-rep him.
It's the most horrible thing that could haapen t o a Steam user.
This, and the VAC.
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Without wanting to seem greedy, I dont like Skyrim nayways: Why the hell does your brother watch your email and rob your stuff? How old is he? 6?
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For the same reason why my brother and I don't really use family share - play ALL the time.
He's lucky I'm working now so he has few spare hours during week :P
We had lots of fun today, when it turned out some Free 2 Play game was played from my account, when I started game he received "buy it or 5 minutes then kick". In stinking Free 2 Play :) .
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1) Go to a proctologist.
2)Make an appointment and ask him to give you a file with the hour and the place where you have to be for the "checkup".
3)Make the file fancier.
4)Give it to your brother and tell him that you love him and he has to be there and at that hour.
5)Let the doctor do his job.
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Even better. Schedual an impromptu at home BCS. (Body Cavity Search)
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i just want to say thanks to Vitality for doing it,and shit does happen to people and people should do more to help others unlike some on here who only can make fun of or make pointless comments about someone miss fortune like saying why did you even post this it is a waste of time
it is because of people like you and others like you that steam gifts exist in the first place for people helping others when shit happens just because you can not because you have to
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You are a REALLY NICE GUY. You're my new idol :).
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I'll only believe it if you post proof of purchase + the used key.
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why does he even have access your your email and take it without asking?
man if he was my brother he would not be playing Skyrim as i would report it as a stolen key to teach him a lesson
but i guess you are more forgiving i know some may think that my way would be bit over board but he needs to learn that is not how life works you can not just take what is not yours and get away with it
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Email is about as personal a space as someone's wallet or purse: NO ONE should be in there, other than the owner, except in the rare case of emergency. Also, what kind of douche is the brother to just help him to something that obviously isn't his? So yes, it was stolen. Family or not, I would have done same as you, reported him for stolen game because it was not his, ever and he did not have permission to take it.
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To all the guys asking why he has access to my e-mail: He's my brother, he knows my every password and I know his. We also share an iPad, so he can see every e-mail I have gotten as well as I can see his. He just took advantage of the situation and snatched the key even though I share my Legendary Edition with him (he has played it 140h while I have 28h). Guess he just wanted to have the game on his account as well.
And to ViTALiTY, I have added you. If you really do this, you are one of the most generous persons I have ever seen!
And to all of you, nice suggestions. Keep 'em coming! ;D
(I would have put his alarm clock to play this. He hates Smurfs and this type of music. Oh and we're Finnish and the song is in Swedish so, you know...)
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Replace his Orea cookie filling with toothpaste, cover his powered donuts in talcum powder, poop in his pillow, send out gay lover messages to his friends on facebook(Or straight, depending), sign him up for garbage duty on the freeway, etc...
Man I am a good sibling.
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Together we would probably rule the world, then fight each other over the world.
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Contact support and see if you can get the key back. If you can talk with your brother, maybe he can ask support himself.
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Steam will only revoke GIFTS (if they feel like it) and will only do so once. If he got a key from retailer all he can do is eventually revoke it, so neither he nor his brother has it. And as he mentioned that he has skyrim legendary on his steam and his brother has access to this account - it won't make any difference.
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Just tell him to pay you back another copy of it or give you money
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You gotta be more specific. How much are you willing to pay, how do you want him murdered? Stuff like that :-p.
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276 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by Formidolosus
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17,428 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by MjrPITA
Why, you may ask. Well, I decided to buy you guys Skyrim last night. Tomorrow as I was making the giveaway, my brother asked me: "Have you bought even another Skyrim? I already used the one in your email!"
That sentence killed me inside. It felt like a knife was being turned in my heart. It was going to be my second giveaway and I could get over the magical 30.01 border with it. But noooo. My beloved brother went and ruined my fun, and yours too.
So, anybody up for the task? I'd really appreciate it, it would bring peace to my mind.
(I hope you guys don't take this too seriously. You can never be too sure in the internet. :) )
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