Welcome to the forth week of the Connect-the-dot and Coloring event lasting 12 weeks with each week 2 new connect-the-dot challenges!

Previous Weeks: Big Ben, Eiffel Tower, Sagrada Familia, St Marks Square, Bridge of Sighs, St.Peter's Basilica
Voting and Leaderboard Thread is HERE

This week the landmark for this thread is:

Neuschwanstein in JPG format

Neuschwanstein in PDF format

Simply print the jpg or pdf (or use paint programs) and complete the connect-the-dots and submit your finished picture in this thread! For participating you will be invited to a special Steam group for GA rewards!

Here is an example:
Example of completed Dot-to-dot -St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia
Example of COLORED Dot-to-dot -used colored pencil, adding some detail

If you want to accept the ultimate challenge then add some coloring to your picture for next week voting will be done on colored submissions for winners and special GA entry!

Check HERE for details on your submissions and the event!

And don't miss out on the other challenge this week of The Parthenon!

The Neuschwanstein Challenge!

Where: Schwangau (Bavaria, Germany)
What: Neuschwanstein (or "New Swanstone Castle") is one of the most popular castles and palaces in Europe. Built in one of the most idyllic settings imaginable the castle was meant as a homage to Richard Wagner and as a retreat for the "fairy-tale king Ludwig II.

Interesting facts:

  • Neuschwanstein is looking good every season! Check the images.
  • The first mention of castle Neuschwanstein was in 1864 in a letter from Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, to the man he admired Richard Wagner
  • The construction of the castle took longer than expected (1868-1892) and as such Ludwig II only ever saw his new castle as a building site as he died in 1886
  • The picture cycles of Neuschwanstein were inspired by the operas of Richard Wagner however not directly modelled on Wagner's works, but on the medieval legends
  • Behind the medieval appearance of the castle the latest technology was in operation: hot air central heating, running water available on every floor, toilets with an automatic flushing system, an electric bell system to summon servants, a lift for meals and even telephones
  • Due to the extremely special building site of Neuschwanstein movement in the foundation area has to be continuously monitored, and the sheer rock walls must be repeatedly secured
  • Need more information? Check out the official website

Neuschwanstein Challenge is open until Octobre 1st. Have a COUNTDOWN here! With this said there remains only one thing to say:

GOOD LUCK on the challenge! Create for us some breath-taking Pictures of the Neuschwanstein castle for some awesome GA wins!

EDIT: It seems there is a slight mistake in the original unconnected pictures for the dots #156 and #157. As such you are allowed to connect those in the order you seem most beneficial to express your artistic desire. Have fun.

Cool pics of landmark:

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8 years ago*

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Yey! Looks great!

8 years ago

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In point 4 of the interesting facts wagner has lost an r.
Also aren't there supposed to be 4 seasons? :P

Anyway, thanks forr hosting week 4.

8 years ago

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Well, depending on where you live there may even be a "fifth" season ^^ I can check for a spring picture and maybe a better summer since this one appears to be late summer. Nonetheless Neuschwanstein still looks gorgeous. Thanks for the typo. Corrected it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thanks for the link and the work for the event. Have updated the OP.

8 years ago

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This was more Hidden Object then Dot-to-Dot...

8 years ago

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Heh, were the dots all over the place? =)

8 years ago

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Yes, more then the others.
Also a lot of passing through numbers and returning.

8 years ago

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Is it hard though? I was thinking if I should not at least do the dot-to-dot of my own thread ^^

8 years ago

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A bit time consuming, but not hard. :)

8 years ago

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It's not hard, not too many long lines, so easier to keep them straight.
Just sometimes you have to find the right number.

8 years ago

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Theres mine:

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8 years ago

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VERY Nice, crisp and vibrant colors!

Now you inspire us all to get to work on this neat castle in the mountains!

8 years ago

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Wooo, the first submission for Neuschwanstein. Nice work. Looking forward to the next ones.

8 years ago

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First few days are usually quite slow while people think up what they want to do. Have a bump in the meantime. :)

7 years ago

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Yea, I thought so too. But my partner thread has three times the comments >.<

7 years ago

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There is just alot of controversy about a submission and if it follows the rules and intent of the event...

We decided it did't... another loophole adverted! ;)

7 years ago

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Why do loopholes exist to begin with O.o secret bump

7 years ago

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Why do people think using loop holes will give them votes is a better question. :)

7 years ago

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Hey! I won 1st week because of loophole!

7 years ago

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You at least followed the structure of the connect-the-dots. If you had made a tiny Eiffel tower and plastered it as a 10x10pixel big version on the side of a 1000x1000px car that you had just gathered from Google, I doubt you would have won.

7 years ago

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Whatever, I use loopholes not for votes. I use them for result that I would like.

7 years ago

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Because we are raising a society where being noticed is more important than the actual work being done? And as such straining the rules and using loopholes will give you an advantage over other contenders? I think people are more likely to vote for something they find interesting. But I'm just randomly guessing.

While we are at off-topic: Since it seems you have a bit of knowledge of programming. How difficult would it be to write a program reading out the presented information (like #wins, #sent as well as realcv sent and won) from all usership of Steamgifts and to save it in an own database (if you would like to use it for an event for example)? And how long would it take to read out?

7 years ago

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Next to impossible. Since we don't have user ID numbers you'd have to go through almost a million users
(945,253 at the time of posting) by collecting their names here: https://www.steamgifts.com/users and then using that data and collect the information like http://www.sgtools.info/sent/nordhbane

And it's not a fast system nor well suited for it, but you'd probably be able to collect about 1 person every 2 seconds once you have a list of all the million users on the site and make a good collecting database. If you leave it running 24/7, it would still take over 20 days to collect all that info. And that's if you don't get IP banned in the process for mass-spamming the servers with requests. :)

This can give you a basic idea though about how many users are what level, and then you can average that out since we know how much real CV it takes to reach a certain level: https://www.steamgifts.com/stats/community/users

7 years ago

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You know what? That slightly comforts me. I assumed as much already but now I'm certain that the idea I have is just not doable (so I don't have to blame my motivation). I was aware of the "Users" site and to use that one was the plan. Also two informations are not visible on Steamgifts although they are saved somewhere. There may be other ways but nothing I should follow for the moment. Thanks for the answer.

7 years ago

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Can you write in the main post that 156 and 157 can be connected in any order since the original has a mistake?

7 years ago

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Have done so. Hm, I'm wondering if I should make it green to be more noticeable. Well, it should be fine for now.

7 years ago

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LOL, my submission has the mistake in it... Didn't realize that lines not supposed to cross in dot-to-dots...

7 years ago

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Funny I did wonder about it while doing the dot-to-dot, thought they weren't meant to cross. secret bump ;)

7 years ago

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Oh, I just started the dot connecting on this one, and reached those. I came here to check as it was weird to get a loop on a dot to dot.

(Also 20-21 connection makes the tower look kinda weird, like if there was one dot missing)

7 years ago

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Yeah, there were a lot of connections that seemed a bit off on this one. I just completed it, and then added more lines as details afterwards.

7 years ago

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I made a bend in my line on this one.

7 years ago

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Yeah in the end so did I when I colored it, I "corrected" some lines to make it look more ok to my eyes

7 years ago

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Here's mine cloud castle:

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7 years ago*

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Hadn't noticed it before, but 156 and 157 are most likely in the wrong order (on the original). Connect-the-dot lines should never cross each other, so it seems they printed it wrong in the book Jeff got these from. I haven't drawn the lines myself yet, but when I check BigTxT he actually "corrected" it by drawing them in the wrong order.

Since it's a clear mistake in the original, we will allow those two dots to be connected in any order. Whichever way the artist feels like.

Lovely idea with the castle in the sky.

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7 years ago

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Laputa. I like the contrast of the vibrant colors from the castle to the lighter background. It is interesting how people approach those pictures. I would probably go with something a lot closer to the original (kinda uncreative).

7 years ago

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Wow I started out making my Parthenon floating on an island in the sky and then got the idea for Atlas to be holding it up...

I really like this effect!

Nice work!

7 years ago

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My submission...

It was fun taking this.castle in Germany and moving it to the Half Dome in Yosemite Park, California, USA.

I also made a black and white version of it in honor of Ansel Adams...

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7 years ago*

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I don't know why but your submission looks kinda surreal to me O.o Also if it comforts you, I don't think many people will notice the corss at all. I would have to look up the unconnected picture to even know where I should have to look.

7 years ago

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Surreal because the varying tree sizes are perceptively wrong in foreground and background... It plays with your mind...

7 years ago

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I think it is more than the tree sizes but I assume now it was an intended effect.

7 years ago

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Not really intended but don't mind the effect...

7 years ago

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I like the oil painting filter, it goes perfectly with the picture.

7 years ago

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Yet another great piece of art from you, Jeff. :)

7 years ago

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What if the castle is just the tip of the iceberg and it keeps going under the ground? That was my inspiration this week.

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7 years ago

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So far this is the "normalest" one. I like the approach and background and castle are consistent in style. But you all do so much effort O.o It seems people are erasing the numbers and color on computer? Do you also draw the lines on PC or do you print out and scan afterwards?

7 years ago

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Digital all the way, much faster than doing it manually, not to mention I have a really crappy printer that will only print greenish colours. :P

7 years ago

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Love it!! It's like it's daytime above and nighttime below...

7 years ago

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Well, it is inside the mountain, it's always going to be night time. :)

7 years ago

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I see some dungeons to explore, see you in a week :)

7 years ago

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Wanna swap? I can take a vacation in the sun up in the clouds for a week ;)

7 years ago

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The dungeon to explore is in another thread.

7 years ago

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Love the idea and the cool execution, too. I just started my castle.

7 years ago

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Wow I love both the idea and the realization.

7 years ago

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Thanks. :)

7 years ago

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What just happened here! :o I really like the idea of the underground castle ❤

7 years ago

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I've seen a russian advertising firm make some amazing artworks based on famous landmarks, and I was hoping I could find a challenge where it would fit in. A castle up on a mountain seemed like the perfect opportunity.

Here's my inspiration:

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Still waiting for your submission!

7 years ago

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All the talented kids made me anxious T_T I will look if I find the time tomorrow. At least a non coloured one should be easily doable. Also not sure (if I decided to do it) if I should do it on PC or print out.

7 years ago

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More colors!
Old version with a dot connection mistake : Castle

Edit: Because of people mentioning my dot connection mistakes and the possible OCD, I added a "fixed" version

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7 years ago*

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I love the red shaded trees! Doesn't that place just look amazing during the autumn? Also, a really good idea with the snowy mountain tops, makes it feel more real in a cartoonish way.

7 years ago

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Thanx Nord

7 years ago

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Real neat ribbons of color shades!! Wow!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I like it, but seems like you made a small mistake in lines on the front-left tower. Or where you going for something like a bishop?

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7 years ago

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I call it artistic freedom :D, but no it was no mistake. It just doesn't touch the right wall, that's all

7 years ago

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That's like the worlds famous artists have little flaws that counterfeiters dont realize that real art connoisseurs can detect the real paintings and artworks from fakes.

Yours is authentic and real made by you! ;)

7 years ago

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Actually, you went from 289 to 290, 290 to 291 and then 290 to 292. So you missed going from 291 to 292. :) You can see there are 3 lines going to the same dot.

It's ok, small mistake. :)

7 years ago

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Oh you re right. I thought you were all talking about the smaller tower on the left top.
Well I can fix it, if I'm allowed for participation purposes

7 years ago

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If you want to fix it, feel free to do it. Not gonna disqualify it because of just that one.

I think the top left tower there, the reason why it's got a cut out of it, is because it's actually the roof from the central building going behind the tower in front, but in front of the tower in the back. It looks wonky though. :)

7 years ago

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I think so too, and it's not the only thing that looks odd to me.

7 years ago

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No, a lot of things looked odd on it. Didn't care much for the roof at all. The Parthenon was also a bit weird at the top.

7 years ago

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And for the record you 're right, I was looking at the other tower on top oO

7 years ago

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I like the colours. Seems to be the closest to reality so far with the orange colored front. Also interesting contrast from the red and the blue woods O.o

7 years ago

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Yay, the tower's no longer about to collapse! ;)

7 years ago

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I was reminded of gulag from mw2, so I tried to do the jeffhowe method but with videogame assets. I think I'll that style to him next time.

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7 years ago

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Submitted the wrong image because I'm unorganized. Here's the right one.

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7 years ago

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On the other thread the question came up about the detail added taking away from the focus on the original content...

I like this idea... And when I zoom in on the castle I can see a lot of detail without it being too pixelated...

Let me confer with Nordhbane on if this submission needs adjusting in any way.

7 years ago

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The castle is strangely fitting in there O.o Should probably look up the original for comparison. Also could you help me a bit? I have a hard time spotting the difference between the two pictures O.o. I also zoomed in but didn't see it in the first 15 seconds.

7 years ago

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Ok, I updated the FAQ on the event and added clarification on number 4 about adding detail...

You can add detailed drawings to your dot-to-dot, adding shading or enhancements to background (clouds etc...) or details of ANY kind to make your dot-to-dot even more stunning!! (Note: Detail must not overshadow the focus of the content being on the connect-the-dot image.)

The focus has shifted to the larger graphics on the video game cover... And the castle is so tiny compared to the rest of it. I have an idea of what you can do...

Make the video game cover tiny... Decrease the whole thing to a small image then put a box around the castle on the back and an arrow coming from it with a large zoom out box with the castle really big. The large zoom out box showing the detail of the castle that is on back of box.

7 years ago*

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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The result turns out so much nicer-- as we are directed at where to look and get a zoomed in look at what's highlighted in the event!!

Really good job, TreeB!

7 years ago

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I had almost overlooked the castle in your original submission. This is so much better. Love the idea, TreeB

7 years ago

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The reply was sent to me... You need to reply to TreeB...

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I had almost overlooked the castle in your original submission. This is so much better. Love the idea, TreeB

7 years ago

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Bump and meow.

I had Caractacus join the dots, not-so-artistically. As always, this is NOT for the coloring competition - I don't have enough talent for that. :3

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7 years ago

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Hahaha, I love what you did with the two messed up dots. :D

7 years ago

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Hang in there, kitty!

7 years ago

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Why not join the color competition? You have a wonderfully colored rainbow. ^^ Or is there any drawback for entering or a rule you need to color it completely?

7 years ago

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I think it's up to whoever is hosting the GA. If you're happy I've done enough then I'd be happy, but I'm conscious the other entries are way better artistically. =^.^=

7 years ago

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Yeah, it's a bit limited in the colouring and added detail. I do also think Caractacus can add just a bit more detail and start entering the colour category. :) The rainbow's getting bigger for each week, so it will soon be just as easy to just colour the dot-motif!

7 years ago

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Love it! It's like Caractacus is playing Atlas holding up the whole castle!

Or he's holding all the dots together so they dont fly away!

7 years ago

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I think he's just trying to tie the lines together to fix the mistake in the dot-design in the original. :)

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Love the shadowing effect... Making it pop off the page...
Colors are so pleasing to the eye!

Beautiful overall!

7 years ago

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Thanks jeffhowe. Remember, KISS!

7 years ago

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It feels a bit like papercrafting. :)

7 years ago

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Possibly inspired by origami talk

7 years ago

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Clean colours and nice composition ^^. But something in here feels off to me. I'm not sure however what it is. May be my imagination.

7 years ago

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Oh yes? How so? I didn't have a lot of time, since I'm going away for the weekend so it was a bit rushed.

7 years ago

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I think it is the shading of the trees on the left, it looks like the light green in front is behind the yellow, which is behind the darker green.
I do not get that feeling with the mountains.

7 years ago

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Aaaah, I actually did that on purpose, lol! I also did it on the mountains on the right if you look.

7 years ago

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I wanted it to look like random paper cutouts put on as an afterthought or something in that vein...

7 years ago

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You succeeded at that, but it still looks a bit strange, not bad, just strange. :)

7 years ago

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I'm a strange guy :) Thanks for the feedback Kuzurreesh, I appreciate it!

7 years ago

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It is probably the dimensionality which is playing a trick on my mind. One time certain party are looking as they are more in the front and sometimes in the back. That and the white-borded parts of the building.

7 years ago

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At school I was taught that if something unexpected happens in your piece "LEAVE IT!" most of the time, as it creates interest and draws attention! Aaaah those were a long time ago though

7 years ago

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Well. there is no reason to change anything. It is fine as it is. It's just me being irritated.

7 years ago

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Sorry for the irritation :(

7 years ago

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Again, this is not your fault O.o You made a great picture. Be proud of it.

7 years ago

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Great effect with the paper cut outs. Every week there are new exciting ideas. Nice work, nico7, your choice of colors works really well.

7 years ago

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Thanks man! :)

7 years ago

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When I was a little kid, my mom had an architecture book with (among other stuff) a picture of the neuschwanstein castle in it. Little me (who didn't know how to read at the time), thought it was the disney castle. So here's my entry for this week's challenge...

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7 years ago

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Nice inspiration and presentation. I like that it's also a bit different from your previous entries. Always good to change things up! :)

7 years ago

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Thanks! I felt like trying something else since I had an idea for that one. :3

7 years ago

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Reminds me for one of those school projects where one is only allowed to use one colour in different shades. I like the nuances you managed to express while staying true to the night theme. And nice touch with the unnamed Disney character in there.

7 years ago

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Thank you, I had a lot of fun playing with shadows. :)

7 years ago

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I do believe the Disney Castle was inspired by Neuschwanstein, but I'm not 100% sure. Great effect, by the way. :)

7 years ago

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That wouldn't surprise me at all, they do look pretty similar. And thank you :)

7 years ago

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This light inside the castle ❤ So dreamy, so beautiful ^^

7 years ago

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Thanks a lot :)

7 years ago

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Heres my entry

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7 years ago

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Ah, the week is slowly ending and the number of submissions increases. More vibrant colours ^^. It seems to be the favourite idea so far.

7 years ago

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Just finish my drawing .

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7 years ago

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It's missing quite a few lines. Will have to discuss it with Jeff, but you might need to redo those.

7 years ago

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I draw the lines but decided to improvise since i couldnt undestand what i was seeing there. I have the file with the lines only so i can start drawing again with lines if needed.

7 years ago

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Oh, a relocation of Neuschwanstein ^^ Another interesting idea. This one seems more like a gruesomes Lord battle fortress.

7 years ago

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Line removal of bushes on left of castle and circular drive are minimal and not removed from the focus of the castle itself....

This submission is acceptable.

Great job!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Ah, at first I thought you colored this by hand. But looking closer it seems to be done with PC as well. I really like the effect you used in the woods.

7 years ago

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Line "removal" happens when swan heads overlay the three castle peaked roofs but it's minimal so this submission will be accepted.

Very nice idea and design!

7 years ago

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Finished :)

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7 years ago

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I said it before it before at a submission but I really like those effects which give variations to the plains. It looks way more dynamic this way and more pleasing to the eyes. After this ends it will be terrible to vote T_T There are already too many good submissions.

7 years ago

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It might look good in every season, but not all at once. :P

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7 years ago

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Very nice detail on the wall to the road leading up to the castle. :)

7 years ago

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I think it depends on how the seasons mix ^^ A nice change from summer to autumn will result in a lot of beautiful colors. And nice work. One of the fews doing this by hand.

7 years ago

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Tried something else this time.
Completely in watercolor

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7 years ago

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That's really nice.
The trees in front look a bit like a green wave bashing into the walls. :)

7 years ago

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Thank you.
Yes, true. I didn't notice until you told me oO :)

7 years ago

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Looks very dynamic. This is a really nice effect, love the energy.

7 years ago

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It really pops. My favourite parts are the effect of the trees on the right side and the way you've shaded the tower roofs. But everything really has a nice dramatic tone to it.

7 years ago

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Thank you =)

7 years ago

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Everytime I used water colors my pictures ended in a mess. Nice work. I like that you stayed close to the original ^^

7 years ago

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Good brushes are the key :)
yea, i am not much of an abstract painter, lol xD

7 years ago

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After spending too much time doing the Parthenon, I pretty much just phoned it in on this one. Sorry. It was a busy week.

Also, I guess I thought there was a river somewhere? I'm pretty sure now that there is not any river anywhere.

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7 years ago

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Sure there is.

7 years ago

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Afraid this can't be accepted as a submission since it doesn't follow the lines. :(

7 years ago

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I accept my dishonor with dignity. We reap what we sow.

7 years ago

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Well, for deliberately ignoring over half of the dots it is still recognizable. And you still have submitted more than me ....

7 years ago

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Time to post my horror! Here's My Neuschwanstein version.

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7 years ago

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Your horror is so much nicer than my horrors. :)

7 years ago

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Help me with this one. Where exactly is the horror? You're telling me this is the castle from Amnesia? Also the simple lines in the woods and mountains give the picture more dynamic. A nice effect.

7 years ago

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Was kinda expecting some vampires, but I must say I prefer this as "horror". ;)

7 years ago

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Another Disney inspired piece:

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7 years ago

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Very nice. :)

7 years ago

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You should allow him to use this for all his future events ^^ Something like his own trademark sign.

7 years ago

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Wow... My own logo!

How cool is that?!

7 years ago

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Wow that looks great!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Nice ravine! Very smart use of shading on those rocks.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Ah, nice idea. :) The jagged edges made it look like rocks, but when you say it, it definitely does look like stylized waves hitting the wall.

7 years ago

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Sooo dark O.o Is this where the end boss from Castlevania is living?

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

7 years ago

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Wow! Nordhbane is right... That ravine just pulls you in!

Very nice!

7 years ago

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Pink castle :)

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7 years ago

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Is that where MLP lives? =)

7 years ago

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Certainly ..... unique. This is probably the new and so far unannounced Barbie's Dream Castle.

7 years ago

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I bet you'd get student123s vote for sure....! ;)

7 years ago

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He should make a real barbie house!

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Adelion.