Which is based off this:
That is a picture of me.
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i still cant get into Terraria D:, i have no idea what am i doing and without some wiki... or youtuber.. to follow i feel lost and frustated, because i know this game is good but im not having fun with it :c
so yeah, any way to know more about the game would help me too
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The Guide is the most important NPC in the game.
If any item says "Material", then it can be used to craft something else. Go the Guide, click "Craft", then stick a Material item in a little box that pops up. The Guide will show you everything that item can be used to make, what other ingredients you need, and what crafting tool required.
Other than that, most of the game experience comes from exploration and discovery. Failing is OK; dying is OK - explore and figure things out as you go.
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The only gimmick of hardmode is that your character lands in recycle bin - boy, how often I had to bring my character back ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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It ain't that easy though. If you don't save or game won't autosave - poof, every new item gone. It's not that I'm cheating, I would go nuts if I had to restart and remake my character every time I die :D I learned the ropes on softcore a year ago, I need challenge so I started playing expert on hardmode.
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you need to star digging. first for copper, then iron or lead, then silver and go on. build houses, explore. it sounds stupid but is really fun
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The guide npc is all that you need the rest is explore and discovering, cactus is pretty awesome to initial gear if you are near desert. raid any cave for sweet loot.
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I have Terraria, but I haven't really played it yet even though it looks like so much fun xD I heard the new update made it easier to play with friends, but I'm not sure I have any friends to play it with xD I also want to try the controller mod for it if it still works with the newest update, if it does I may have to get on and play soon :D
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I started playing it but I just can't get into it like I did minecraft years ago. It's the controls for me but that should change if I get familiar with them. Also noticed there were over 100 thousand people playing terraria yesterday while Team Fortress 2 only had 60 thousand.
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I had pretty good armour(meteoriite) and weapon(muramasa,minishark) and 3 days ago defeated wall of flesh.I feel like useless shit once again
Tip NEVER fight wall of flesh unless you mastered pre hardmode and can afford for quite a lot hallowed seeds(to get your house safe of corruption)
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Life starts at hardmode :D We died so often, yet had so many laughs :D (What the F****K killed? DID YOU SEE THAT? DAMNED TURTLE HIT 160)
Similarly, the fresh expert mode feels so good. It's good that there's finally challenge in pre-hardmode ( expert hardmode will be horror, I'm sure)
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Everyone has difficulties with different things, but for me it was Expert Skeletron. All of Hardmode was relatively easy.
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On expert mode even eye of cthutullu is challenge at his 3rd form but the drop is worth it.I wonder if somebody defeated lunar boss on expert with hardcore,difficulty character,alone, starting from beggining
Hardmode entering is really hars
Oh you defeat most of enemies fast and taking only 1 damage per hit?
Let's give you enemy with milion of defence and let him take from you 50 hp per hit which would be pretty much undogdeable.
This is how terraria says ,,F**k you"
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I never did much in this game... I only played casually, without hunting for bosses or raiding dungeons. I couldn't ever really play with anyone since most people focus on bosses and hard raids, and usually they know more about the game than I do, so they progress much faster by crafting better equipment.
I guess this is the reason I never really went back to this game. :P
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I like the bosses but I also have fun building houses (mostly tree houses) and doing the fishing quests. The fishing quests are actually somewhat cathartic. There's so much more to do than just go after the bosses. And to me part of the reason that it is fun is that you can take it at your own pace. There's no pressure from the game to keep going down a linear path at a certain speed. It is what you make of it. And I'm sure there are plenty of people on SG willing to play Terraria with you. :) I know I'm totally willing to help out new players if simply to share the love of this awesome game.
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We use to have a few terraria servers for SG, I even took a crack at hosting one, until some asshat/s decided to nuke the shit out of the map. 1/4th the entire map was just gone where the spawn use to be. I am not sure if the new update added any new server hosting tools or if 3rd party tools are still required to limit player trolling.
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I've not really looked into hosting a server but I believe that they posted new dedicated server software since the update and supposedly this is an official software dl.
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I've been nearly killed because a trap stunlocked me.
When traps spawn in the world, there's a chance that their wires will intervene - meaning if you activate one, both of them will be triggered.
So, I've stepped on a pressure plate, and a dart trap shot me from the left, knocking me slightly to the right, off from the pressure plate.
But there was a slime statue on the right - if it gets "triggered", it will spawn a slime. Slime came, jumped on me, knocked me left, onto the pressure plate.
Which in turn activated the dart, that knocked me into the freshly spawned slime, which knocked me to the pressura plate, which activated the trap... :D
If you want tips regarding any matter / situation until early hardmode, I'll gladly help :)
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A tip: Backup your worlds/characters!! The game doesn't use Steamcloud for some reason. I lost hundreds of hours of progress when my HD crashed.
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Oh, that's nice. It didn't have that feature when I played it T_T thanks for the info
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I like your style :D I started to make a house of us (multi) more personalized - I made a room for the nurse that was white with red cross on the wall, harpoon and fish-wallpaper for the fisher... and dang, 1.3, if we want LOTS of the new features, need a new world :|
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Heh, I was actually singing that little song in my head while building it...
"Gotta hoard hoard hoard, all the shiny ore ore ore, gotta stash stash stash, all the shiny cash cash cash..."
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Nice! Good way to make the time go faster when shelling the dirt out to prepare for your vault.
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Should have dyed your hair green and get a purple tuxedo. Then you could be the Joker. :D
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I built a Hellevator (tunnel straight down to the Underworld) next to my house. Jumped down it, and watched my character plummet down past many layers, got bumped by a flying bat which knocked me back into a cave and I was immediately killed by fall damage. Respawned and jumped back in again to get revenge on the bat.
I did a mostly full playthrough over a year ago, and with 1.3, I started a new character and am progressing solely with yoyos. I just made it into hardmode!
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You mine sand, turn to glass, then turn those into "windows" and place them like you did the wood walls. You will need a furnace. You will need to make a kiln if you want to make things like a glass lamp, table, sofa and so on, which also doubles as a normal furnace, which is nice.
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Funniest thing that happened to me in Terraria... I was exploring the dungeon expecting all the dungeon enemies when seemingly out of nowhere a shark starts attacking me.. I back up so that I can hit it.. and There's a shark statue wired to a pressure plate. I had set off a shark trap in the dungeon...
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Ive been spending most of my time fishing and catching critters. My map sucks for finding resources like ores and hearts, but my second map I made for MP has ore and hearts littering the world like its Christmas. Though I did come across a rather nasty dynamite trap on map 2 soon after starting that I never saw on map 1 after exploring for days.
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This wasn't something I did, but something I witnessed. I played it for the first time in a while a few days ago with my niece. She keeps trying to catch a rabbit to keep as a pet even though I tell her it will despawn once it goes off the screen. She trapped the rabbit inside the house. It had just turned night time, but one of the AI people opened the door and it got out. Then a star fell on it and killed it. I didn't know stars could kill creatures.
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Just buy a bug net. It's a ton of fun to run around with Achilles boots and using the net. You can jump bird, bunnies, and butterflies. The bug net is really kinda ridiculous. Don't know how to reanimated them after capturing them, though. The things you catch randomly turn into an item that just stays there. I just cram what I catch into a tiny chest, laughing at the random things I've catched.
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I also started playing it after the last update, because setting up a server was awful + it has achievements :D
Funniest thing was probably when me and my friend ran from one of these stupid chargers and then ended up being stuck with 3 of those and just being destroyed.
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I've been playing it over and over from scratch each time a patch cames out, but the most fun I had was on my first playthrough with my friends, when we didn't search the wiki for every item and learn just by playing P
One of my friends had stopped playing and his "house" was a mess, so we destroyed it here.
Another one, sadly undocumented, we made a backup of the server and then, at night, filled one of my friends houses with lava. When the owner joined he went so mad that he started blowing other people houses even after we told him about the backup.
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I go to this site frequently to look up things:
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69 Comments - Last post 42 minutes ago by AceBerg42
So, I'm about 10 years late, but I finally started playing Terraria for the first time with a friend following the new update. I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying it! I'm still terrible and don't know any of the crafting recipes, but I just killed the first boss and I'm feeling super proud of myself. :D
Was curious if people had any tips/funny stories to share? Also, what's your opinion of starbound and crea compared to terraria? I've got all the games but haven't really played much of any of them, so was wondering if it was worth also trying one of those two out. ^^
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