tl;dr - Duke Vision SFX is causing me a headache. Is there a way to eliminate this SFX?

Hi! I'm reaching to you because I have problem with a Duke Nukem game that I recently won. Maybe some of you also had this problem. I also tried to find something in the internet but I didn't find any solutions.

Game itself is great and I can see that I will have great time with it. Unfortunatelly there is one major problem. One of the game feature is a Duke Vision (basically a night vision). It allows you to see in dark places (duh) but apart from making world visible they also create some kind of infra sound (I think it's called that way). It's a very high sound that is suppose to create better immersion but instead of that it makes my ears bleed. I mean really - it's really painfull and after few minutes I felt a beginning of headache so I had to stop playing for a bit.

So far I came up with two solutions - muting all sfx sounds during dark missions (which obviously sucks) or turning brghtness to its max (which also sucks). By any chance are you aware of any patch or, I don't know, maybe a location of sound file responsible for that sound? Is there any way to eliminate it from the game? Halp plox.

Very related gib.

If you don't know any solution, please bump this thread so maybe someone with solution will see it.
I really mean it, if I will see an entry without any comment there might be some bad blood between us.

9 years ago*

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Duke Nukem Forever is an old game. So try to run it in compatibility mode (preferably windows xp mode).

9 years ago

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No, no - I'm talking about DNF from 2011. Game runs just fine, the only problem is that sound from Duke Vision. The problem isn't in software or hardware but in game desing.

9 years ago

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5 years, so still an old game
I've played it a time ago, but didnt got this problem

9 years ago

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Hmm I have no idea about the issue. I don't have any problem whatsoever with the sound or anything while I play. Hopefully you'll find a fix for that! Have a bump for now

9 years ago

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tried reinstall? this is a very rare issue that I found people complaining only in video comments or something like that a loooong time ago. tried to reach it but it was years ago. didn't find anything recent about it either. sorry :T

9 years ago

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I haven't seen a "fix" for it, but I did come across some other complaints.
Dukevision is literally painful to listen to
Night Vision Makes My Ears Bleed

9 years ago

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