TL;DR version. They are trying to convince us that price was set by kickstarter tier to be $90, but they charge less in some regions and more in other. They do not care about community, they only want as much money as possible.

Do not support them.

They are openly lying to us and banning you on steam forum if you have any criticism, constructive or not.

£67.99 = $106.77
82.99€ = $110.71
2499 pуб = $78.74
R$ 149.99 = $69.96

Description from store page:
"Our pricing for this stage of early access was determined by our Kickstarter. The stages of our early access for ALL users,
which was determined during our Kickstarter, is:
June through August: $90 for early alpha access."

Yet as you see prices above, that is lie. ALL users do not pay $90, not even close.
They claim "we take feedback seriously", but they obviously do not. Either feedback nor community.
If they had actually sound reasoning behind their pricing, they would not be so unresponsive about it.
But so far only "reason" for their pricing is lie: "It must be $90 for ALL users because kickstarter backers payed $90"
And then they go and chose completely different pricing.

VAT: They do not say $90+VAT for early alpha access. And it is digital product, pricing should be set accordingly to what user is paying and not what developer is getting. More so in this case because their defence is that they chose price by what others payed during kickstarter, not by how much they got from them. That clearly sends message that they do not care about kickstarter pledges, they only want as much money as possible.

Regional pricing: Is optional and up for developer to decide, plenty of games on steam are priced fairly.
And they do not say: $90 or whatever we please for early alpha access. As the matter of fact, they go out of their way to let everyone know that price ALL users is suppose to be set to $90.

Setting the price for $90 was reasoned behind the argument that on kickstarter it was also $90, and that they cannot set it
2499 pуб = $78.74 R$ 149.99 = $69.96 - those are clearly lower than $90. Their argument about kickstarter setting the price falls short.

Their arrogant fanboys called me stupid, said I don't speak English but "idiot", called me mentally ill and still. I am the one that is banned for insulting other members of forum.

They have no respect for community. Either from kickstarter or steam.

I posted 2 threads about pricing. Asking developers directly about it, yet they did not bother to response in way other than
"You have been banned from all Planetary Annihilation discussions"
Pathetic, they clearly banned me for calling their bluff.

Before calling me hater:
Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander are my favourite RTS games of ALL time.
Planetary Annihilation was on top 5 list of my most anticipated games in 2013.
I do not argue about the price point. If charging more than double for early access is wise is another thing, and I am not trying to discuss that.
But I cannot support them when they lie and have no intentions to honour their own words: "early access for ALL users: $90 for early alpha access." and when they say all negative feedback from community is just stupid trolling that will go away in few days.

Feel free to post your honest opinions.
Perhaps if you think it is ok and why, when they said: "We will change $90 to ALL users" and than doing the usual € and £ rip-off, while giving discount to people in Russia and Brazil when they said it would be betraying of the kickstarters htat payed $90.

Also please go ahead and correct my English that is by words of Planetary Annihilation fanboy "idiot talk, made by face hitting the keyboard, due to me having a Parkinson's. xD
EDIT: Just to be clear, I am ignoring all the fanboy comment that will just try to troll.

1 decade ago*

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And I care about this game I really do. There is no point to complain about issues with some game that is not worth money or time.
It is when some one who you put your trust, time, hopes and money into do this, then it is that much more disappointing.
When you look at Alice: Madness Returns with 49.99€ / $19.99 or Deadpool $39.99 / 49.99€
That is EA and Activision, you expect it from them. But these are developers that rely solely on community and cannot afford to spend millions on marketing. They are expected to treat that community with respect. They clearly do not, even when they owe them literally everything.
I could not be more happy if they came out of hiding and say "Hey people, we made mistake. We are sorry and we will fix it" I would be first one to congratulate them on their new found integrity and began to look where I can find hopefully $60 to buy the game.

1 decade ago

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Perhaps you should be more worried about them actually developing the game then their accuracy in foreign pricing.

1 decade ago

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So far what I saw from the game did not cause me to worry about the development. They are suppose to be working with people involved with Total Annihilation and Supreme Commander.
On the other they already lie about the pricing and it is just in alpha.

1 decade ago

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Did you ever consider that they're not doing it maliciously? Because this is some serious projecting, dude.

1 decade ago

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The reason they are doing it because makes it no different. Lie is a lie. It is not some matter of subjective discussion. It is a simple fact.
And if it was something unintentional, why would they refuse to comment on it?
If it was really something they did not knowingly do, they would not try to ignore it.

1 decade ago

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So is your face!

1 decade ago

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and its steam's fourth top seller, is there so much support/fanboys for this game?

btw nice thread OP.

1 decade ago

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No, there is such a high price. Top selles is not set by copies sold, but revenue generated. And of course high price generates high revenue. Also some people say activated keys from kickstarter also count, I am inclined to agree.
In the whole, that whole top seller thing is just bubble waiting to burst. The game will go lower and lower on list.

1 decade ago

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People are just buying it because it's expensive. There is a crazy (yet not small) subset of people who think that high price = high quality. That's the main reason bottled water is sold.

1 decade ago

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I think it's a great idea to be doing what they're doing. They can get extra funds for their project and continue to work on it to make it even better. If the price is too much for you, then simply wait until it comes out, it'll only be $30-$40 anyways. If you're angry because you're a kickstarter backer then try to look on the bright side: You'll have more people to play with and the developers will have more funds to work with to make it better.

1 decade ago

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Can people even read these days?
The price is not the problem. Lying about the price is the problem!
They say "price will be $90 for ALL users".
Price is £67.99 = $106.77 / 82.99€ = $110.71 / 2499 pуб = $78.74 / R$ 149.99 = $69.96 for users accordingly to their regions.
How many times will I have to repeat it before people will start to understand?
They need more money? There is nothing wrong with that. On the other hand, the way they are trying to get that money is so very wrong. Because when was trying to get money by lying ever right idea?

1 decade ago

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If you're really trying to be that specific about numbers, you'll see that when they say what the price will be for all users, they use a rounded number. If you put everything into reality, a $20 variation isn't that big of a deal. There's also different variations of prices too, so are you going to target that as well? Based on your logic for debate, we can start complaining about them lying by charging less money for their product when one of their editions goes for $200.

Off-topic: Why do you put every sentence on a new line?

1 decade ago

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It was even worse before - $38 in Russia. I think over 50% is a pretty big price different.

1 decade ago

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Gosh, please inform yourself about economy. Russian and brazilian economies are way too different than US or most of Europe. These two are struggling countries. Of course they'll have lower prices! Else, they would be pirating everything, as they did before Steam.

1 decade ago

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OMFG. Please inform yourself about what I am trying to say.
If they would price by how people people can afford, it would not be so hight tbw.
What you simply refuse to acknowledge is that we do not argue how high the price is.
We argue that they LIE about it.
Russians cannot buy it that expensive, we get it.
Do you think many people in Europe can blow $110 on single games? Not bloody likely.
Pricing is not set by steam, regional pricing or what people can afford.
Pricing is set by how much alpha access tier was on kickstarter. And that was $90.
They claim price for ALL users is set by that, so it should be $90, but it is not.
We pay more, and they pay less. In both cases it is not the $90 they claimed.
In my case it is insult to us, paying more for the same thing people on kickstarter got.
In case of Russia and Brazil it is insult to kickstarters that payed more then them. Even thou developers said prices cannot be set lower than on kickstarter.

1 decade ago

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My bet is, it's about money grabbing
If the devs would stay true to their word, then it would be 90 dollars for everyone. BUT I think they just want to cash in 90 dollars and do not care if an european user has to pay 110 dollar so that they still make 90 dollars profit after steam took their share.

1 decade ago

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Yet Russia and Brazil had to pay $90 for the kickstarter alpha. You're totally missing the point - devs say they will set to kickstarter price ($90) and yet it's not even close to being equal from country to country.

1 decade ago

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Oh boy, is this the next thing everybody will spend a week bitching about?

1 decade ago

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Because rewarding these rip-offs is the better way to do it.
Unless we do not bend to these practices they will continue forever.

1 decade ago

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They will spend the next 3 months bitching, then it will die down but continue to bitch until around December. Some bitching will continue but no one will give a shit by then lol

1 decade ago

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It's not worse than what Activision did to brazilians and still doing.

1 decade ago

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"The price is not the problem". But you mention the price of the game like 20 times in your rant.

"They do not care about community, they only want as much money as possible." Did you ever play SMNC when it was in BETA? Did you visit their board and see how active they were, and how much they took player feedback into consideration? Looking at your profile, all signs say no.

1 decade ago

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But you mention the price of the game like 20 times in your rant.

But he doesn't complain about the price, he complains about the price difference between countries. Seriously, english isn't his first language.

1 decade ago

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Yes I do mention it as lot. But hoe exactly do I mention it?
20x "Price is $90, and it is too damn high!"
"They claim price is 90 for ALL users, but is is $90 for SOME and $106.77, $110.71, $78.74, or $69.96 for the rest"

1 decade ago

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so, the high price tag isn't your problem.. it's just the price differences in different countries that's your problem? so if it really was $90 for everyone, you would have no problem, and you would buy it? xD

i get you're saying that them lying about everyone paying the same price is what's bothering you, and you can't support them because of it, but this is kinda childish..
i don't see how making such a big deal out if it will help anyone...

edit: i'm sorry for not really having anything constructive to say

1 decade ago

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"TL;DR version. They are trying to convince us that price was set by kickstarter tier to be $90, but they charge less in some regions and more in other. They do not care about community, they only want as much money as possible.

Do not support them."

I don't know why, but in my opinion this statement is very offensive towards the developers.
As far as I know, the alpha-access itself was provided as a "reward" for those who have backed up the project from last year, and since the suggestion for "do not support them" come due to the alpha-access-price that was set DIFFERENT-ly for some other region, I think the only ones who have the right to fill out complaints are those who have "bought" the $90-tier kickstarter project. Personally I don't think anyone who have "backed" the developers would complaint much about this-- it supports the developer even further, no? And I take it you haven't pledge nor bought the one with the early-alpha-access, right?

Sorry, but I don't see your reasoning of how the pricing is set differently for other regions makes the developer do not care about community, only want as much money as possible, and thus shall not be supported. It's a logical fallacy for me, dude--
I do understand your reason for being upset--
Being forcibly silenced in a public forum for questioning FACT is very inappropriate and tyrannical. And the problem there lies in the moderator you have banned you, not the developer itself IMHO--
And for the developer, it's felt not fair for those who have spent $90 for early access-- only to find that you can get the same boon for $78... Though in my honest opinion this method of purchasing is kinda underhanded and should not matter-- since again, the kickstarter project is not a platform for selling games directly. But well-- it's my opinion anyhow~

If you really love this game and still want to support the developer-- and still can WAIT, then I suggest the standard $20-tier from kickstarter which comes out with the retail game after the release. Else you might want to save up your money for something else and wait for the final product to be released.
If the price in your region currently HIGHER than $90, why not pledging your funding through the kickstarted and get the same early-access?

Me myself? I'd rather wait for it later. $20 and $90 (even the Russian price of $78) is way too big for me. $58 is worth a new-released AAA games, no? ;)

1 decade ago

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Someone on the steam forum posted this graphic. And I have to agree with him. It seems as if Uber games just tries to cash in on steam :/
Greedy bastards ...

1 decade ago

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This graph is basically representative of any company's products: different pricing in different regions based on income levels and higher prices for early adopters.

1 decade ago

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Yep. But in my opinion it's the wrong way. They already got funded on kickstarter and shouldn't act like money grabbers whereever they can, while banning and insulting people who critizise it.

Other developers offer you a discount for testing their alpha/beta while they try to cash in as hard as they can for the "privilege" to be in the alpha. Just seems the wrong way for me.

1 decade ago

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Agreed on all points.

1 decade ago

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This is... every game?

Hitman Absolution comes out at $60 and sells to the people who want to pay that much.

Then it goes 50% off and sells to all the people who only think it's worth $30.

Then it goes $10 and sells to a whole new group who wouldn't have bought it at $30+ but will drop $10 on it.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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like you even read OP's post.

and what he/she is talking about.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 2 months ago.

1 decade ago

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And they said price is determined by what can people afford? NO!
They said price was determined by kickstarter.

They actually set the price high so LESS people could afford it, so they have better people for testing and so some people accidentally don't buy it in alpha. And because it is suppose to be the same price as kickstarter, to honour people that bought in for $90.

Setting the price lower for some regions directly contradicts what they claim. Both getting only most serious fans in alpha and setting same price as on kickstarter.

When people wanted to get alpha on kickstarter did it say "Oh, you are from russia. So that will be $38 instead of $90.", because I don't think so.

You are clearly not even trying to understand.

And just FYI, minimal wage in our country is $2.60/hour and $416.68/month. average $5.78/hour is $1253.24/month.
So $110 they charge us is 34.6h on minimal wage and 19h on average wage you nimrod.
Where are these prices based on economy now?

1 decade ago

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well they charge soo much for "alpha access" where you can feel special ;p the "slightly" different prices are because of taxes and the final game will be like 40 or 20 euro as i remember... but well they should make available also the game for final price without the alpha/beta access as it would be cheaper

1 decade ago

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Reminds me of the "beats by dr.dre" headphones. You pay double the amount of their actual worth/quality just so you can feel "special" in front of other people?
LoL :)

1 decade ago

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That's the reason why I'm seeing kids & teens with those headphones lately.

1 decade ago

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2499p? Better buy 3 last top games... Or buy Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2

1 decade ago

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Remove GW2 and add WoW. You'll have a blizzard hattrick then!

1 decade ago

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Not bad...

1 decade ago

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Can we please have a legal action against the devs for lying to us, trying to get more money than what they should and shunning all constructive comments, threads and probably even blogs?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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MY country's laws don't allow me to have any sort of weapon, especially stuff like pepper sprays and guns.

1 decade ago

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Well, let's see... You were given the following choices:

1) Join the Kickstarter for the game and pay $15 for it because it's cheaper that way;
2) Buy the game for $90, now, so you can join in on the alpha, beta, and developer's forums;
3) Pre-order the game from the developer's website for $40.
4) Ignore the game until it was finished and on sale for $35 (pre-order pricing);
5) Wait for the game to go on sale for $10 and then buy it for cheap;
6) Ignore the game totally because you don't think it's worth the money;
7) Politely and respectfully express your concerns and/or what you think would have been a better pricing policy;
8) Show your displeasure about the developer's handling of their distribution and marketing by refusing to purchase the game;
9) Vent your rage in various fora over not getting what you want the way you want until people finally just turn off your noise;

Seeing as how you chose #9, the least effective course of action with the greatest number of negative consequences, it would seem you are inexperienced in handling this type of situation. I am hopeful that you will learn from all this.

1 decade ago

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Man, if somebody kill your dog you can:

  1. Run
  2. Cry
  3. Cry and run
  4. Fap at this show
  5. Help killer
  6. Record video and upload at youtube

Isn't it fun?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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god i love the midget a team pic xD

1 decade ago

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The price differences may be due to various things, like taxes and licensing. So the less moderated that market is, the less they have to pay a percentage, and the less they would need to charge. Never believe that companies won't pass the bill down to you.

1 decade ago

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Even if it was $90 for everyone... $90 for alpha access to an indie game? WTF, even Star Citizen costs less!

1 decade ago

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Prices vary from region to region. This is nothing new. Stop trolling.

1 decade ago

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Developers "Price must be $90, anything less would be unfair to kickstarters"... yet it is less for some people. YOU get a clue and stop trolling.

1 decade ago

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Prices vary... So why is it $20 more expensive in Europe?

1 decade ago

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Europe adds $20 to the cost because the government wants a cut. (actually they add alot more, because its every single step in manufacturing, which it really shouldn't be if you keep it within the same company but whatever(shouldn't charge when you mine ore, again when you smelt it, again when you make it beams. if you mine ore and sell beams why isn't it just once for when you make beams? it'd be different if somebody mined ore, sold it so a smelter, who sold that to the I-beam makers who sold beams but) but point was that these are game keys sold online, so it ends up as the 20% tacked on)

(they stuck an extra 20% on top of whatever it normally cost, and since 90 is so close to 100 it looks a lot like $20 in this case)

1 decade ago

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Very clever of them, selling a $20 game for $90 "because you can alpha test". It's not even worth the preorder price.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I don't care about this EARLY ACCESS price, for me the only thing that matters is whether the final product is great or sucks.

1 decade ago

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(and people still pay for it :/ )

1 decade ago

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vat is that ridiculous 20% tax in Europe right? so of course the euro version is more

you're giving them $90 and your government is taking another $18. if you've got a problem with that take it up with your queen or whatever

1 decade ago

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Then go ahead and vote with your wallet. But please don't preach to people that want to spend their money on an overpriced game made by greedy devs. You want to have the right to tell me I'm stupid to get an Xbone too? (I won't, but that's beside the point) I have the right to spend my money in any way I think pleases me the most (without hurting others people, so hiring a hitman = not ok).

If I want to buy 500 Kilograms of Marshmallows and use them as a giant edible bed, then cover myself in many liters of hot chocolate sirup and pretend I'm a human smore, then that would be a waste of a shitton of money....but you see, it is mine.

Good day.

1 decade ago

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By supporting terrorbad developers, be it greedy ones like these or NSA partners like Microsoft you give them the feedback that people are as stupid as they thought and they will continue with this style. If people wouldn't throw away their money they wouldn't have any other chance than to change their policy.

1 decade ago

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And this is relevant to my post in which way?

I said I will certainly not buy this game. I told the OP to vote with his wallet. But I explicitly told him to not preach. What others do is their business. Don't police them. It is that simple

1 decade ago

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I am justifying the preaching that you so dislike. I understand why you dislike it but I still think it is right.

1 decade ago

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I really think you should let people make their own mistakes. Only by making some mistakes are you truly informed about something. Especially when it comes to things that are not really life or death scenarios.

If you educate people on what you think is the right decision with preaching or any other form of imposing knowledge onto them, then they might end up following you.

But are they doing so in a way that they will have learned something for newer situations that arise, where the circumstanced are slighty altered? They don't have any experiences to base their decision on.

I am just really afraid that people can't make their own mistakes in less important venues of life and practically turn into sheep at some point.

And remember that I really only aplly this to non-vital scenarios. Someone being lectured/informed/preached to about starting a family, for example, is completely reasonable.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by BlueSharkCZE.