
I have a very odd game called Grass Simulator to actually win a key for this game all you have to do is vote YES on Greenlight, and join our Steam Group.

We Currently Stand Number 2 on Steam Greenlight, so the changes of Greenlight are pretty high.

Links for give-away and basic steps.

(If you have any groups or pages feel free to share this on there also - we don't mind people sharing this on other sites / groups)

STEP 1: Vote for your Grass Simulator on Steam
Click here to view Greenlight Page

STEP 2: Join our Group on Steam (Grass Sim)
Click here to Join the Group

That’s all that is needed, you don’t even need to leave a comment. Just make sure you check the group now and again for Information.

Once Released on Steam we will be giving out a link where you will insert your Email Address and Codes will be distributed to the Email provided when link is available.

If you have any questions feel free to leave them below or email me directly, dand@rezinesoftware.com

Two Steps are required to get a code for this game once released.

The game will feature, Singleplayer, Multiplayer and Co-Op

Some people will not like this game and I understand however the vast majority of people can’t wait for this game to be greenlighted.

This Giveaway will expire once the game has been greenlighted, as the group will be locked.

Thanks and take advantage of this giveaway.

Straight from the main developer.

Thanks everyone.



10 years ago*

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Vote clicky
Group clicky
Voted by the way :)

10 years ago

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Thanks for the Hyper-links, how do you do that?

10 years ago

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= steamgifts

10 years ago

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Could be the greatest game ever ... I dunno, but I down-voted on principle alone. Enough with the begging for votes!

10 years ago

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Gratz, now you delayed the release of the game with 1 whole second.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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Oh nice, didn't know that.

10 years ago

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Wait so you mean it's like he never voted at all and completely wasted his time?

10 years ago

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Another feature that makes greenlight brilliant

10 years ago

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Huh. Didn't know that. Thanks for sharing. Just when I didn't think Greenlight could possibly get worse.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 years ago

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No Problem, for the community helping with support we are making it rain codes for everyone :)

10 years ago

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You have to be joking..

10 years ago

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To be fair this is the nicest looking simulator so far

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Honestly.. i'm loosing hope in the simulator genre.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

10 years ago

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Just for make bigger my library -_-

BTW: Done!

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Would you make a game named Morphine Simulator 2015?

10 years ago

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Voted and joined the group ;)

10 years ago

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Thanks everyone, Vote and Join for a limited time only before the Greenlight :)

10 years ago

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So...why are you developing this game? What is your intention? Why is advertisment for this game so important for you that you joined steamgifts only for promoting it?

10 years ago

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+1 Why ?

10 years ago

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This game is a joke, but other really bad games came to Steam thanks for SG voters and the forums, this at least looks fun, so why not?

Games we vote like "Final Slam 2" which is just horrible and it's available to play for free on Newgrounds flash games sites, "Heavy fire Afghanistan" an old bad looking game from Publishers that are greedy and want to grab money from their old trash, tons of bad Android games that have tons of bugs on PC and look bad.

10 years ago

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"There are other crap games on Steam" is not a justification for adding another one to the pile.

10 years ago

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This game looks at least better than tons of games I voted in this "vote and get for free when greenlit", I vote for it because they give it for free? YES, but the only cure/stop to this is Valve changing rules and not allowing exploiting Greenlight this way, the consequences of not doing anything from Valve's side can be taking down Greenlight completely, this will affect all developers, so ppl who really deserve having their games on Steam and don't have lot of money will suffer too. Games I voted honestly on Steam Greenlight are less than 10, and all of them didn't need this exploiting system to greenlit. So more "Vote for our Greenlight game and get it for free" = faster Greenlight rule changes or just shutting down.

Why I'm voting then? Because it has multiplayer, it will give cards, badges, emoticons....and just because if ppl who make really crap games could make their way to Steam, why this game can't...they're not worse than others, and they're not like greedy publishers/developers who put their old games that no one plays to Steam just to make money again, their game even looks better than tons of other games. So until Steam does something about it, this won't change, ppl won't stop voting even if the game that is given for free is just the worst thing evar and everyone knows it.

10 years ago

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That's Tragedy of the Commons and it's not an acceptable defense for doing something you know is wrong. Voting for more crap on GL doesn't mean it will change anything. That's like saying I'm going to keep eating fast food even though it's awful because then I'll get fat and the industry will be forced to change it's ways. The way to fix GL is to only vote seriously or just shut it down. Doing aomething stupid with friends is just as stupid as doing it alone and cards actually give steam and the dev more money. Just bevause my friend got away with speeding doesn't make it a valid excuse to the cop who pulled me over for it. You have to start changing things somewhere, why not here?

10 years ago

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That's just stupid. That's a bad example, because the fast food industry WANTS people to keep throwing money at it, so protesting by supporting something that has a negative impact on YOU and not the industry, is a silly comparison to make, because obviously there's no incentive for change.

On the other hand, if we help turn steam into a mockery, full of really bad games from rubbish developers that release buggy, incomplete and terrible products that people actually pay money for, this becomes a bad look for valve, so they will have to eventually address the mockery that this TERRIBLE greenlight bullshit is making of valves platform, and with any luck, shut this shit down. If the system gains a reputation for selling broken, unplayable junk, it will hurt valves business.

I will continue to support every terrible or "joke" greenlight project I see, because I want greenlight to die. Valve has mismanaged the program from the start, and instead of it being a great way for indie devs to get their games out, in valves hands, it's just become another way of making a quick profit at the expense of paying customers who can have no faith in the products valve is allowing onto steam. There's no quality checking, no rules or set of expectations, valve just doesn't give a shit as long as it gets it's cut. It's dispicable, and I want to see greenlight die.

10 years ago

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its a crap. sure, maybe its better than the worst garbage you could think of on steam, but that doesnt make it any good. it just makes it 2nd worst game there. and im not really sure how on earth could you consider that a valid reason to vote for this sht :P

10 years ago

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I'm curious what kind of cards, emoticons and badges they will make if it ever comes to Steam.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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We understand some people don't want to see this game. Everyone has different opinions, but some people want this game. We are also adding in Trading Cards and other things. It's not a money cashin' or something .. otherwise we wouldn't be offering free keys :D

To be fair Air Control got on Steam, so why cant Grass Simulator?

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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wo, man, wo.

10 years ago

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wo, man, wo.

10 years ago

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Trading cards? I'm in!

10 years ago

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There's a lot of haters on here that don't like anything so don't pay them any mind. Anyway, I already joined and voted the other day (before the group was locked the first time) so good luck with getting greenlit. I'm surprised that Valve didn't let you through with the last batch... that seemed a little shady on their behalf because it looks like they skipped right over you.

10 years ago

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We where really surprised that they just skipped us, We where Rank 9 on Steam for days and days.

However, we have been rank 2 for days now since the last batch, so if they skip is again then they over-sly don't listen to the community.

But of-course some people are going to hate it, and that ok.

But we want to take advantage of Steams features, such as Trading Cards and other fun stuff like that :)

10 years ago

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I hope you get skipped again.

10 years ago

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cant believe a game like grass (or rock) simulator got skipped. its perplexing really, this world really needs more games like grass, tree, rock or air simulator.

evil valve is evil.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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maybe AirControl makes them wary

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I voted and joined the group . Thanks .

10 years ago

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Voted , good luck with game:)

10 years ago

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I ever wanted to see grass.

Can't wait till release, I can't get no sleep. Especially because of the MP

10 years ago

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Yup, grass war FTW! :D

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Thanks for the votes and support everyone! - After we get Greenlighted Grass Simulator will be on Steam very quickly, and codes will be distributed ;p

10 years ago

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Thanks you Mightyy !!!! :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

10 years ago

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Relax mind.
Relax body.
Relax bowels.
Do not fall over.
You are a cloud.
You are raining.
Do not rain.
While train.
Is standing at a station.
Move with the wind.
Apologise where necessary.

  • Zen and the art of going to the lavatory, Grunthos the Flatulent
10 years ago

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Instructions unclear. Relaxed bowels, pooped in pants.

10 years ago

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lol :D

10 years ago

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Voted and joined :D thanks and good luck :D

10 years ago

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Snow simulator pls

10 years ago

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That should be an Christmas Update for Grass Simulator ;p ?

10 years ago

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This game is going to be GOTY (Grass of the Year) - By voting and Joining you will get a key once released on Steam. Don't miss out on the Deal:)

10 years ago

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Voted and joined the group .Thanks!

10 years ago

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I just voted for playing with friends.
Still better than Air Control. It must be.

10 years ago

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Playing in the toilet is better than Air Control, you need to raise your standards a bit.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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You have my vote.

10 years ago

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I did it I want it!

10 years ago

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why not air simulator?

10 years ago

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Air Control already exists ;p

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by Mightyy.