
I was putting away some my boardgames today when i had an idea. So i opend some boxes and took photos of gaming pieces and arranged them into three ITH-puzzles. You will have to guess the name of the game from the pieces on the picture. The names should be put in english or german. First starts from lvl 2, second lvl 3 and third lvl 4. Everytime you clear one, you will find the next in the GA description.

The GAs (1. Magnifico, 2. Dicetiny, 3. Armello) will last until the 23rd midnight, so i probably wont give hints before next weekend.
If there is really a game you think have the right name for, i´ll try to have a look at the answers. but please don´t spoil it here for the others, just write in the commets you would like to have me look something over and i´ll add you over steam for chat.

Don´t share links or answers please.

Good luck ^^

start here

oh and what would be you favorite Boardgame?

1 Taboo
2 Risk
3 Trivial Pursuit
4 Yatzy
5 The Amazeing Labyrinth
6 Dominion

1 Carcassonne
2 The Palace of the Alhambra
3 Asara
4 Elfenland
5 Kingsburg
6 Ricochet Robots
7 Shave a Sheep
8 Stone Age
9 Take it Easy!

1 Takenoko
2 Concept
3 Anno 1503
4 Carson City
5 Glen More
6 Top Secret Spies
7 Safranito
8 Torres
9 Tsuro
10 Primordial Soup
11 Village

9 years ago*

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maybe hints go here later

EDIT - time for hints ( took a look at which questions seemed most problematic - not going to give hints for all):

For Puzzle 1 i´m pretty happy with tha amount of people who got through, but still a hint for the most problematic

Q1: *honk you can´t say that

Q6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNMOj8HCsLQ
Q8: pic1
Q9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBsxwyYLmBU

Q6: pic2
Q10: should i evolve tentacles, longevity or parasitism

and i fixed some naming and or spelling issues in P2 for 7 and 9 and in P3 for 6

hope those will help

9 years ago*

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Edit: solved probably

9 years ago*

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Maybe some of the solvers logged in from a different computer (i.e. office)

9 years ago

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i hope so >.<

9 years ago

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yeah. thanks for the hints. thank you very much.

9 years ago

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Fun puzzle! I love board games! The one from Q2 happens to be my all time favourite. <3 Sadly, I didn't know the last two.

9 years ago*

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Thanks, that first puzzle reminded me of some of the games from my childhood :) I haven't played any board games in at least 10 years, sadly. The one from Q5 was my favourite as a kid though.

9 years ago

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that actually is a game from my days as a kid. still getting played from time to time and enjoying it.

9 years ago

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I used to play that one a lot as a kid as well.

9 years ago

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I somehow guessed Q2 even though in my version the pieces were a lot simpler (kind of blops). Really nice puzzle idea ^^

9 years ago

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can't figure Q2 out the rest was easy :D

9 years ago*

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Quite classic board game, sorry that I can't give glues.

9 years ago

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i know some versions where they had a lot of a different design, but that shouldn´t be a problem

9 years ago

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Yeah, pieces give quite good presentation :) I have to congratulate you again, really nice puzzles.

9 years ago

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Bump! Mühle

9 years ago

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Probably a toss between Race for the Galaxy and Ascension for me. (both card games)
Puerto Rico is also pretty great for strategy fans. I did know half the games in your puzzle, but not enough lvl for Armello so...

9 years ago

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puerto rico is nice, but sadly i don´t own it myself (yet)

9 years ago

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Bump. Maybe add the full name for Q5.

9 years ago

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hm, i thought that was the full (english) name - will take a look at that again thanks

9 years ago

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Nice puzzles! I solved the first off the top of my head, and then saw the second... O_o

I have a couple of great boardgames that were picked up with good intentions that have sadly never been played, yet, but I'd have to say that my favorite game when my friends get together would be 4-player chess using Knightmare Chess cards that turn the game into absolute chaos. :D

9 years ago*

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those cards look like a fun way to improve chess. but how do you play with 4 players? In teams?

9 years ago

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We actually play on a 4-player board like this. On occasion we've played in teams, but find that it's more fun to have every man for himself, and with 4 players, a lot can happen before it's your turn again, so it changes the game from one of strategy to one of tactics. When you take it one step further and add in the cards (there are 158 cards in total) that allow special moves and change the rules, you're not playing chess anymore (which was always a bit dry for my taste), but an unpredictable, chaotic game that happens to use chess pieces. We always have a blast with it. :)

9 years ago

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that board looks incredible, i must have one, thogether with those cards. thanks for telling me about that

9 years ago

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That chess set is simply called "Chess 4". It looks like marble, but it's just cardboard with plastic pieces. I looked it up on amazon.de, but it's selling there for 100 euros, which is outrageous, so I would not recommend getting it there. Regarding the Knightmare Chess cards, just be sure to get the third edition, as it combines all of the cards from Knightmare Chess 1 & 2. Enjoy! :)

9 years ago

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Solved Q2-Q5 in 10 seconds, have absolutely no clue what Q1 is :(

9 years ago

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Same :(
maybe 15 seconds

9 years ago

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Pandemic is awsome game!

9 years ago

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a little like plague inc, just from the human view

9 years ago

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Yeah P1 in one rush, without errors or looking anything up :D
I hope you'll accept more than one favorite. All games depend on the people you play with.
For the international crowd: I am too tired right now to look up english titles, so I will post german ones, they differ sometimes. If anyone wants to have a boardgamegeek link, I will provide them tomorrow.

  • Rampage
  • Escape; Space Altert
  • Smash Up
  • Port Royal

I did not find time to play a long game in 2015/16, so none of them in my current fav. list.

9 years ago

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i don´t know the first, will have to look it up.
space alert doesn´t work with our circle of friends - but the idea is great. and the games from him are definitly worth the pricetag. i own some of his games as well ^^

9 years ago

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Android: Netrunner would have to be my favorite game atm, trailing by Agricola, Mage Wars, Roll for the Galaxy and Firefly. Funny thing is, I still have no clue about the Q1, even tho board gaming is even a bigger passion for me than video gaming.

9 years ago

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I have to play Agricola again. It has been over 10 years...
Is the Firefly boardgame any good? The queue at SPIEL was too long to try it and tbh it looked like a mere way to make fast money from the franchise.

9 years ago

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I do really like it. It is ameritrashy pickup and deliver game, and can take quite long (3-5 hours with 4 players), but time flies playing it. It is very good in my opinion, and not just a quick cashgrab riding with the licence. Also everyone who has played it with me, have liked it and often asked to it be played again, which is sign of a good game.

Also would love to get to Essen someday but being a student with little funds, so it's not very likely in near future.

9 years ago

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If you go to Essen, you should take quite a bit of money to make it worthwhile :)

9 years ago

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we never got past the game for starters for agricola, but man i love games that come with your own small board where you can build / hoard things and animals

9 years ago

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okay puzzle #2 is reaaally difficult!

9 years ago

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wait until you get to part three

9 years ago

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Stuck at Q6 of the second puzzle, have solved everything else
What the hell is that thing, at first I thought it's a rocket but can't find any game with it ._.

My favourite boardgame is (yeah I know it's lame) monopoly. I'm such a capitalistic squirrel :3

View attached image.
9 years ago

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I give up, have to wait for a hint ._.

9 years ago

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i'm stuck at the same question :|

9 years ago

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Stuck at the same, I've considered so many different things it could represent. It actually also really looks like a thing NSFW.
I NEED to know now, this puzzle is mental torture.

We play Ticket to Ride mostly. A new game we really like is Splendor.

9 years ago*

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been searching for shapes, details and any expressions that would relate those to a game but I've found nothing not even close ;(

9 years ago

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I made it ; - ;

9 years ago

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this ones a little newer than the rest - but plenty of ppl play it actually. maybe wait for hints next weekend

Edit: sorry thought you were stuck at first Puzzle

9 years ago*

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Nightmares about unidentified objects until next weekend :p

9 years ago

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uhm just so you don´t have to invest time for nothing, but those GAs start at lvl 2

9 years ago

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Yeah, but I just need to know!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 months ago.

9 years ago

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Totally stumped on 5, so I'll come back later.

Ticket to Ride is one of my favorites, as well as Castle Ravenloft.

9 years ago

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Never seen #1 and #5

9 years ago

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liked the idea
bump :)

9 years ago

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Never seen #1 before :/
Got it, lots of searching, never heard of it.

9 years ago*

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I don't play many board games, but my favorite is QUARTO!

9 years ago

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Bump ^_^

Was stuck at 5 for a long time. Never heard of it. :)
I haven't played many board games, definitely none of the obscure ones. So favourites would probably be "classics" like Scrabble, Monopoly, Connect 4, Snakes and Ladders... Woop for boring answer.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

9 years ago

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I've watched enough TableTop to get this!

9 years ago

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Three has me stumped. HOW DO YOU FORMAT FIVE? I own the game! It won't accept the right answer!
EDIT: Got 5, now for three...
Edit edit: Got it!

9 years ago*

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Got the first puzzle pretty easily, but the second one is definitely too hard for me right now.

I don't have any favourites, but I really enjoy titles like: Claustrophobia, Cosmic Encounter, Letters from Whitechapel, Neuroshima Hex and Race for the Galaxy.
And what's your favourite?

9 years ago*

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i had to look up all of those as i didn´t know them - shame on me.

at the moment it´s the 6 game from the first puzzle.
but there are some more i really enjoy in the next puzzles - so i can´t give you a better answer atm >.<

9 years ago

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I know 1st and 5th game. I feel so smart because I was introduced to board games around 5 months ago :D

9 years ago

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they are addicting - be careful - or better don´t be, more people should play boardgames

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by Erdbeertoertchen.