I don't really see anything wrong about trading bundles games for non bundled games, the only difference is that if you ask to trade a $1 bundle game for like something high or not worth it then people will probably think you're a tightass. But if they come out the same in terms of price I've personally never heard of anything like this, although I don't really trade much either.
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Your logic is not wrong in general, but it doesn't usually apply on Steamtrades. Bundled games' perceived value doesn't usually bounce back to their post-bundle, current Steam price.
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you can try it, but don't get upset if the community tells you bluntly what they think of the offer (since you didnÄt specify what exactly is involded in the trade, we can't tell you if the offer is good or bad - and no, you don't need to explicitely tell us, because, as I said, the community will tell you what they think of the offer).
for example: if you've got a Humble THQ Bundle BTA, all games would probably cost more than $100 on the Steam store, but asking $12 Steam wallet for only a few of those games might be a bit too much, as long as other users request 6 TF2 keys for the complete package.
In general: look up other trade offers, where people offer the games that you're offering, so you can get an idea of the trade value.
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Once a game has been bundled, especially a Humble Bundle, Steam Store value doesn't really matter anymore. The only time bundle keys are worth more than ~$1 (and that's being generous), is when it was a greenlight game in a bundle that didn't sell very well.
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I think it depends on the person you're trading with. Generally, people like to trade bundle games for other bundle games, and those who trade non-bundle games want either keys or other non-bundle games. I think the reason for this is simple: It's a lot easier to get rid of a game that wasn't bundled, than a bundled game, just because there are so many people that'll have leftovers from bundles lying around. This also means it's easier to get the bundle games you're offering. There's also the issue of trading gifts for game keys, since there's no way of checking if the key you give is valid or not until you activate it.
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While there's nothing wrong in trading bundle games for non-bundle games, don't forget that the value most traders put on games in a trade is the cheapest one you could have it for. For Steam store games, people will usually go with the best sale price and for games in bundles then they will usually value them at the price you'd pay for it in a bundle. (That is, pennies)
No one goes by regular Steam store value since, let's be honest, if I'm willing to pay full price for a game I'll just buy it myself instead of trading.
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From my experience, is is wiser to trade bundle keys for bundle keys. If a game was in a 1$ bundle, it makes its value less than 1$. If it was from BTA tier or from very old bundle it can worth more, but not more than 1-2 tf2 keys.
Also, most of the people don't buy tf2 keys of extra gifts just to trade, but everyone could end up with an extra bundle key for a game he already owns or doesn't want.
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I was told that it's not OK to offer trades of bundle games for non-bundle games (from a user with a high rep, so I assume he's not talking out of his ass on this one.) Not that it's against the steamtrades rules, but against accepted behavior on the site. However, trading bundle games for tf2/dota/csgo/etc keys seems to be common.
So what's the consensus on this? Should I instead ask for key offers for bundle games instead? It's kinda weird, since it amounts to basically the same thing. I wanted to let people pick and choose several from my offered bundle games, and then expected someone to send me three Steam Gifts that together amount to ~12$.
If I ask for keys instead, then I would sell those keys on the market, get 12$ in my Steam Wallet and then buy those three games that way.
What on earth is the difference here? To me it looks like pretty much the same thing, and I'm only cutting out the middle part (converting keys to wallet funds.)
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