doesn't mean it's enough for some of us;
And sure as heck doesn't mean that pitch video isn't a tragic affair :P
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Again mate, you have to keep in mind that this is not some random project by some random small indie dev we know nothing about. Maybe for you and others the "wall o' text" is not enough to get a proper impression of what they're aiming for with the game, i can respect that, it's always good to be careful with your money, for others however it, and the job they've done so far on the other 2 games, is enough to trust inXile with our money. I also know that not everyone liked Wasteland 2, but i'd say the ones who didn't seem to be in the minority when it comes down to numbers. I'm sure there will also be Planescape fans that won't like Torment just like i'm sure there will be Bard's Tale fans that will dislike this new game. In the end you can never please everyone, all you can hope is that you please enough people.
Not to mention the deals they have going, giving away Wasteland 2, the Witcher games and, in higher tiers, Torment and Pillars of Eternity also sweetens the deal for many of us. :)
The pitch itself is an obvious joke and one that they've done before. Go back to their Kickstarter for Torment, it starts with the exact same joke + images from Wasteland 2 and a bit of them talking about their ideas over a couple of concept art pages. And they got 4.1 million for it and it's looking great.
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Well it's not exactly a Wasteland 2 giveaway(or a Witcher/Witcher 2 giveaway), they're just trying to sweeten the deal and reward people who back early. I know it sucks to not have a paypal option at the start to take advantage of this as it's my preferred payment method as well but oh well...
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I already backed Wasteland 2 (and finished it), already backed Torment (and waiting for it), and I missed the first 24h of KS.
So I feel abit disappointed and I definitely don't like their idea of marketing. So I'm letting this go (=frustrated).
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Voted "Meh" but backed it for $20. Might cancel my pledge later, I'll think about it. I trust inXile to a large extent, but I'm somewhat pissed off by them not posting any results for Kicking it Forward (although after a lot of web searching I did find that they supported Underworld Ascendant).
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free game offer has been extended for another 24h https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/inxile/the-bards-tale-iv/posts/1251607
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Anyone backing in the first 24 hours of the campaign gets a free copy of either Wasteland 2, The Witcher or The Witcher 2. On either Steam or GOG.
There's also a tier, The Tormented Bard that gives a copy of Torment Tides of Numenera when it's out. I'd say Wasteland 2, Torment and The Bards Tale IV is a pretty good deal for 55$.
440k pledged already with less than half a day since it started. Might be fully funded in the first 24 hours at the rate it's going :D
EDIT: Now with In-Engine footage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVB6dSckvJI
EDIT 2:Everyone who pledged with receive the original Bard's Tale trilogy for free when the campaign is over + an improved non-emulated version when it's done.
EDIT 3: You can now pledge with Paypal.
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