Hey everyone!

I have been a moderator here on SteamGifts for the last few years, but for a (long) while I have been significantly less active, and I unfortunately do not see that changing anytime soon. Given that, I am stepping down from my position.

I won't be leaving SG altogether, but you'll probably see less of me as time goes on.

As is customary when posting anything on the forums, here are some giveaways:

While there have been ups and downs in engaging in my duties, it has overall been a pleasure to work with and for you all.

Thank you sincerely,


1 week ago

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Thanks for all your hard work to make this community better:)

1 week ago

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Well deserved!

1 week ago

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Thank you Gaffi for being a mod over these past few years. I'm glad you are not quitting and instead just stepping down.

1 week ago

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Thanks Gaffi. Enjoy your retirment.

1 week ago

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Thanks for all you've done for the community! You were great support and you'll be missed. Hope you'll stay for a long while as a fellow pleb :)

1 week ago

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Thank you for your service. Take care and have fun in the retirement.

1 week ago

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Thanks for all the work you have done.

1 week ago

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Thanks for all your work!

1 week ago

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ciao Gaffi Bello a Mamma Zoopa Mod!

(you're only stepping down from mod role, rite???)

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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Thanks for everything! :)

1 week ago

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Thanks, Gaffi, happy retirement!

1 week ago

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enjoy your new/old life as simple user! ;D

1 week ago

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Happy retirement!

1 week ago

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Thank you so much for making SG a better place for all of us, for so long.

Hope to still see you as a "commoner" from now on! :D


1 week ago

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as an american, wtf is RE-Tirement? is that like a thing you do to your car every 20,000 miles?

1 week ago

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Thank you or your service and good luck for future Endeavors.

1 week ago

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thank you, sir!

1 week ago

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Thank you for these

1 week ago

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That's a damn shame, because you were one of the good ones and you will be dearly missed.

On the other hand, maybe now you will find more time to enjoy the things in life that make you happy. I picture you and Waxlor as Waldorf & Statler from the Muppet Show, comfortably sitting on your retirement couch, watching and commentating the daily chaos that is SG from afar, casually joining in with a witty or snarky comment :)

P.S.: Sent you a FR on Steam, if you want. If not, all good.

1 week ago

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thank you for all the work you hae put on here ! hope that just happy busy life is puuling you ou ;(

1 week ago

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Thanks for all your work, Gaffi! 👏

1 week ago

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We'll miss you staff, Gaffi! Thanks for everything, and here's to hoping you get a chance to hang out around SG just for fun a bit. :)

1 week ago

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I hope the circumstances leading you to this decision are not serious real life issues.
Your work has been greatly appreciated. We don't say this enough but you and the rest of the moderating and support team are what's keeping SG alive.
I hope we keep seeing you around.

1 week ago

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No, no, nothing bad at all. I just can't devote enough time here to warrant the privileges. Cheers!

1 week ago

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That's good to read. Life takes precedent anyway. You've done a lot for us already.
Take Care :)

1 week ago

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Thanks for everything, Gaffi!

View attached image.
1 week ago

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Happy retirement!

1 week ago

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Closed 20 hours ago by Gaffi.