Did you find the GA that may or may not be here?
I'm still staring...still waiting...it's going to move eventually...
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Sadly no. Trust me though that we all know that feel of impatiently waiting for a GA to be marked received. It's by far worse than waiting for a key to be sent from a GA you won.
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If they don't respond, it won't make your feedback bad. It will just stay in "awaiting feedback". If that continues you can ask for a reroll, but more than likely that won't be necessary. One way to avoid such situations is to only make level 1 giveaways. That way, everyone entering at least is aware that they have to mark the GA received (since they've had to wait for someone to do so for their GAs already).
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You should be fine then. Make that F5 key your b****!
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I did an image search for the phrase "ignorance is bliss" and this came up as one of the first results. I'm not going to pretend I understand the picture at all, but I absolutely had to share it.
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If I had made a GA and someone down below had mentioned they couldn't figure out the puzzle I'd have hypothetically made to find that possible GA, then I'd have given them a pretty easy hint to find that GA I probably didn't actually make.
...wink wink
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Congrats! Don't forget to SLASH the cake, I always do!
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What? Like buy a Freddy Kreuger glove and attack the thing?
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If that were the case, then there would be ZERO chance that this FOLLOWED your comment. BY THE beard of Zeus, the FIRST thing I'd have told you would be to mail me lots of LETTERS full OF THE most ARBITRARY complements you could think of. You might also have considered gluing bits of STRING to the letters, OF course. The TEXT IN the letters would have been less relevant to MY interest than the string really. That's the most accurate DESCRIPTION I can give you of such a hypothetical situation.
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Ok, I had hypothetically got it right before then , it's just that I'm hypothetically not using it not correctly
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Well good! Because my response was as ridiculous as it was time consuming to compose, LOL
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Don't forget to that your local stores tend to SLASH prices AT THE END of the year.
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You also seemed to miss the "important parts" of the description on the two giveaways I maybe made (slight scowl)
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Oops sorry.
Let me cook something for you to make it up
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Baaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaa that's hilarious. That is a wonderfully low brow idea someone had.
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A haiku in your honor:
Grats to you Tallpaul
and I voted potato
but i prefer yams
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Congrats on level 7. )
I'm too tired to deal with puzzles that definitely aren't there, but thanks for your continued generosity. )
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I fixed my arbitrary string of text in the description. Sorry for any confusion it had caused before :P
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added to OP for your pleasure
So we've hit 100 votes for potato! Hooray! That deserves a food related hypothetical GA, but I'm sure I didn't actually make one and was definitely not too lazy to make a puzzle for it this time...JHKOl. Disregard that group of letters. That was definitely just autocorrect or something like that.
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It's good to move with the crowd generally. That way everyone ends up with the same problem and eventually someone will figure out a solution. Just wait around until someone more motivated finds it, then call it teamwork!
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I don't think I would be able to solve the hypothetical puzzle if there even was one here. I would probably have wished for some sort of help
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I would have advised you to look at some of the previous comments and my responses to them then ;)
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Please remove this. The puzzles are easy enough and I've added hints already. There is no need to post the answers.
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Unfortunately a GA's entry requirements cannot be changed after it's created. It's just level 1 though so literally any GA you made/finished in the next 6 days would get you to level 1 and you'd then be able to enter any of my hypothetically existing GAs.
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I hit level 7 finally and hypothetically wanted to create a celebratory GA, but maybe I didn't. I'm not good at puzzles anyway so I'm sure I wouldn't be any good at making one even had I chosen to do so here.
This is definitely an arbitrary string of text with no significance whatsoever...totally: 0 People Ingested Formal Underwear
If I had made a giveaway though, I'm sure I would have typed way too much into the description about what to do instead of saying thanks. So keep that in mind if you want to make believe I made a GA for this thread.
Edit - I'd definitely have left that hypothetical GA open for a week too, to give people time to sleuth out that super tough hypothetical puzzle.
EDIT AGAIN - So we've hit 100 votes for potato! Hooray! That deserves a food related hypothetical GA, but I'm sure I didn't actually make one and was definitely not too lazy to make a puzzle for it this time...JHKOl. Disregard that group of letters. That was definitely just autocorrect or something like that.
HEY LOOK! ANOTHER EDIT! - We are up to 200 votes for potato now so how about another food (assuming you're a bird or something with a similar palate) related giveaway, hypothetically speaking of course. Unfortunately my stomach is feeling pretty bad this morning so I might barf up some totally random collections of characters from time to time.
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