Even though you already have another job lined up, might be worth seeing if there is anyone you can bring this up to so she has to deal with hot water herself.
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Sorry to hear about the job but glad a new one is on the way with a much better future
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So it seems like the getting fired thing was the best thing that could happen to you.
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Fucking bosses with their fucking firing...
I once came to the compound where I had work to do, pretty late at night. I was just going through my work, minding my own business, when suddenly the boss comes at me and starts yelling at me about my work.
I was like, what the hell? I was doing exactly what I was asked to do, too. But that's not all. He starts throwing more work to me, regardless of my efforts at avoiding it. I evade one of his attacks, and instantly throw everything I got at him. But he doesn't stop. Oh no he doesn't. Instead, he evolves even bigger, starts firing at me with his fireballs. I attempt to evade again, but I get hit. Shit, my HP is low. It's time to use my last weapon, the reflection shield. I can only use it once. Can't afford to miss.
I raise my shield, and I point it to the boss. He shoots a fireball... Aaaaand... YESSSS! I got him. He falls down on the ground, and I advanced to the next level.
...Wait, we aren't talking about in-game bosses?
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This was ... beautiful.
Now I wish my life was a videogame and that I could load my last save ...
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That was a good one!
At first, I too thought it was a serious story :D
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ha, that's exactly what I played after my buddy called me and told me everything :D
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My job's story:
Mine's nice and all, but working with a small business is tough. I recently learned before she had gone bankrupt with her business, and now with this one (with a new name. and under her husband's name so they can still file for bankruptsy), she's been running very low on money. For a week or two she couldn't pay any of her employees, and when she could, she chose me & one other co-worker if we could wait on paying our paychecks to. We both went two months without a paycheck. This was about 3 & a half months ago. We are all getting our paychecks every two weeks like we're supposed to, only the other coworker and I have to wait a few days to cash our checks. She owes us both three paychecks. It's getting very frustrating, and worrying, not knowing if we'll ever see our money or not. if she filed for bankruptsy, there's nothing we can do and that money would be gone. Yes, her not paying us is illegal, but if I can get that money without a fuss, then everyone wins. I'm thinking I should quit, but I'm not sure when. I'm trying to save up for paying back money to my parents (Because of not being payed for two months, i owe my parents money. I had literally JUST bought a car, then that following paycheck day is when she stopped paying us for two months.), and that's all I care about at the moment. After I pay them back, and I get my own money being saved up and such (Wwhich will have to be at least two paychecks because once i quit, i'm taking two weeks to go to california) and once I have the money saved up, I'll probably quit. I like my job, I just hate the situation. But luckily, there's a place down the road that does some of the same stuff, so i might apply there once I get back from Cali. So yeah, that's my job xD
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Damn, but no worries, just keep your eyes out for a new job and everything will be fine. I honestly didn't intend on switching jobs but I guess idiots are lucky ... I technically didn't even have to search for a job as I was offered one haha.
Just keep your eyes open and try finding a new job as fast as possible, wish you the best of luck :)
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Well very nice! Thank you, and i hope all goes well for you as well!
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Honestly I would quit right away. Why should you work so hard with the chance of not getting your money? Even if you might get paid down the line it's better to not work now and put that effort into getting a new job that'll actually pay.
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I'm thinking about it, but it's just a hard situation. I'll get it figured out eventually.
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Don't worry mate, you're going to find something new. And then you go back to your last boss, show him your paycheck and tell him to go fuck himself again in front of the whole staff this time
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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL, reminds me of myself. Except i haven't told anyone superior at work to go fuck themselves. I did tell a german prick in zermatt-switzerland to go fuck himself 2 years ago on my first job, the kid was abusing my patience. The "third in command" in our area of work, came to me telling me i can't go around telling people to stfu and go fuck themselves as that could get me fired. Funny thing, i remained untill the end of the contract and almost everyone hated me, because well the staff was half Portuguese and half German, Germans being the ones in the powerhouse mostly. Even the lower german staff wanted to boss around on us, including me, to which i declined overtime, more and more and they got butthurt towards me in the end.
It's funny, when i was learning the first steps, most of the team in my area was like "this isn't professional work (what i'm doing), this is professional work! (what he does)". I kept doing things my way after i tried many "techniques" from different staff and they kept whining at me, it served the same purpose in the end, so fuck them racist cunts.
Not to mention, they refer the work place as a family and everybody is friendly and professional, it's like their motto. The higher ups are friendly and keep it cool, yes. But the lower staff, sometimes coupled with our first in command, they turn into annoying shits that make fun of everyone else. That is so professional indeed, making fun of portuguese staff.
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you cant do anything when your boss is on her priod ...
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Go to work tomorrow with your crown and your Queen's clothes. Give her the look that Queens give to peasants and leave.
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24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by s4k1s
As the title says, tomorrow is the day of all days ... I'm getting fired from a job for the very first time in my life!
I'm excited. Are you excited? You better be
So, currently I'm still working as an assistant of management in a hotel. I was getting along with my boss pretty well but a few weeks back we had a fight. Basically, she was just having one of her retard moments and I was unlucky enough to be the only one around at that time. Sucks for her I don't take it easily when someone tries to fuck me over by trying to force work on me I don't know anything about or that isn't even supposed to be part of my work (Jek, do the taxes for 2012, you have time until tonight 10pm).
Since then she's just searching for reasons to get me fired, even got the IT guy, which I'm luckily really good friends with, to spy after me, because according to her I was sleeping and watching movies at work (Lol no).
Anyways, thanks to my buddy I know about all this stuff and also know she wants to fire me tomorrow. Which is good, considering this work was my only source of income and I still have to pay rent and for uni. I found a new job pretty quickly, way better pay and working conditions.
So now, celebrate with me! Feel free to bash you bosses here too
So today I went to work all happy and stuff, doing my work and waiting till she arrives. First thing I did in the morning was filling out how many hours I worked and put it on her desk. She arrives just like nothing happened, tries joking with me and stuff, I don't react. Don't talk to her, only when it's necessary.
The end of my work day: I go to her, tell her I'm gonna go drink a coffee and that she should look at my paycheck while I get my things. I come back take it, look at her and just flat out ask how she thinks this should continue. She gets all defensive, trying to tell me some bullshit story about how things were rough for her and she is sorry. Well guess what, things are rough for everyone, still i'm not going into work all mad and try to fuck up someone's day. Especially considering I got paid not nearly enough. I wouldn't even be able to pay my rent for next month if it wasn't for a great friend of mine.
She still tries finding some bullshit excuses, I just cut her off and tell her that I do not take it kindly when people treat me like that. Funny thing is: Some employees are leaving and this means I would be one of the very last people who are fit for the job. Who know the system and can actually solve problems.
She literally begged me to stay.
Sucks for her I don't intend to :)
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