Why does this still exist? What's next? We'll throw some gladiators and lions in an arena? xD
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And why people are still accepting this bullshit? :/
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just read about it. you know that it's impossible in such big communities... maybe once we go to the moon etc
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Maybe, but a man can dream, can't he? :/ Well, by watching Futurama, you can actually understand what will probably happen if we visit another planets. xD
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In my country, Portugal, its considering to be a "cultural" thing. I don't really know why but seems to be imported from our hermanos.
I'm not saying that I support either sides, but many families in here have their whole lifes circled around bullfights
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I know about tradition, but still, this doesn't justify cruelty.
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Nothing justifies cruelty but many elderly people acutally see a purpose on it so =/
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Apesar de ter familiares que viam e iam a esses "sítios", eu nunca gostei já desde pequeno fosse de ver ou falar porque não tolero maltratar animais, sejam eles quais forem.
Btw, és o primeiro tuga que vejo por aqui :)
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Thank god, it's about time they got rid of this crap. Tradition shouldn't be an excuse for cruelty.
A small step but better than nothing.
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A (really) small step to make stop animal cruelty. Hope it was the beginning of their efforts in that field, not the totality they will do.
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afaik the point is that no money from EU 2016 budget will be used to support breeding bullfighting bulls. this does not prevent other governments and institutions from financing that right now and EU from doing it again in the future.
that said, very good news.
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But who will feed the matadors?
Kidding, better no more abuse.
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I did not say so. Please don't assume my opinion. I was just pointing out that his example of wasting lives of slaves, who are human, into entertainment, is not the same as wasting lives of animals. Do you kill humans for meat? No. Do you kill animals for meat? Yes. Ethically, human and animals are not equal.
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So, again, you refused to believe something you don't know about. In my culture (and most Eastern Asian cultures), we believe plants have feelings of their own. There are various stories and examples to back this belief up.
I guess you're not worthy of my time, not the other way around, because of you narrow mindset. You focus too much on your vegetarianism and ignore anything else :) Have a nice day.
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Not really - the slaves were considered sub-human. Definitely worth less than a roman citizen, and certainly could be spared if it meant providing some entertainment for the public.
Otherwise - there is dog fighting, cock fights, or just hunting for sport. My point is, the fact that something is a tradition doesn't make it something worthwhile preserving. There are bad "traditions" that are shameful and cruel. Continuing something only because it was done in the past is brainless.
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The general idea of some people at that time considering slaves sub-humans doesn't change the fact that they are humans, and doesn't mean that other people saw them less than humans.
Yes, bullfighting is bad for the animals, and in some ways bad for the image of a country. However, you should also consider that the tradition serves some certain purposes: to admire the courage of the fighters, or whatever else I don't know (except entertainment) (but I think it's cruel to pierce the bull with swords until it dies - that's torture). Pure entertainment like dog fighting or cock fights doesn't server any other purpose aside from some fun, and is definitely bad. But some of the traditions hold great spiritual value (like the buffalo fighting in my hometown). And those traditions, while some people may find cruel, would not go away any time soon.
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Perhaps if bull fighting was stopped, those involved could discover another way to demonstrate their "courage" that didn't involve animal cruelty. Truth is, they don't do it to be "courageous" - it is only about money.
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Then what about traditions which are not economically beneficial? AFAIK, buffalo fighting in Vietnam doesn't give much money, and the prize for the winning owner is less than a fraction of what he spends to raise a buffalo. It's the spiritual aspect that matters.
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When animal cruelty becomes good for your spirit / soul - then I guess people will feel that justifies continuing the practice.
Or is there a spiritual aspect to animal cruelty - that the rest of the world needs to adopt? Maybe there is a list of positives here we should be teaching our children?
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I don't see this tradition as animal cruelty. Each year the buffaloes fight each other to death many times for a female one. We just give them a stage, and get something meaningful out of their mindless actions. If you raise buffaloes, then you will understand that at times, esp. when they are in heat, they are dangerous if you don't let them go banana.
Animal cruelty is when you do bad things against the animals. For example, recently we have banned a tradition of a ethnic group, when people would tie the buffalo into a pole and take turns to stab it to death with spears. For meat. That's animal cruelty.
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I hate traditions, I hate traditions with a passion, it is one of the reason people do dumb shit like finning, bullfighting and many more.
I would end all traditions if I could... except harmless traditions.. its still stupid, but at least harmless.
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Some say this is good news, poor animals and so on (and I partially agree with that).
One the other hand, some may say that this is another step from EU to erase cultural differences among countries, removing traditions and roots one by one, to transform us all into "European" citizens without identity.
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Fist of all, I'm sorry if you feel "tricked" because the positiveness of my title let you to think this was a awesome giveaway thread. However, is a good thing because today European Parliament has voted to NOT support bullfighting. This means no public money into this shit and, with time, no more poor animals dead.
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