Same for you?
I am very easily jump-scared, but I love (good) horror games. It's all about the atmosphere. I always find myself itching for more after finishing a good horror game.
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Ahaha, ikr... even if there are no jump scares in a horror game, I'll still creep myself out.
Recently I started playing Close to the Sun because... well, gosh... it looks sooooo much like Bioshock and it looks damn good :D But the game is crazy scary for me and I didn't even make it through Chapter 2.
Will definitely need to try again one day though... and preferably I'll NOT play the game in the middle of the night.
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I want to play it well. Bioshock is the game series i love the most (I really love the atmosphere of the first game) and I really respect and love Tesla from the bottom of my heart.
Not these days tho, maybe a year later when i forgot that...
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System Shock 2. The horror there is a natural thing caused by the audio logs and the sensation of being watched and controlled. I don't remember there being any jump scares either so that is a bonus. Jump scares don't make a game horror, just make it boring imo.
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Jump scares don't make a game horror
Yeah, I agree but not really the boring part :P
For Close to the Sun, it does have a few jump scares - not the "all up in you face-sort" but it uses blackouts and shadows and some sudden sound effects to scare your heart out of your ribcage. But the thing that's truly unnerving in this game is how aptly it uses silence to amplify its eerie atmosphere. It just makes your imagination go wild, thinking there'd be a scare just around the corner or something.
I've played - yup, I just like to torture myself :D - Amnesia before as well. Didn't finish the game but I persevered for quite a bit. Played the new Dollhouse game (noir-themed horror game) too. I really like the theme and its story seems pretty interesting so I gave it a shot during its open beta... but now, there's no way I'm playing that game again >.<
Dollhouse is just too dark for its own good. It isn't too creepy either, after you've gotten over the fact that there are several scary but seemingly harmless mannequins following you around, but that not-so-creepy feeling changes drastically once you realized that one of those mannequins are actually "alive", has a knife, and likes stabbing people.. namely you.
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Played Amnesia some months ago. Great game, I can see it, the tense and horrific atmosphere is really well developed, even in a (quite) old game... But that's not my cup of tea. Continuous anxiety XD
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LOL, then I really understand you XD
I had to play it with the lights on... Because I really wanted to play it till the end, it deserved this. :)
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I love anything Horror, and Amnesia is really top quality horror.
It's been years since I played it, but I can still remember the constant dread, hair standing up, and pure anxiety anticipating the terror.
10/10 best horror game, my personal opinion.
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Many, many moons ago, a friend recommended me Penumbra: Overture. I quit when I saw a giant worm for the first time. Just being hidden under a table with the zombie dogs growling and pacing around was making me super nervous.
I tried to play Amnesia: The Dark Descent a while ago. Didn't last long. :D
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i can suggest layers of fear not too overwhelming but just the right dose ;p
holy crap just found out about layers of fear 2 :O
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That's awesome, first time hearing about a sequel!
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Hmmm. He said that atmosphere is what gets him more than jump scares, and I would honestly say that the atmosphere of Layers of Fear is creepy as heck! There really aren't too many jump scares in the game (maybe one or two?).
And a sequel? Sign me up! :)
ETA: Layers of Fear 2 narrated by Tony Todd? Yes! :)
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I never had issues with any kind of game, luckily - I get only easily bored since I passed my 30th birthday and I saw so many games in my teenage years that I keep on seeing clones and clones and clones..
On the other hand I've always been a fan of horror movies (here in Italy in the '90s at least there were no age restrictions in cinemas and you could rent VHS everywhere), so I saw tons of them back then.. this helped me a lot, probably :P
Anyways if you feel it's not your genre, there is luckily plenty of other games and I personally think most of the times, for what concerns horror games/simulators/novels/scary things etc. you're not losing that much if you skip them
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I dont have the nerves to play horror games.
But when some friends come over and happen to want to play something I usually just give them a horror game to play on my account and I watch and enjoy a beer :D
This has turned out to be good pass time for me and my friends from time to time. Even girls enjoy watching some crazy horror game and hearing (and making) witty comments. And those girls are furthest you could get from being "gamer-girls"
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I don't like the horror genre as well, but not only games, but also movies and tv series and books as well. It may be good for some, but for me it never really is.
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I am pretty much immune to horrow now a days but a while ago i played ARAYA. Cheap "ish" Asian horror game with horrible voice actors and meh animations.. But the sound! At a certain place in the game i could litterally feel the ghost/whatever creep up on me. I was sitting in my chair grinning like a kid as the hair of the back of my neck stood up.
Sadly most games rely on gore and/or jump scares and they just don't do it for me.
If you want some good horror but not just horror maybe look into F.E.A.R and maybe F.E.A.R 2? FPS games with some horror thrown into them but not the focus point. Just stay away from the crappy third one.
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I can litteraly play any Horror Game if doens't have jumpscares.
But a horror game without any jumpscares it's not a horror game.
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But a horror game without any jumpscares it's not a horror game.
Please don't encourage them, they already did enough harm to the horror genre. Great horror games (and movies) exist without jumpscares, and they work well. Jumpscares cheapen it - just throw something at a player/viewer and make a sudden loud noise. Reflex kicks in, you're scared. Oscar-worthy directing.
The original Omen, The Thing, Rosemary's Child, The Autopsy of Jane Doe for movies.
Games: Amnesia: Dark Descent, Darkwood, Lone Survivor, Inside, Fran Bow, most of SOMA, Alien Isolation, and the list could go on.
Good horror keeps you on the edge because of atmosphere, topics, and expectations. Simple/cheap horror just uses a reflex in the cheapest way ( fake jumpscare oh okay nothing happeREAL JUMPSCARE AAAAH. Done to death).
At the end of the day, you like what you like, but saying that a horror game is not a horror game without jumpscares is like saying that an action movie is not an action movie without something exploding every few minutes.
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Couldn't have said it better myself. Jumpscares make horror games worse, not better!
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But a horror game without any jumpscares it's not a horror game.
Quite the opposite, actually. Good horror is about the atmosphere and the details. Jumpscares are cheap and lazy (and very, very annoying).
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I got stuck in the original apartment, so I can't say I found it to be scary! The atmosphere of the game is great so far, however! And I am also playing it with headphones. :)
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I did, but I can't seem to find a way out of the room. It went into "Security Lockdown" and I seem to be missing the required action to get out (I believe I've found every clue and item in the apartment).
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Yeah, I get easily scared.
The Painscreek Killings brought me to my limits. By the way, seriously, this game deserves some love. If you like being Sherlock Holmes in a creepy, semi-open world setting, then play this.
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I won that game a while back. It does look like an amazing game!
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I highly recommend it. If you have some time (I recommend playing in at least couple hour bursts, so you don't forget the details of the case) then launch it.
It's definitely one of those games that I think are criminally underrated.
If you have friends, get them together on Discord or something, stream the game to them and basically just solve the mystery together. It created amazing moments on that game for me :D
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I'll definitely give it a look on my next day off (Monday). :)
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My suggestion to you - Start easy and slow, and build up "immunity" gradually.
Start by playing half-horror games like the F.E.A.R franchise (especially 1 and 2) and Dead Space, then move on to games with horror based more on atmosphere than terror, like SOMA. After that, you may feel adventurous enough to tackle games like Alien Isolation etc.
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Huh, interesting. I guess it really depends on the player - In my case, give me a weapon and I can get through mostly anything because I know that I'm able to defeat what the game will throw at me, as I am more confident in my shooting/fighting skills than my hiding skills.
I loved the atmosphere/horror elements of F.E.A.R though - I played the first game like, 3 times.
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This was also at the height of the Asian stringy-haired-dead-kid period (Ringu, etc), which was a lot scarier early on. Now that formula has been copy/pasted so often it's gotten old. I played FEAR again a few years ago and it wasn't nearly as scary as it was back in the early 2000's. Even with weapons, though, the right kind of horror game can still keep me on edge, like Alien Isolation did because the weapons couldn't actually kill the threat, just give us some breathing room.
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Heh, they can hardly be called weapons in Alien Isolation - I don't think I even used the revolver during my playthrough. The Flamethrower was a nice tool, but only as a last ditch resort if you're about to lose. The rest of mostly just played by running and hiding, and praying that damn thing won't figure out where you're hiding.
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Depends on the definition of horror. I do enjoy horror adventure games (like The Cat Lady or Fran Bow), but absolutely hate these "horror" games where running and/or hiding from monsters is a core gameplay element (Amnesia and everything that followed): having to repeat the same sequences again and again (yep, I suck at them) is so goddamn frustrating, I just want to explore and solve puzzles at my own pace. Therefore I was saddened to know that the sequel to glorious Layers of Fear will be spoiled by a heavy "horror" component, for example.
While we are at it, I rarely watch horror movies at all nowadays.
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absolutely hate these "horror" games where running and/or hiding from monsters is a core gameplay element
I'm not fond of that, either. It can be genuinelly spooky if you have to run/hide from a monster like twice during the whole game, but any more than that and it becomes just plain frustrating (though I quite liked Amnesia: The Dark Descent, maybe because it felt innovative back then).
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That's the point I would make. I just can't stand these runandhide simulators - they're scary for about 10 minutes, then just get too frustrating to be bothered with. It's fake horror, relying solely on jump scares and forced helplessnes. Alien Isolation and the new REs kind of veer towards that, but save themselves by giving us a bit more control over our fate - AI did it best with weapons that could kill some enemies but only drive the alien away, and that created real tension.
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I have a bunch of horror games on Steam (RE0, RE1, Amnesia, SOMA, Among the Sleep, Layers of Fear, Lone Survivor, Outlast, Alien Isolation, and a few others), and every time I play one I feel like I'm forcing myself. I think the only one I've finished in like 10 years was Among the Sleep, and even then it was tough (won it in a Playing Appreciated giveaway, so kind of had to finish it).
The odd thing is that I actually love the neon graffiti and Halloween aesthetics. The neon area in Psyconauts was great, and the Halloween'ish area in A Hat in Time (minus the actual horror section) I spent more time in then just about any other area in the game.
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Yep, it's legit terrifying.Thankfully the devs put in a shortcut that you can use to skip the entire section if you want (though you'll miss one optional item if you do that)
Here:s a video that gives you an idea:
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If you enjoy Halloween aesthetics, then I highly recommend the Costume Quest series. I haven't played the second game yet, but the first game is a heck of a lot of fun! :)
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I'm the opposite--I melt through the floor if I try to watch a horror movie, but games I'm OK with. Perhaps because I have more of a sense of control of the situation? (Not that it's always easy, though--it took me forty minutes to get through the last room of Alien: Isolation because I had to keep pausing and go off to hyperventilate a bit.)
I might have odd standards, though. Whether I can get into it depends on the source of horror. Aliens, zombies, monsters? HECK YEAH. Existential dread? Definitely. Supernatural/cults? Maybe--it depends on whether it's actually horror, or just a reskin of: Psycho murderers? BORING. CrAzY lunatics escaped from an asylum? Seriously, stop. It's boring AND stupid. (Which is why I will never play Outlast and even passed up that "free forever" offer a while back. It could be a good game for all I know, but the setting rubbed me in all the wrong ways.)
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Respect you for not collapsing because of outside pressure to look weak or a pussy and doing what you actually think. Do what you want man because you want it.
Also I'm a firm believer that jumpscare bullshit fuck your heart up in the long run
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I am the exact opposite of you in respect to response to games vs films.
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It's a love/hate relationship. I love the genre when it's well done with great atmosphere, but I hate cheap jumpscares and my anxiety level goes through the roof when I'm expecting one. I try to play a lot of them but I usually give up before finishing the game. My last 15 minutes of Alien Isolation was me hiding in a locker, coming out slowly, hearing the alien, running back in the locker. Rinse and repeat. I'm still in there.
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I really envy the people who can play those games.
I really want to play some of them, yet i have zero fun because of i am generally busy cleaning my pants...
Horror movies are ok, but games are totally impossible for me. Atmospheric ones are even worse than games with jump scares. Fuck...
Rant over.
edit. Well, i can't resist :D :D :D
I have to finish a game when i start it, so Amnesia here i come :D
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