Well last years i was observing the gaming community behaviors and i got my conclusion/theory:
"Male gamers socialize to play and female gamers play's to socialize"
So i though share it in this forum to got feedbacks to see how much accurate my theory is.

12 years ago*

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Male: Playing because I get bored of doing other stuff... oh wait... yeah, mostly i look for friends that are willing to play something...huh... +1 on your theory

12 years ago

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Same here~

12 years ago

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I do both, but mostly play to socialize. Even if it's a single player game I still talk to my friends about it.

12 years ago

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Obviously nothing much to back it up, but it seem accurate. It's why so many girls consider themselves gamers when they only play COD. lol

Though obviously there would be exceptions to both sides.

12 years ago

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Agreed ^_^

12 years ago

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Male, play mostly solo. And don't have many friends with who I play regularly.

12 years ago

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Coughlin's law: never tell tales about a woman, she'll hear you no matter how far away she is.

12 years ago

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im male but i play to socialize. i need a social life somehow

12 years ago

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go outside :P once in a while

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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is it safe?

12 years ago

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not sure. I am afraid to go out there, I need a new oxygen tank. My lungs can't handle the air pressure out there

12 years ago

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If you ask me, playing outdoor games or reading books or participating any kind of outdoor activities is more effective to have a social life.

12 years ago

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I'm female and I don't give a single flying fuck about socializing. I just love playing games. Even if I write this crying because random crash sent my last 5h of Torchlight to /dev/null, I still love games.

12 years ago

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5 hours?? Thank god Bethesda games taught me to save every 10 minutes.

12 years ago

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I don't think you can with the Torchlight games though. I believe they autosave at certain checkpoints or what not. Believe me I am right there with you with the save every 5 minutes (or even more frequently!) but some games just don't let you do that.

12 years ago

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Exactly, there is no save button in Torchlight, aaaand as we can see the autosave is a real troll. And steam cloud is here just to look pretty and smile.
People keep saying that Diablo 3 is bad, but at least I was sure that my progress will be saved :/

12 years ago

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now i felt a kind unmotivated to start playing torchlight though...

12 years ago

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The game is really nice, but the (not)save system can really destroy the gameplay. But maybe it depends on luck, yesterday it eat me only 2 hours of progress ;D

12 years ago

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5hrs? Thats not really a lot of progress lost. Sucks, but ive had much worse happen much more frequently... Mainly games like Fallout 3/NV/Oblivion/Borderlands... grrr
Nothing like loosing 40+hr saves multiple times..

12 years ago

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I feel really sorry for you, not for lost of progress, but that you play games from that studio pats pats

12 years ago

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Hey, the game engine may be filled with more bugs then a dead body but I enjoyed the hell out of them.
Also, I feel really sorry for you, because you apparently dont play any games at all according to your steam stats.

12 years ago

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And I feel sorry for you, because you think that steam is the only thing filled with games <3 Remember DVDs? Or... CDs? :O

12 years ago

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Cant say that I rec-collect such a thing as a DvD or CD that you speak of.

12 years ago

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The fact that other games had bigger issues doesn't make it more acceptable.

12 years ago

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I don't think you understand the basic concept of a theory. If anything this is closest to a general rule which can and will have an extreme amount of variation and can rarely be relied on for fact. really means nothing. Your phase "Male gamers socialize[sic] to play" is grammatically flawed and really means nothing. Abstractions, vagueness and small sample sizes really make your conclusions worthless.

You've also failed to address what socalising is and if games tend to blur the lines between what socalising is and is not. Are facebook games always social? Are online shooters a social experience? Do clients like Steam allow a person to be more social even in single player games due to the overlay? What is the act of being social? You need to have a clear baseline before you can even begin to construct your theory. Definitions change over time and without highlighting the exact data you're trying to represent you'll find your theory useless in a few years. Possibly when games blur realty and digital more.

You've also failed to address a responsible way to gather and compile information quickly. An open-ended answer leaves way to much room for variation and opinion to easily gather information supporting or not-supporting your hypothesis. This leads to abstraction and further categories which will again not help your theory in anyway.

If you're doing a Social Science degree I would strongly suggest burning your 10,000 page joke book. Become a labourer, a researcher or an engineer and contribute to society.
I doubt this was the kind of feed back you were looking for.

12 years ago

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well all kind feedback is welcome ^^ and yes you might be right about all things you said.
perhaps i should explain why i got this theory, me and my male friends we usually talk more before we start playing like for example talking about gameplay strategy's and which game we should play and so on, but after we got inside game we got focus in game objectives and we talk about them mainly in game like for example "give me cover" or "the enemy's are in base B" and when we play we just keep talking with ones that are playing with us and "ignoring" the other players from the friendlist.
Meanwhile girls came often talking about their life stuff and asking feedback so on, during game and before gaming, even when they are playing single player games they keep socializing with others. Plus in game they rater talk about random stuff than in game objectives. thats why i made this theory. about social\casual games i dont know much about it since those type of games kills me of boredom, i was talking about multilayer triple A games though. Perhaps i should add this info in introducing topic.

12 years ago

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You're only taking a really small spectrum of people for your analysis.. Mainly your friends group which is biased because you would likely be playing with them because you prefer that they play the game with no distracting stuff, I'm sure you may have a friend or two that you dont exactly fit into your main group of male friends.
You say girls came talking about their social lives, would that be while you were playing games or while doing other things online?

12 years ago

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Well i didnt just analysis my friends, i was paying attention also to the behaviors from other ppl over multilayer games also.
A theory always have chances to have flaws since isn't a fact, there are always exceptions to both genders, i made this theory basis on majority, probably if games wouldn't allow socialize with others girls wouldn't care much about those. thats why i have published here to get more data to see how much accurate my theory is

12 years ago

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I think what you might be observing more is not really socializing for games or whatnot, but how 'serious' each group is taking the game. When any of my friends are intent on playing and winning a game, like in a tournament, there's no social chatter from anyone. But when we're just playing around for fun everyone will be talking and generally in a more hang-out mood.
So what may be separating the two groups is more how competitive each is feeling when playing. If you're more competitive you're likely to stop chatting and really focus on winning the match.

12 years ago

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+1 Internets for ya

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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both apply to both genders

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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the number of games or the time you play doesn't matter, what matter is the behaviors during the game time or during a social chatting with gaming community.
well i think is wierd call the theory pathetic and then say somehow you agree with theory, well its a theory not a fact so there might be a lot of flaws, plus there are always exceptions so

12 years ago

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It's a hypothesis, not a theory.

12 years ago

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i like playing with irl friends and i like playing with peopel i meet on the internet.

i play becouse what else in the world can i do? watch tv: lame, play outside: with who and what?, listen to music everyday: WHY IN THE WORLD.

12 years ago

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Nope. I just play the fucking game.

12 years ago

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So then if you're a guy you play the fucking game and if you're a girl then you start fucking to play the game o_O

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Nope, not too accurate really. Male gamers socialize to... socialize. And female gamers play to... play.

12 years ago

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No, I believe there are social gamers and anti-social gamers. Gender is not the main cause of personality.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Socialize to play? What does that mean?

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Socialize to play means something talk about which game to play and which gameplay strategy before jump in game, inside game the talks are mainly about coordinate the team and game objectives, jokes and random chat stays in second plan. something like that

12 years ago

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I think you're accurate with the females. Very few of them play games to "play" them. And it would explain why so many girls play World of shitty Warcraft and don't really play anything else....

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Because my definition of a "gamer" is someone who plays more than one game :P I'll use my ex girlfriend as an example. She doesn't like games at all. Now World of Warcraft isn't the most basic game out there, especially with all the subscription fees and over the top UI. Now why on earth does she play it? I doubt it has anything to do with the actual experience of the game, she's more of a social person so I naturally assume otherwise.

She's not the only girl I've met who solely plays World of Warcraft either lol. I hope you understand my reasons for stereotyping female WoW players.

12 years ago

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You offend me with the WoW part. :P

12 years ago

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I'm sorry, my hatred for that "application" runs too deep :P

12 years ago

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And the evil company behind it, too, right? Right? nudge nudge

12 years ago

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Ow! Stop with the nudging! Well................aside from the disgusting prices for their games, but I actually love Blizzard, sorry!

12 years ago

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Carrot on a stick gameplay mechanics, WoW's designed PURELY to create compulsive addicts for a steady cash flow so they can fund their other IPs, D3 has an auto-logout feature that you can't turn off, so you play more and more > % of sales made on marketplace are for Blizzard, SC2 has payment for the highest level players. They want people playing only their games, as much as they can, solely to make cash off of. They're purely a cold-hearted business now; no longer a gaming company.

12 years ago

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Maybe you're right about D3 and you're certainly right about WoW. But I still love SC2, there's no denying the quality of a 5 star game and I don't pay anything extra so I'm happy. And then there's the older Blizzard games like D2 which left quite an impression on my gaming life.

12 years ago

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Oh most certainly they used to kick ass right up till SC1, but as soon as WoW came out, it's like tendrils of darkness swept over them, dragging them down to be consumed and remade anew, blacker, fouler than the pit whence they came, belching HELLISH BRIMSTONE, AND BILLIOUS SMOKE; BLOSSOMING FORTH FROM THEIR GAPING MAW, CURDLING THROUGH THE AIR, AS IF TO SEEK OUT LIFE, AND SUFFOCATE IT.

Uh-hum, yeah.

And sure, SC2 is a hella good game. I don't like it due to the 3d stuff though, personal preference. Looks so cluttered.

12 years ago

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Well said :P

12 years ago

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Also, unrelated but; GFWL. Ain't that about a bitch.

12 years ago

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Unbelievably so. I personally want everything using Steam lol.

12 years ago

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Steam has drawbacks, too. Although, yeah, it's mosdef the lesser of a gaggle of evils.

I wanted to get GTA IV and Dead Rising 2 on Steam store a while back, saw they had GFWL,- instantly got a sickly, festering feeling of putrid hatred rise up from all the way beneath my scrotum, tickling like a creepy uncle as it crept up my spine and strangled the enthusiasm out of me, turning happiness and expectation to lost hope and utter despair.

See, I'd gotten Section 8: Prejudice off a trade during the Winter Sale last year and had tried playing it. No dice. It failed to load GFWL, which blocked me out of the entire game. Looking for solutions online, nothing helped. Forums scourged, caches purged, I saw I'd fail - in the end indeed; all was - to no avail.

12 years ago

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Are you a writer by any chance? I've yet to come across anyone using that sort of vocabulary here xP

Sorry to hear about Section 8: Prejudice. I've got a few games that refuse to work (not GFWL related though). All my GFWL games work..........only just. Takes forever to sign in and I have to put up with crappy xbox sounds.

Nothing's perfect, but I've yet to find anything substantially annoying with Steam. GFWL can suck donkey cock though, Windows are literally trolling the world.

12 years ago

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Nope, not a writer, although perhaps I should really start considering doing something of the sort as I've always had people tell me I'd be good as one. Your earnest question adds to the list of "potential hints fresh out the multiverse to do something with it".

As for GFWL - good to hear your experience has been somewhat tolerable with it.. But google "gfwl issue" (or change "issue" to "problem" or "crash" etc) and the smooth exterior of its' public face shall drape off, like smooth silk, gliding off effortlessly; revealing the purulent, oozing puss-pile of piss that it truly, really, is.

12 years ago

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That was beautiful in a very disgusting way.

12 years ago

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Yay, gender-based over-generalizations founded on ridiculously small sample sizes and with no theoretical backing presented as a 'theory' :/

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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^that, because he used big words.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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"female gamers play's to socialize"

Not at all actually. I prefer to play everything, even multiplayer focused games, alone, even if it means having to play with bots. I don't like multiplayer or MMOs, with rare exceptions, like racing games where I don't really have to see the opponents as "people" so much (as in, I just see a bunch of cars driving, no talking/interacting - almost a bot-like experience except for the more competitive feel).

Why? Because I don't like people bothering me; I just want to play the game for the sake of playing it, not because I'm reaching out for new friends or people to talk to. The less I have to socialize, the better. In the rare instances I play co-op, I'll still barely talk, and if so, only to remark about something in-game. If I'm talking to someone while playing single player, it's still usually something about the game I'm playing (for instance: "I found X quest in Y area. You should check it out.") or at least something game related.

None of my female gamer friends play anything online either, so... I can't speak for someone else, but it looks like they behave like me.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I'm exactly the same way. I don't want other people to bother me to the point that I mute people.

12 years ago

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I don't want to play with other people. I like to play when and how I want to. Even when I play BF3, I play with teamwork, but it annoys me when people in my squad start talking.

I also tend to avoid multiplayer games in general.

12 years ago

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Personally, I do a bit of both. I also socialize while gaming on my other computer, so...

12 years ago

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An interesting theory. I think it's overly generalized, but I do think it applies to at least some people. Not me though :)

12 years ago

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Depends on the person itself, but i'm not sure if the ultimate goal of play is socializing at all, but to entertain one's self. The "who with" depends completely on the person in question.

Still, you'd need some girl input on the matter, as the latter point can be easily debatable.

12 years ago

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Socialize? What is that? Oh... you mean that thing where other people come and annoy the hell out of you. Nope, don't do that.

On a less goofy note: I don't understand the first part of the rule which is supposed to apply to me by your theory. However, that doesn't change the fact that I don't in any way associate socialization with gaming. I play games because I like them and because it keeps me from getting bored. In fact, I really hate games that force me to play with other people- not everyone has friends who own the same game to play co-op (and then comes the problem of us organizing) and playing against other players guarantees that you will occasionally (or often, depending on the game) run into total assholes. All in all, I'm into single player...

12 years ago

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Today I would say I fit into your theory. I enjoy games not only for the socialising, but I prefer greatly to play with friends. I will gladly play games I wouldn't play solo much, if at all, if it means I can play with my friends.
But as I started gaming I only played alone. I didn't even talk about the games I played, not even on forums. But I was pretty much the only girl I knew who gamed much at all, so it didn't quite occur to me you could be social about gaming.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by LodanZark.