does Redneck Rampage fit that criteria - I don't remember seeing a lot of good being said about it but I absolutely loved it - at least until I got stuck on some level way into it (never did get out of that one - shit! now I gotta dig it out and re-install it - thanks a lot)
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honestly i dont remember seing much praise on that game when it came out, but i remember even mentioning it to someone else and everyone told me they didnt like it....
are we special?
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the problem with this logic is we dont know she was fine in the past game. all we know is she fought him. we cant see behind-the-mask in Zero Mission and stuff, she could've been scared.
Other M did have great controls and combat. but no exploration
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I tried so hard to like that game but just couldn't. It had a ton of graphical glitches for me and when they finally got fixed, the game's maps felt extremely imbalanced.
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I don't know how well it scored, but I've seen a lot of people bash Sonic R. I loved that game. Played it over and over on my old laptop. Can't get it going on Vista though.
I've also played and enjoyed Anubis II. Yes, THAT game. I can imagine how horrid it would be with Wii controls, but it was enjoyable with PC controls... as long as you completely ignore the melee attack. Not a game I'd say is amazing, but I got some fun out of trying to speedrun levels.
And more recently, I picked up this game called Vertigo for PSP. Reviews put it at average at best, but I'm having a blast with it. Kinda like a perfectionist's modern Marble Madness.
Edit: Just noticed Vertigo's page has high scores and praise all over it. Every single place I'd visited about it said it was horrible. lol
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Almost forgot Sonic Riders. I played that for hours on end back when it was released. I love that game! The track designs were awesome, gameplay was interesting... I never really understood the hate it got.
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From last critically acclaimed games it was Alpha Protocol
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inb4 Call of Duty
For me, it has to be the Pandemonium games. I loved them when I was younger but apparently they got awful reviews. Sadly lost them and can never play them again... q_q
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i remember playing the first and second in a friends PSX, aswell as another one i REALLY enjoyed, called Klonoa
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Those got bad reviews? I played the first and loved it. And I was playing it on an N-Gage. That should give the game bonus awesome points if anyone can stand it on that thing.
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Eufloria's pacing was way out of whack when I played it a little over a year ago. The game would be so slow for the first 15 minutes or so of a level that I pretty much just left it running in the background while I did other stuff, then it became pretty hectic as I had to micromanage each one of my little guys to move to/attack a certain planet, making sure they're not killing themselves in minefields, etc.
The atmosphere was nice, BUT the game was so much easier played zoomed out that all the nice visuals and atmospheric elements are just not present. It loses its charm this way. That, coupled with all that micromanagement makes it pretty repetitive too.
Again that was more than a year ago. I'm not sure if it's become any better, but from what I saw I can only give the game maybe a 5 or 6/10.
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I found the controls a bit strange in Eufloria and it took an unnecessary amount of time to slect all the seeds for a group rush.
Galcon Fusion is in the same genre and has largely the same gameplay but with more modes, multiplayer and what felt like easier controls and more depth to me.
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Yea, the game is mostly about waiting, that could get boring pretty fast. I'm playing this while wathing tv (like news, debates, etc), so it's like advantage for me. I usually play that way also Solar 2 and poker in TDU2.
Btw, I miss the "extremly zoomed out" view in nowadays games... Every game is easier when you play it zoomed out. Like Transport Tycoon Deluxe or Stronghold Crusader, it looks horrible when it's zoomed out, but you see almost everything you need.
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This, definitely. Now I don't get to play all those sequels that never happened. It was rough around the edges in some ways, but an awesome game overall, in my opinion. Cliffhanger endings with no sequels are their own special kind of torture.
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That game was great. Mods really help shine it up too.
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Sniper Elite didn't get all that good of reviews, but I enjoyed it.
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Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason - Metascore: 69% (heh)
I really liked the atmosphere of the game. You could really feel the frigid cold around you. The story was very well-done as well, far exceeded my expectations. There's a symbolic layer to everything as well that just makes it even better. I also thought that the mental echo ability was unique and a brilliant way to tell the story because it really makes you feel more for the characters than a simple cut-scene ever could - plus it adds this almost 'puzzley' touch to the game that I find to be a nice change of pace.
The game isn't without its flaws. One major problem was that it's so poorly optimized that not many computers at the time could run it that well - even if they had no problems with Crysis. Another problem is the clunky combat. Thankfully there aren't too many heavy combat situations. I just think about the fact that you're not somebody who's been trained in handling firearms and that makes it tolerable. The game was heavily bashed based on those two things, but honestly I think you should try it, especially if you like a survival horror game with a nice story.
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I loved Cryostasis and it was easily one of my best buys on Steam. Shame it got such low reviews.
The highlight of the game (for me) would have to be getting on a tiny little tin boat with a tiny spotlight in a sunken level of the massive cargo bay and having corpses try to pull you down as you punch them off. The health system was also fairly interesting and innovating.
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Cryostasys is really great. Atmosphere, mind-echo and heat-keeping game mechanics are very good. I didn't meet problems with graphics, but i agree about combat - sometimes it's hard.
But anyway - storyline is great. It cost every penny i spent on it. And much more.
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Alpha Protocol, Lost Planet 2, Two Worlds (it would have been amazing if it was actually finished), and Deus Ex: Invisible War. I'm sure that there's others, but none that I can think of right now.
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Apparently Chaos Legion was crappy but I put it right up there with Devil May Cry, get past the first couple levels and the game shines, hard as hell also.
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I bought that game super cheap way back in the day, not knowing it was a DMC-esque game. Played it for a while and figured that out. :P
It was decently fun but I don't think I got very far before I got distracted by something else. Maybe I'll have to play it again sometime...
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Star Wars: Empire At War. While not a massive Star Wars fan I enjoyed the lite4X aspects of the game. The space battles we're great although the land battles we're pretty lacking. Nver played the expansion but I remember there was some great mods out there for the game.
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While Boiling Point was never absolutely panned by the critics, it got a very mixed reception.
Pre-patch, this was comedy gold; buggy as a rainforest, with flying panthers being a particular highlight.
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I think I'm gonna go with The Saboteur. I'm not even sure what kind of critical reception it got, but since I basically never hear anything about it, I assume the worst. I absolutely loved that game. I wound up spending almost 140 hours on it because I tried to stealth everything, but I loved every minute of it. Someone needs to resurrect it and make the sequel promised by the ending. Instant must-have for me.
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And by Crappy i mean games that got terribad reviews and general lowsy critics.
For me, Alpha Protocol has to be on that list, despite the laughable stealth mechanics and hilarious animations, i admired how the story develops based on what you do, and how the relationships between you and your co-workers develop.
Also, prepatch Hidden & Dangerous and prepatch Vampire The Masquerade (bloodlines was enjoyable with or without any patch).
Name your underdog favourites!!!
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