Just like the title says. It has Sims 3 and 3 expansion packs. The problem is that she wants to get more for less money, so i told her to get Steam, but now i have some doubts about that:

1) Is it better to get Steam or Origin for it? I don't know if the most recent expansion packs are coming to Steam, and that's an important thing.

2) Can she recognize the game's location without having to reinstall things? And what about getting new expansion packs from Steam and installing them, there would be no issues?.

Obviously, she buys original games, but the expansion packs in my country are much more expensive and also Steam is awesome and she has to use it.

I'm from Argentina, so don't expect me to have an excellent english writing.

12 years ago*

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Probably one of the few cases where it's better to own them on Origin.

12 years ago

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She won't be forced to install every expansion pack she
owns and she'll get digital copies of the games she already has.

If she creates an Origin account with the same email address as her Sims 3 account,
it will automatically link them and copies of the games she has registered will be added to her Origin library.

The Sims 3 and its expansions go on sale for around the same price on both,
and with Origin she'll have the option of purchasing them from other sites such as Amazon.

12 years ago

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Thanks a lot for the information. I totally appreciate it.

12 years ago

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Yup, as stated, Origin.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by panchox.