Hello. What is the current best way to turn steam wallet to paypal? I'm planning on quitting everything, and i have half a "Benjamin Franklin" to get out of my steam account. What would u suggest?

EDIT: Solved. Thank you all.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

6 years ago

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and sell them where...
besides, I heard there's some kind new restrictions to trading and stuff like that, which makes websites 0psk1ns not really the best for this kind of things. Please, do correct me if i heard wrong. On a side note, I'd lose about 25% of the value of keys with 0psk1ns nowadays... -.-

6 years ago

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On Steamtrades. There's always someone looking to trade.

6 years ago

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fair point. Thanks a bunch :)

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Sell games to your friends with a discount. That works especially well during big sales.

6 years ago

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You meant: buy as a gift via e-mail or direct through Steam?

6 years ago

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Im not very communicative with anyone from my "friend" list, except my roommate, maybe... so that'd be out of the list.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Hmm, your title isn't the same as the description. So I'll be talking about the description's question.

To sell half of a person, you need to be nifty. The name "Benjamin Franklin" makes me suspect that it's a male. Anyways, it really depends on which half it is and what country you're in. The name indicates it's the US and you're probably in the Russian mob judging by the combination of your name and your request.

Usually, from experience, I'd say you have kept the upper half. If I'm correct then you're in luck.
These are the prices for body parts that would be on the upper half of the body:
Pair of Eyeballs: $1,525
Scalp: $607
Skull with Teeth: $1,200
Shoulder: $500
Coronary Artery: $1,525
Heart: $119,000
Liver: $157,000
Hand and Forearm: $385
Pint of Blood: $337
Spleen: $508
Stomach: $508
Small Intestine: $2,519
Kidney: $262,000
Gallbladder: $1,219
Skin: $10 per square inch

Now these are just the prices in the US and in 2012. Haven't been in the business too long since SteamTrades was overhauled. The mods have gotten soft so the black market body part training has streamed to a halt here. I'd suggest you look somewhere else these days. Maybe on the Neopets servers.

Just to keep myself out of trouble with the mods. This is obviously a joke and I don't condone harvesting organs and selling them on the black market.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I wanted to add you to my WL for your creativity but you were already on it, so I guess all I can do is to thank you for that chuckle I just had.


6 years ago

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wait, why is a kidney so expensive compared to the others. Wtf

6 years ago

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Proximus already answered your question, and I found myself with one of my own.
Are you quitting PC gaming or just quitting Steam? O.o

6 years ago

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both :)

6 years ago

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Well, best of luck, man.
I don't think I could ever quit gaming, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

6 years ago

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Thanks, you too :)

6 years ago

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Right now best to buy Dota items like Arcanas, they are lower price at this moment because everyone is selling their stuff to afford comepndium/battle pass , then in like few weeks price will go back to normal and you can sell them on third party site and then cashout from that site to paypal. Not sure can I say name of site but I'm sure if google around you will find site that most people use, site takes 10% fee but it's safe way to get money, to avoid fee you need to go without that middle man without site, that's risky.

6 years ago

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would that website be 0psk1ns by any chance? or l00tmark3t... ah what the hell... opskins and lootmarket?
My roommate has +3500h in dota2, will ask for some info.

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by meursault27.