12 years ago*

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Two years ago, I read Twilight. I never really recovered.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Your Post made my day :)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I didnt survive beyond the first paragraph

12 years ago

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Read sad stories, can never get over them

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Pony fanfiction. Saddest stories on the net.

12 years ago

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Drunk + Ramen noodles = 2nd degree burns. I still have scars to prove it.

Oh I guess also one time I was home alone playing around with a toothbrush or something (this was when I was about 5-6?) and stuck it in the electrical outlet. I was thrown across the room and had a couple of bristles burn into my finger.

12 years ago

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cool, got hit by a bike too though the driver suffered worse injuries

12 years ago

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In all seriousness, I only have one. When I was seven or so, I once tripped while playing, fell onto some fairly springy grass, and I broke my collar bone. No idea how that happened, but it left a sexy bump where the bone healed and became stronger.

My girlfriend on the other hand... Jesus Christ, the shit that's happened to her family, I don't know how they're still alive. Her father was riding on his bicycle home. He is drunk. This is a man who can drink a fuckload of whiskey and still drive perfectly. He is drunk. I'm not sure who ended up in the wrong lane, but a semi hit him at a pretty decent speed. He got up... walked home dragging the totalled bicycle behind him... and was perfectly fine (other than the bruised imprint of the semi's grill in his chest).

Her older brother once stepped on a metal spike in the ground after someone took down a flagpole badly. Through his shoe, his foot, out the other side of the shoe. Blood everywhere.

Her younger brother once accidentally stabbed himself in the knee with a stick while helping with the garden. Blood everywhere.

My girlfriend herself doesn't have any horrible injuries (that I know of), but she was the cause of one. She was five, her younger brother was three. He's rolling around on the floor, she's stabbing the floor with a pencil. He rolls under her. She stabs down. The pencil presses against the side of his eye and pops the fucking thing out. There's this screaming three year old crying blood with an eyeball against his cheek and a shrieking five year old crying and curled up in the corner. Neither remember anything after that but coming home from McDonald's with a Happy Meal and that's for the best, I think.

Eye injuries, man... fucking freak the shit out of me more than anything else... That made it just perfect when she told me the story about her mother's eye infection/cancer (can't remember which) and the operation to fix it, in which she was conscious and could feel them pop the eye out (shudder), rest it on her cheek (shudder) and then pop it back in after they were done (shudder).

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Hmm... indeed...

12 years ago

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That's... not exactly how eyes work.

12 years ago

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You'd be surprised. :/ I checked when I first heard it. It's hard to Google because of the amount of retards out their who think that sneezing with your eyes open will cause your eyes to rocket out of your face, but there's very reliable info (or info that seems very reliable. I ignored Yahoo answers bullshit, for example) there about it happening. It takes the right amount of pressure in the right point, so more likely the eye will rupture, but it can sometimes happen.

12 years ago

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I had 3 car accidents in 1 year. 2 times I was on the passenger seat, 1 time I got hit.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Learn to take the bus.

12 years ago

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You're such a great driver,Stig.

12 years ago

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When I was in 3rd grade I got a huge lump on my forehead when one of the local bullys threw a portable radio at me.

12 years ago

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Had a small "accident" on a motorbike with a friend, he was driving and I was the passenger, we were driving through a forest and the road was very sandy, the sand was pretty deep and I dunno how but we just slipped there and fell of the bike. We weren't speeding luckily but I was in my sandals, wasn't wearing any boots and I didn't notice the injury at first, only later on I felt skin itching on my foot and noticed the skin was kinda scratched, so when I got home thinkin it's just a "flesh wound" ;) I poured hydrogen peroxide on the injury to clean it off and all seemed fine until next day when my foot got totally swollen to the point that I couldn't put my shoe on and couldn't walk and I had some serious fever and migraine.

Went to the doctor next day and it turned out it was a burn not a scratch xD So I finally figured how it happened - I basically burned my foot on the exhaust pipe D: yay for sandals on a motorbike :P. I got lucky cus if I had burned my foot a bit higher and deeper I could have had a serious joint injury that would require a surgery...so what I have left until this day is a rather ugly scar below my ankle :/

sorry for long post

tl;dr: Ugly scar caused by burning my foot on a motorbike exhaust pipe ;).

12 years ago

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One day me and my friends went to the woods to hunt deers. We all brought our own guns, I brought a nice "Saiga" and one of my friends has brought a compound bow. When he was showing off his marksman skills the arrow went off and shattered my kneecap. It was horribly painful and I never went on adventures again. I got a job as a guard at local shop and I've been there since.

12 years ago

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"arrow to the knee"

12 years ago

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A car went over my foot. That happened to me twice. But actually that did neither hurt for very long nor it left a scar or something. I guess I would rather have my foot under a carwheel again than under a stiletto heel...

12 years ago

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Pencils haven't had lead in them for a long time. They are made with graphite.

12 years ago

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Fell off the bike, chest bones moved because of a prank and stuff like that :I

12 years ago

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My father was an ex army vet so the fun times we had were often outside camping and looking for animal tracks. He also had hunting buddies who were kind of "drunkards" or so I remember, probably just were more in the forest than near cities. So one night my fathers friends and I were in the forest and they probably were a little drunk and were fighting over something stupid but I didn't want to hear it. So foolishly the dark forest 25 meters away seemed like a better place to cry than my tent so I decided to ran as a sign of protest and partly to get away, not far though. What I didn't count for was that my fathers friend had his bow out and as I ran past he shot me in the knee. I blacked out pretty instantly and didn't know what hit me until I woke up in the hospital the next day. I never became an adventurer like my father and somehow I am happy.

12 years ago

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Did your cousin ever get to fight dragons?

12 years ago

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As a kid i burnt my elbow on a hot stove while waiting for pancakes, a few weeks later when it scabbed over i visted a little farm, i went strolling over to the chicken pen and (No joke) as i lent down to look at them one of them hopped over and pecked the scab off in 2 pecks, utter pain T_T i still have a large scar where it never healed properly

12 years ago

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--When i was just a kid (around 5 yrs old) i had some quaker ready to eat, and for X reason (i really cant remember) i decided it would be fun to make my spoon act as a catpult.

Of course my evil project worked flawlessly, but it didnt go where i had planned, an hour later i had my left hand burnt :D, i think i still have the scar on my wrist.

--Riding a quad on a race, i flipped the quad trying to reach a small monticle and ended up under it, black leg for a couple of weeks

--When trying to get my hair straight after a long night, i felt i broke something (heard like a "tic"), looked at the mirror and realized i had at least 2 or 3 lines of blood running down my face. Turns out it was a blood blister which popped, surgery that same day.

--On Krav Maga while practicing with my teacher and 2 other students i got my knee broken from my very same teacher, he tried to kick the side so i could fall, when he did i turned my knee, and ended up with my knee the other way around.

--On Kobudo, while practicing with swords, i picked one with no blade side, while my partner grabed my senseis sword (sharpened), ended up with a deep cut in my arm, luckily it was the outer side of it, so the bleed wasnt that bad :)

12 years ago

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Is Krav Maga and Kobudo any good? I practicing Tae Kwon Do for a while.

12 years ago

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Kobudo is mainly weapons training, such as knifes, batons, and swords.

Krav Maga is like.....lets say Aikido, but doesnt look at stopping it from attacking you, its more like "attack it untill he has no more legs to do so. (rather violent).

Right now i'm practicing Aikido, been doing that for about 5 years so far, still practicing Kobudo whenever i get the chance, and some random Krav Maga when my teacher comes around.

12 years ago

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When i was about 7 i was climbing a fence and slipped and fell down and ended up cutting my forehead open pretty bad. I still have a small scar on my forehead from it.

12 years ago

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When I was a kid my friend chased me with his bike. Obviously I couldn't outrun him so he ended up hitting me and when I fell I scraped both elbows, both knees, and the right side of my stomach. I got pretty bloody.

Took forever to heal and there was gross white stuff on all my wounds when they were healing. The one on my stomach kept sticking to my waistband/bandages that I kept ripping off the scab every time I had to change my clothes/bandages. It was a good time. Wait, no it wasn't

12 years ago

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I dont know if i can call them weird, but they are preatty much the only injuries i had.
1) Jumping in the bed as a kid, fell and hited my head just right above the eye with the side table. Lots of blood i still have the scar.
2) Building a "tree house" when i was a kid, i jumped to get off the tree, when i lift my foot to begin walking i have a piece of wood plank sticked to my shoe, as it turned out it had a nail and it was pointing upwards, it whent through my shoe and my feet, i didnt felt nothing at all.
3) Elbow to the ribcage playing soccer, somehow i got a fracture.

12 years ago

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I got stabbed in the hand with a pencil by some crazy bish in like 5th grade but it didnt do anything just wanted to share my pencil stabbing story also.

I also have a scar on my knee that looks weird now but in 3rd grade i was chasing this person and i tripped and my knee hit the edge of the balance beam and it put a hole in my knee lul. I walked up to the lady who watches everyone during the recess with blood everywhere and said im bleeding! :)

12 years ago

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Random scar on my chest, I'm not sure how it got there. I also have a 6cm scar across my knee from when I had a sewing needle stuck inside it. 2cm scar across my forehead from when I split my head open on a table.

12 years ago

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i once died. luckily i was able to recover.

12 years ago

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Thank god for respawn points.

12 years ago

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Ooh boy. Not sure how weird these are, but some of my favorites.

One time I was lying in bed (fetal position), for some reason my body just jerked up and hit the corner of my dresser on the very top of my head.

Another time (in 6th grade) I went to bend over to pick up my scooter, and I hit where my eyebrow is on a weight bench.

Recently I was opening a can of chili, it was a pull lid and somehow it just pulled off a lot faster than I expected and cut my right ring finger and my thumb (ring finger was worse).

My dad has some (computer) servers, he had them at the bottom of the stairs, one night I went downstairs, turned and my pinky toe was sliced by the server. That actually hurt.

Uh, yesterday I was measuring my wall with a tape measurer, got like 9 feet out, tried to be careful to roll it back in, hand slipped and it shot back and gave me 3 cuts on my left hand.

Not really too weird, but I was holding a ladder for my dad, it wasn't locked and it collasped and crushed my thumb.

Also one time I was running up the slide like all the cool kids did, I reached over to grab an arm to pull myself up, and somehow I just fell over the slide. Broke my arm.

12 years ago

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I have a few...

When I was real young I ran full speed down a hallway into a dresser and split my head open.

When I was at basic training I put to much medicated baby powder in my boxers and it felt like my guch was frozen.

While skiing I tried to pull a back flip of a spine ramp and cracked a rib.

12 years ago

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when i was 2 i ran full force into a fence, cut my head.

wat 7 i was climbing the the wash line poll in my yard fell u[side down on concert, gave my self a concussion

at 8 my brother kicked me with roller skates to the face, cut my check

at 11 i was pushed out of a two story tree, bruised my ribs

at 15 i went to run in a cross country race in the Appalachians for school, got lost and was found hours later with hypothermia

at 16 i was riding in the trunk of my friends car to surprise my other friends, tire hit my ribs, bruised again

at 18 x-GF dad hit me with a bat to the back, just painful

just to many to list here (sigh...)

12 years ago

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I was stabbed with a pencil in the 3rd grade, I can still see the tip in my hand, kinda funny.

12 years ago

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