Is this a good PC?
I would recommend 4GB, esp because all the ports from ps4 and xbone are going to require that in the near future (as those consoles have shared memory, devs will assume that they can use it all as vram). But please don't pick that card. better pick a gtx 970. If you can't afford it, save some more.
Also get a cheap win10 key for like 50bucks.
Get a cheaper case.
Get a bigger traditional harddrive (so you can store your steam library there).
Don't use the stock cooler. The amd proc is kind of a hothead.
You could easily do with a 500w power supply.
Get a samsung 950 evo or curcial mx SSD.
16g ram isn't really necessary yet and a cheap upgrade to do later in the lifecycle of your system. Only go with 16g if you can afford it, but for now you could better spend it on any of the things i named.
Have a look at this one. It's similar to one I build for a friend a few monts ago.
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Buying an AMD CPU is pretty much always a bad idea. Don't be fooled by their higher clock speeds and core counts, they offer much worse performance than Intel CPUs of similar prices. Get an i5-6500 or 6600 with a compatible motherboard and DDR4 RAM, you'll get much more for your money and your RAM won't be obsolete if you want to upgrade a few years down the line. Even an i3-6100 will be leagues better than that FX-8350 and is significantly cheaper. I know you said you were set as far as CPU and mobo goes but you should definitely reconsider. Intel is really the only way to go right now, the difference is staggering.
A 750 Ti is underpowered for 1080P and you're overpaying for that weird 4GB model. Get a 950 or something, ideally budget more for the GPU but that might not be an option.
That SSD is no good. Samsung 850 EVO is basically the only real choice. If you can't afford one now, just add one later when you can.
You absolutely don't need a fancy hundred dollar case if you're not planning to do serious overclocking. Get something much cheaper, your stuff will probably run a little hotter and louder but not dangerously/annoyingly so and it'll save you a lot of money that can go towards those other changes.
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I agree, it's not important for performance, but the price difference is minimal and you're likely to save yourself a lot of money by keeping it for your next build, which you probably won't be able to with DDR3 since it's on its way out.
Ideally get 2x8GB for this purpose since it'll let you upgrade to 4x8GB at that point, if 32 gigs of memory is worthwhile by the time you do your next upgrade.
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That's fair. 8GB going up to 16 next build is probably going to be enough. I just went with the 16 to 32 option because the OP intended to get 16 gigs of DDR3.
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I'd go for a bigger hard drive, I've seen some games hit the 26 to 32 gig mark for one game, it's going to get worse as more people switch to those photo realistic TVs as monitors and more and more actually want raw high resolution photos as in game assets; think in game posters books, art, documents, etc. that look irl up close.
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btw if you toss in another hard drive you might want to put Ubuntu on it for all your non-gaming stuff; you'd be amazed at how much free stuff is available for it.
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I wouldn't bother with a GTX 750. If you can, go for a GTX 950 instead.
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I've made a quick pcpartpicker list for what I personally would take:
You've 300 bucks left to spend as you wish:
I'm not a super expert so maybe this configuration should be checked before a final purchase :)
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This is a good build, OP. If you don't care about that RAM futureproofing thing I mentioned then you can absolutely go with this. You can definitely afford to add a 250GB 850 EVO and a Windows key to this and stay under $1000, at that point you can decide how much you want to spend on the case.
I wouldn't get a 128GB SSD, not because it's too little space necessarily, but you pay way less for the difference to 250 than you would for a second one if you ever wanted more, so you might as well.
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heavy CPU/GPU,Balanced, some stuff up to change on your own, and can be upgraded later on.
You can go AMD over Nvidia on GPU, but Intel CPU its must have over AMD.
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i7s do basically nothing for gaming and the OP doesn't seem like they want to overclock. If you're going to splurge on Haswell go for an i5-4690.
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If you want decent 1080P performance the minimum should be an Nvidia 960 or AMD 280/380 with 4GB Ram. The smaller models just don't cut it reliably any more.
Pesmerga's suggesetion above is excellent. Just get a good case (preferably one that will mount 2,5" SSDs without any problems or brackets and an OS from a proper dealer otherwise it may be flagged later as an illegal copy by MS. Yes that can happen after months.
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Here you go! This build would be much better, it's 100 dollar more expensive (You could remove the ssd though and you could always get the non k CPU) and it doesnt have your PC but this will destroy your build.
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Another good build. Switch out the SSD for a Samsung 850 EVO though. I know I sound a bit fanatical between decrying AMD and stressing the Samsung SSD but it really is the best option on the market for performance, endurance, value, you name it.
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I had both an i5 4690k and 8350 at one point, they both operated at the same temperatures. In fact, i5 4690k was 3C hotter at max.
I've been using AMD with the stock cooler for 2 years, never had any performance problems caused by temperatures. You'll ned a CPU cooler only if you OC it, which is amazing since you can get lots of extra power with a small cooler fee. It does suck a lot of power though, but I had no problems with my 775W PSU.
Also, retail gaming is pretty much dying. Even psychical DVD's require using code and downloading so there is no point in wasting your home space with them.
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Considering the giant size of AAA games these days I'd rather install them from a disc than wait for it to download, the updates it does download are small by comparison. And retail gaming is far from gone due to limited access to good internet, hence why consoles still have disc drives too. It will disappear eventually but that day isn't here. It's less than 20$, just put a damn disc drive in there :P.
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Made this one but with no monitor/mouse/keyboard.
Also need ram upgrade in some months/years.
You should increase budged a bit more like to 1250$
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Not really, your base for that price range should be i5+ GTX 970 and buy everything else around these 2. Get a Samsung EVO SSD, HyperX RAM, a cheaper case and Windows 10 because you kinda have too soon enough. You can get 8GB RAM now and upgrade later, I'd get a WD Blue over Seagate, better warranty.
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This is way better.
No OS (you can buy it much cheaper) and optical drive (not sure if you really need it)
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This is what I've put together so far. I'm set on the OS, MB, CPU, and case. All others are up for suggestion except that NVIDIA is what I use for graphics cards and I'm using the stock CPU cooler. Budget is under $1000. Please edit this list how you please and get back to me. I'm not looking for a GTX 980 Ti, just something to run 1080p smoothly and handle some hardcore gaming like BF4 on higher settings. My laptop with integrated graphics just doesn't cut it and tax return time is coming so I'm hoping to put something together.
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