Where Should Trivia Be Hosted?
Creating a new group would be a good idea. First because the trivia go-ers will have a much more trivia-friendly environment, and the Steamgifts chat members will be able to carry on undisturbed by the trivia anymore.
Creating a new group means being able to manage the trivia much more easily, without having the drawback of limited moderators and/or administrators available for the trivia events.
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Yup. And it separated S.Gifts as well, so people don't have to leave chat because of trivia, which many users do. I'm leaning towards the group myself, but not sure if I'll be able to get the same amount of people in each week. Might be slow going.
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Thank you for editing, now we can resume trying to continue trivia. And I never said I was the one picking up the torch, I even said I'm terrible at writing questions. Think of me more as an "Interim", who is going to try and make sure trivia continues, but not necessarily through me.
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well, the form of your post for example " I plan on keeping the same rules", "I feel that since I'm planning for everything else", and especially " I will make a proper thread for the actual event" may suggest that you want to be the one organizing future trivias, even if not the one making questions. And sorry Deiru, but in my personal opinion person who killed Trivia Nights should be kept away from it's continuation.
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Organising, yes. But not hosting. As I see it, Chronic was an organiser and the host, just that his hosting was seen more. Following the same rules as have been used for this long just makes sense to me, since it's what people are used to now, and it's why this thread exists.
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And all the thing you made me edit out are also provable and obvious for anyone who will care to read through trivia log I will not post here, not to "call you out" again, but is easily accessible for anyone in the same place all other trivia logs always are ;)
So all you kids, go and read through it and then ask yourself a quastion - is ths the person you wish to organize and continue trivia nights' tradition.
Leaving the topic now, before I speak too much and actually write something suspend-worthy.
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oh, so in your eyes your behavious of purposely spamming the same message over and over again just to distrupt the trivia as much as possible, like an angry little kid whose mom told him "no, we won't buy any candies" is totally fine and ok? Then good luck - if these are the standards by which you'd like to run your events, I'll just make sure to stay as far away from them as possible.
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I wasn't disrupting trivia. I was making sure that what I bought was used for what I bought it for, or the person who told me to buy it was gonna pay me back. I would also request that you delete this comment for once again calling out, since you are breaking Steamgifts rules yet again.
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Harassing people isn't against the rules? Spamming isn't against the rules? I think you need to check, since those are things you accused me of. OR, you could actually make good on your earlier comment about leaving this thread. You're not providing any useful input whatsoever.
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I'm not providing any input that would be useful for you. In my own opinion warning ppl who may not be aware of the situatiuon that the person alegedly willing to carry on trivia nights is the one that I personally believe is partially responsible for their fall is very useful input.
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It was half zoo half WWE event every Sunday night, the logs are freely available.
I don't know where you get this "partially" from.
I was ostracized and diddled for being a sponsor, "people" overstepping "their" bounds, backseat modding, skirting the rules etc, if a mod isn't going to be in charge of trivia then I hope it IS removed from the chat, good riddance to what has amounted to little more than authoritative usurpation and bullying.
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well, I believe it's only "partially" his fault, because in my opinion it was just a straw that broke the camel's back. There were other issues on Trivia night previously, causeb by a number of users and surely each of them piece by piece added to the end we're seeing now. Nonetheless, it was OPs who caused the issues last Trivia, the ones that ended up being "just too much" and caused current situation, and I don't believe such an input is not "useful" at all. It's just not usefull and not wanted by the OP ;)
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I have never taken part in the Trivia events, but I just read the log out of curiosity, and I wouldn't want this guy to be in charge.
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I vote for new group. I can understand how could people find those announcements anoying when they weren't joining trivia nights (personally I never joined them either but I wasn't never that much bothered to complain or even being an ass about it). With new group you will have only people who are interested in the event so you'll get less toxic environment with (hopefully) friendlier people :)
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One other thing about making a new group, is that I could expand into other groups. Not make it STeamgifts only, get some other groups involved. Might result in a better userbase, as long as everyone understands that the giveaway will ultimately be made here.
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I am all for a dedicated SG (or other) Trivia group used just for trivia and chat.
I think that is the best path to start traveling down with this new journey.
edit* I will help from time to time with the prizes as well. Or any other help that may be needed.
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Voted for a new trivia group, this circumvents green names and people who are disinterested in trivia etc
Would it not be better for the new trivia master be elected? Gather all the people who wish to be the new tm and then vote on it, seems the most fair way.
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I would give input... but would have a certain individual try to get me banned. All I will say is, this is doomed to fail with out chronic.
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Your input is valued as anyone elses, always is. I wasn't calling for your ban from the chat, just the one night of trivia. I mistakenly believed this was the standard, since Chronic banned psychockey earlier in the night, who I had requested not take part.
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As far as I'm concerned, there was a miscommunication. Chronic asked for my blacklist, and I sent him a screenshot of my Steamgifts blacklist. As an addendum to this, I had sent him the day before a message, saying that people who have me blocked should not be able to compete, as I would not be able to give them the prize. Chronic never relayed this information to anyone else.
And the message I asked to relay to you, was referring to solely my Steamgifts blacklist, which you're not on.
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As I mentioned at the time, I am currently unable to email, due to Virgin Media being a bunch of censoring fuckknuckles, who have managed to not only gimp my email, but also gimp imgur, and my Steam browser.
And as I said, The rule I gave to chronic was that anyone who had me blocked, could not take part and win. I haven't blacklisted everyone, because I simply don't know who has me blocked, other than a few people who are vocal about it.
And I'm not running a trivia night. I was just trying to organise it so that someone was. I enjoy competing far too much to host my own.
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The question is, will the new group be public or private.
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As many of you are aware by now, especially regulars to Trivia, our usual triviamaster has had enough.
But after over 2 years of regular trivia in Sunday? I feel it's only right if someone continues the tradition. As such, I'm making plans to host trivia after Chronic stops. Now, for the bad news.
As Chronic was the only chatmod who is in chat reliably enough to lock chat during trivia, what do we do? Well, we plan. There are 2 immediate options which come to me, which I've put in the poll.
The other challenges which need to be addressed before Trivia can resume are as follows:
Sponsors - Much as Chronic's trivia was done, we need sponsors for prizes.
Questions - Unfortunately, I am nowhere near as good at writing questions as timely as Chronic was, so if anyone would like to help with questions, I would appreciate it. As well as this, questions can be provided by different users each week, possibly alongside their prize if they wish it so.
Rules - For the most part, I plan on keeping the same rules as chronicdiscord's trivia, with a few minor changes. However, I feel that since I'm planning for everything else, there should be some user input on the rules.
Suggestions - Any other suggestions for planning this trivia would be appreciated.
Once I'm confident that we have a working plan for what to do, I will make a proper thread for the actual event. If there are any other concerns, please voice them and I'll address them :)
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