I know some people yeah
it stays very improbable though
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NO! This is only to scare some 13-yo kids. STEAM will NEVER EVER bann you for that. They would get sued the hell out of it, if they banned Accounts worth ~1000$.
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There is
You agree that you will not use IP proxying or other methods to disguise the place of your residence, whether to circumvent geographical restrictions on game content, to purchase at pricing not applicable to your geography, or for any other purpose. If you do this, we may terminate your access to your Account.
Section 3. Part A.
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You know, I've played Russian Roulette with only one empty chamber 5 times and survived, you should try it since it's obviously totally safe.
The proof would be that you're teleporting between countries instantly.
People like are the reason these concerns need to be brought up. Are you going to reimburse the person when and if something does happen? If your answer is no, then you probably shouldn't be reassuring people they can break the rules without consequence.
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Users are ALREADY GETTING BANNED for doing this and other regional bypass restrictions
Any notion thy 'cannot track this' is absurd beyond belief. You have to actiavte ONLINE. Oh you logged into the USA for 10 seconds, activated a game, then went back to Germany? Yes that's totally not using a proxy at all. Are you an idiot?
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Don't disguise the fact that
1) The SSA CLEARLY prohibits it
2) Tracking this is trivial
3) The SSA allows for you to be perma-banned or suspended if you do
Therefore it is UNSAFE to do this. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. And don't you dare mischaracterize doing so as 'safe'. It is not 'safe'. You risk your account by doing it. End of story.
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Apart form having an interesting profile, you are enforcing breaking Steam ToS and EULAs.
Enjoy you suspension time.
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The reason those users got banned for is different than the one mentioned here.
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The thing is u don't use a proxy!
You just travel into another country, activate the game legitimately and come back to Germany.
You can't get banned for that.
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I won't drive to Poland, log me in and drive back! For that gasoline-costs, I can buy THQ! ;D
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what does it say when you try to activate it? im on the jump buying BTA but if it wont activate... (german here, too)
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Strange, I'm sure, that I can activate keys for uncut games. I'm doing this all the time and it works. (Borderlands, Darkness 2,...) Probably THQ made an exeption and canceled the activation for Germany. However, I'll submit a ticket. Otherwise, this will be giveaway then :/
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I used E-Mail. Also: I'm sure that all SR3 key-giveaways since the release were region restricted then, lol
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They should be allowed in this case. Because, you know, every single SR3 giveaway ever made in steamgifts is region-restricted. No way around that really.
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I heard about that sensor... that's ridiculous since SR3 is not that "bloody" violent.
Anyway that's weird because non DE version (EU or US) works in "steam key" version and can be gifted to Germans.
Ask for a non German friend to buy it maybe ?
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The only german law regarding this issue says that games for adults should only be bought by adults. You're right, that's crazy shit bro
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This part of german law makes sense, but I am german too and there is more to it ;) The problem is that games can be banned from open advertising, meaning they can only be shown and sold in closed 18+ areas or if you ask the vendor for it.. that would be the immidiate death for this game, so publishers censor their own games to get at least a normal 18+ rating without those restrictions. Thats why we always got tons of censored games up to the point where some games (for example C&C: Generals and Soldier of Fortune 2) had new story-lines with an alternate universe where robots fight each other in wars xD But things got much better over the past few years.. games like Gears of War 3 and Dead Space wouldn´t have a chance for an uncensored release some years ago.. today the can be sold open without restrictions, so thats a big relieve. The problem with SR3 in germany is it´s "Violence is self-rewarding fun"-Setting.. thats something where authoritys are still very allergic to ;)
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I know, but forcing a serious age verification system for adult games is by no means a "crazy" law. What people don't understand is that we don't censor, cut or forbid games (these are the only exceptions). We simply make sure only adults are allowed to buy adult stuff and thus if a game gets cut it's the publisher's fault. Or in this case Valve's for not implementing a proper age verification system
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That's because Valve decided to cut those games
CSS isn't cut anymore though, but i know what you meant
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Also it has GFWL. So unless you live in one of the these http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/countries countries you can't activate it.
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Maybe try exchanging keys with a trustable friend from another country?
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If you can't enter games page on Steam shop, than you can't add it too. You must look at there first.
In Turkey, it's not working too.
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I can add most of the uncut games, like I wrote below. It obviously depends on the publisher. But restricted in Turkey too? :(
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Sorry for my fault, just it's not on shop but you can add it by bundle.
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It's not restricted in Turkey. I'm living in Turkey. And I succesfully activated it.
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because austria is mostly considered an insinificant market, and switzerland... well is switzerland.
the other small countries well are small.
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Speaking for germany i can only say, i think i am old enough to choose what i want to play or see.
i didn't grow up to be 31 just to have someone tell me that SR 3's violence is not suitable for me.
that's why i bought the bundle without even bothering beating the average.
I will have someone gift the ROW version to me if i really want to play SR 3 at some point.
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If you don't mind the German cut version, write an E-Mail to the support. You will get the game ;)
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I already submited a ticket there, so I won't submit another one. However, I hope that they won't give me a key for the cut version. That would be very disapointing of THQ.
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You will get a cut-version key! Steam-Client is testing it - so the only way is to activate it while not in Germany. You can install the uncut version any time afterwards - it won't check.
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Reply from support:
"Thanks for emailing us, and sorry that the Saints Row: The Third Steam key isn’t working in Germany.
Unfortunately, this is due to requirements regarding violence in video games in Germany, making the original version unavailable. Here’s a Steam key for the Germany-specific Low Violence version of Saints Row: The Third that will work: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX
For more information, please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_gaming_in_Germany#The_USK_and_censorship"
Good job, THQ, blocking Germany out of Steam and blaming the USK for it. So you will get all my support!
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I am old enough to choose myself, if i can cope with videogameviolence or not.
Seriously, some germans really need to get their heads out of their asses, and make some useful laws
for protecting the kids or enforce proper ageverification systems.
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We have laws about proper age verifications. Every ID card since 2010 has a chip for age verification in it. Also POSTIDENT is possible. But Steam just don't want it because they have enough money.
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i know, i noticed when a friend purchased a Fear Bundle from the german gamestop dl store, he unlocked the uncut versions of fear with the keys.
Also... How the hell can a company have enough money?
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What other explanation is there except that they don't want more money?
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Actually it's quite easy:
It would be more expensive to implement a proper AVS that dissallows minors accessing 18+ content would be more expensive than the expected earnings.
I am actually not really sure if valve is mistaken here.
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The method is already there. Maximum: paperwork and integrate the API. Also you can just say: the verification costs a processing fee. I would buy it!
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Licensing , having people do the paperwork, and integrating the API with your own propietary system. People actually underestimate the cost of those things. also it is very hard to make proper projections about how much this will, or will not increase revenue.
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Sure, but if gamestop can do, everybody can do it. Even Origin(!) has an ID check integrated ;)
Actually, even if I don't like the whole situaltion, youth-protection is important and it's sad that Valve just don't care and make jokes like ">90% of my users are born at 1.1., hehe" They should be ashamed of calling this age verification.
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NOW you get only the German Low Violence if you buy in germany...
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Hier mal auf Deutsch für die deutschen die hier meckern. Das hat weder mit Geldgier Steam zu tun noch mit THQ/Steam hat keine Ahnung vom deutschen Gesetz.
Saints Row 3 steht auf der Lista A der bpjm. Das heißt,dass sie nicht jugendlichen zugänglich gemacht werden darf in irgendeiner Form. Das wiederrum heißt,dass man als Erwachsener diese Spiele durchaus kaufen und besitzen darf. Der knackpunkt ist jedoch JuSchG §15,der bei spielen auf der Liste greift. Oder anders: Weil etwas nicht verboten ist,habt ihr kein Recht darauf. Ihr dürft SR3 uncut erwerben. Ihr habt kein Recht gegenüber THQ dass ihr geltend machen könnt,dass ihr SR3 uncut erwerben dürft in Deutschland. Wenn sich THQ für diese blockade entscheidet ist das NICHT gegen das Gesetz oder ZENSUR in irgendeiner Form.
Is scheiße,nervt wie sau,aber so isses eben.
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hat ja auch keiner hier behauptet :)
nur habe ich, weil ich vor 23:00 Uhr gekauft habe ja eine uncut Version gekauft und keine cut Version. Und THQ selbst sollte ja wohl in der Lage sein die zu aktivieren. (Mit Steamgeschenken geht es ja zauberhafterweise auch, da hat man sich nicht so)
Du kannst ja nicht nach dem Kauf zu mir sagen: Oho, nee wenn ichs mir so überlege, ich behalt ich dein Geld, aber geb dir jetzt was anderes weil euch Deutschen gar keine uncut Version geben will. Hätten Sie sich vorher überlegen müssen, sorry.
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Deine argumentation hinkt aber schon
"Ich habe das Spiel uncut in Polen gekauft,jetzt kann ich es aber hier nicht aktivieren. Die können doch nach dem Kauf nicht...." Interessiert THQ nicht hier. Les dir nochmal JuSchG §15 durch und sei froh,dass es bei 99% der Spiele nicht so gehandhabt wird. THQ stellt dir das Spiel in der cut version zu Verfügung. Die uncut version müssen sie dir nicht zu verfügung stellen,da nicht in Deutschland erhältlich,weil Publisher so entschieden.
Mit Steamgeschenken gehts,ja,weil dann die erworbene Kopie bereits aktiviert ist. Das ist technisch so. Natürlich is das lächerlich,das liegt daran,dass unsere Gesetzte hier überhaupt nicht Zeitgemäß sind,was aber auch daran liegt,dass es schwer ist Gesetze für das Internet überhaupt zu machen.
Wenn du weiterhin meinst dir wurde Unrecht getan viel Spaß,klag dich durch die Instanzen,viel erfolg. Hier meckern wird nicht helfen. Du hast die Lizenz für SR3 erworben,du hast letztlich eine bekommen.
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Nur kann ich nicht hellsehen und vor dem Kauf wissen was ich denn nun bekomme. Außerdem war der Thread hier nicht zum Meckern gedacht - so wichtig ist es mir nun auch nicht, und mein Amtsgericht ist eh schon überarbeitet :D - sondern damit nicht jedermann blindlings das Bundle kauft, weil er denkt, er bekommt wie immer eine uncut Version. Und wenn THQ hinterher sagt, du bekommst ne deutsche Lizenz, dann ist das nicht die feine Englische Art. Hätte da gestanden: Vorsicht in Deutschland gibts ne cut Version, okay: kein Problem; aber so :/
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Just a head-up: Unlike most other games, SR3 will not activate the uncut version of the game in Germany:
"We are aware of the issue going on with Saints Row: The Third Steam keys for German customers who purchased the bundle prior to 23:00 CET on November 29th.
Please email us at contact@humblebundle.com with your Transaction ID and the subject "Saints Row Steam Key", and we can get you a Steam key for the low-violence German version of Saint's Row: The Third. "
You will get a cut key then. Info about the cut
About giveaways: read Kaitlyns PSA please
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