so, 3 months ago i got a brand new 2013 camaro 2ss-rs 6-speed manual ashen grey

Since day one the car was clunky it's like driving an 18_wheeler
loud violant clunk and vibrations when engaging the clutch while shifting from 1st to 2nd under load as in parking lots( can be minimized with slower clutch engagement)

my other issue that it's almost impossible to shift when cold ( with engine off or on) i have to shift through 4th-3rd-2nd-1st to get to 1st , while hot it's fine..... ( I don't know if it's breaking in the shifter linkages and it's components)

the car has only 3800 kms ~ 2300 miles

Otherwise i really like the car, i plan to keep it at least 180k miles

  • What you guys think?
11 years ago

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