OMG CONGRATS! I don't have a kid, but I've been taking care of my mom for 2 years. I think one thing in common with both jobs is to make sure to give yourself some time to yourself, too!
My friend at work tell me he catches up on sleep by taking his kids to see a kids movie.
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I don't have any children, so I cannot offer any advice for you.
I can offer you my congratulations, however! :) I am very happy for you, my friend! :)
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Congratulations. I hope you can still catch some sleep :)
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Never forget what it was like to be a child yourself. It is possible to raise a child well without hitting. Never lie to your child, even about such silly things as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny (or whatever equivalents you might have). You can explain such fantasy fun as playing pretend. The day your child learns you lied about anything is the day you lose credibility.
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I thought Santa was a fun idea, eventually catching onto the myth. I found out later that my brother was disturbed by the lie delivered by our parents--my mom explained that Santa really is a character that can be emulated by each of us being generous to one another and so he still lives on (Some might still find value in a Jesus myth as well.) I remember her avoiding answering the question: "Is Santa real?" "Well.. what do you think?" Yes, when pressed spin the myth as a valuable cultural tale that encourages generosity to others.
Moving on to ethics--how do you raise a good child? You make choices; your child will too. You cannot MAKE him good. Nevertheless, like a corporate culture, decide ahead of time what are important ethic standards. They become the basis for your family's morality. "We try to behave this way:" "We avoid doing this:" It makes you responsible and avoids the child quickly sensing double standard. "But mommy, You said that we do not use these swear words." "You are right, Junior, I am sorry. I will try to do better." Whether you have a religious base or an atheistic base, ethical standards start with you reflecting upon them. Your family should share and communicate what the ethical standards of your home are.
The Easter Bunny is real though--I have seen him.
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Haha! People go too far with this stuff, in my opinion. Let kids have their childhood fantasies. It's part of being a child to believe in the magical. People who are like "I will never let my child believe in Santa. I want them to know the gifts are from me" make me sad. You won't lose credibility as a parent for that. That's nonsense. However, you might if you lied to a child after they specifically asked you "Are you Santa?" Some kids catch on quicker than others. When a child starts asking those questions, it's time to tell them the truth. Don't make up stuff to keep them believing. They'll be devastated when they find out that you went that far to keep them in the dark.
I have spoken to adults whose parents did what you're suggesting and the magic wasn't in Christmas for them. Think about that. Some people actually would have liked to have experienced that aspect of childhood. Of course, everyone is not the same.
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Acting like "lying" about Santa and the Easter Bunny is an evil thing, is a very shrewd way of thinking. As a kid, my family put on the act of Santa and EB and it was the most fun part of the holidays. They would even go to putting presents in the chimney like some fell out of his bag. Thinking back on it I'm happy they put on the allure of the fictional characters because created a magical feeling. I never felt nor do I now, that I can not trust my parents or siblings because of this. That would just be a very idiotic thing and makes no sense.
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Congrats. Hope he will a healthy and happy child
Disposable nappy since washing them it disaster but less expensive.
As per suggestion you will figure out when you hold him in your arms for first time, you will see the world differently and your priorities will be your child.
You will make mistake, it happens, the only think that you can wish as a parent it that your child is happy and healthy and he knows that no matter he has a shoulder and a place were he can come back.
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What I am seeing at friends with small children and as a teacher, the most important thing seems to be to take time to participate in your child's life. E.g. read (or tell a story) to him at young ages, get him talking about his day at school later on. Even later on, if he develops a hobby you can't relate to, try to do it anyways (e.g. I tell parents quite often to sit down and play CS, Fortnite, ... to see why their children like it).
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I suppose adding to this - dont live through your children your own dreams of being something. Nurture their own talents and hobbies
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Congratz, thats a great thing to achieve in life
As I dont have kids and Im mostly disgusted and afraid by them cant give you any productive suggestions
PS. one thing I have seen discussed a lot on facebook is parents who go overboard washing the baby. From what Ive gathered - washing the kid all the time isnt good for it. For immune system and all that stuff. I remember some parents asking on facebook how often do others wash their babies and stated that they wash them every day. And that brought hell storm down on them :D Anyhow - Id be glad to hear input from someone if they know in fact how is "correct". And to be honest thats correct for grown ups as well. If you dont work in extreme conditions of filth or hotness and sweat like a pig, washing everyday isnt that good. I went to dermatologist for a consultation (regarding hair and head) and she stated that every 2-3 days is optimal period in day to day life
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Better check with some kind of specialist on that :D:D As far as my comment goes it could as well be an old woman tale, but good luck :)
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I agree in no overclean, but imho everyday bath is not a cleaning exercise but a communication ritual with your son, no detergent has to be involved, just water and jokes, I agree that there is no need of extreme sterilization as the market wants you to believe, if a toy or a biberon falls in the floor, have a bit of water and soap (or short steam from a coffee machine if you're out) and go. Let your son be on the floor and put things in the mouth. He is really building up defenses. Having sterilized stuff all over the place during the 1st years is making the 1st piece of dust develop an allergic response (this applies if you live in a developed place, if not you won't even bother).
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Congrats first, you will have a new life, if he is the new man on earth!
As my wife was pregnant, i said: it must be a boy, because i was a man, i got a brother he got 2 boys. so WHAT should i do with a girl?
9 month later we got a girl... and it was great!
7 years later, my wife was pregnant again and i said: it must be a girl, what to to with a boy? it was SO great with my daughter...
9 month later we got a boy... and it was great!
Now they are 10 and 3, and we have much fun here (and i get little sleep)
Some hints about children:
it has no experience, so let make itΒ΄s own (including the mistakes), that is still the case at 10 years of age.
be patience (itΒ΄s note that easy, like it sounds here)
set an example, they are watching EVERYTHING you do (and i mean EVERYTHING!!), i quit smoking as she was born.
always be trustworthy
breastfeed as long as you can and try to coke yourself and avoid instant food.
i could write more and more... but no time today (my children wait for me)
have much fun with the little guy!!
I hope my english is good enough :-)
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Congrats. Since I have no children, the only advice I can give is to get plenty of rest as you won't be getting much for a long while!
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Congratulations, I have no advice whatsoever. Good luck :)
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*about sleeping a child
I could put my younger brother to sleep by having him in the stroller and pushing the stroller around the house.
I enjoyed pushing the stroller because it was a game to me. I challenged myself in going as fast as I could without bumping into anything.
It was my Formula One game before I could even drive a car.
*about giving him most of what i can without putting him to much pressure...
Don't spoil him. If you have to tell him to put away his toys that means he has too many toys.
*about making him a good person
Your word is the law. Your responses to him should have more "no" than "yes".
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Haha, about the toys, that's good advice. Sometimes less is more. Like finding a good toy that they can get a lot out of vs three that are less interesting.
I am in my 30s, don't have kids of my own atm, but I do have first cousins who are all the way down to 6 years old. One of the younger ones was, and probably still is, spoiled rotten. He has so many toys. On Christmas morning when he was about 3 years old, he was actually more interested in playing with the boxes the toys came in than with the toys themselves. lol. I figure it's because he already had so many, he saw the boxes as something new and interesting.
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Hello dear community,
i dont do much post about my private life but i found this morning that i shoud share my joy !!
Despite i wanted a girl (i was selectionning girl first name mostly in fact), the result came from the echography:
a boy...
I feel relieved for now everything is fine and OK after the fifth month echography :-)
If you have any advice please feel free to reply.
Thank you
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