
Yesterday I had 388 item on steam, today I have 387 items on steam. Apparently something was removed, but how to find out what? This has happened once before.

9 years ago

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Probably some free weekend game?

9 years ago

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No, there was no free weekend type promotions yesterday.

9 years ago

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usually it is a free game offer (weekend or whatever style). And usually steam will have a notification saying that they revoked a game in your library (if it was not a free game thing).

If you want to reliably track if steam has removed a game, go to https://isthereanydeal.com , import your steam account. Then in the future, just go to the logs https://isthereanydeal.com/log/ or clicking on user (upper right) >> log and check if there's something removed on your collection (not waitlist)

9 years ago

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I don't think that there was any free weekend promotion going on yesterday.
But thank you for letting me know that steam does notify me, I did not know that.

By importing steam account do you mean, add game collection? I've been using isthereanydeal.com for some time, but all the information in logs seems wishlist related.

9 years ago

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Sometimes it takes 2 weeks (more or less) for a free weekend game, to get removed completely from your library.

9 years ago

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Good to know, Thank you!

9 years ago

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Happy cake day!

9 years ago

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Thank you!

9 years ago

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Wasn't amnesia the dark descent (or whatever) free yesterday?

9 years ago

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free to keep, not to be removed

9 years ago

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Yes, but you could actually add it to your library yesterday. In is not amnesia in this case, since it is in my library.

9 years ago

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Gotcha, my mistake

9 years ago

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If you installed it, you have it forever, I don't think Amnesia is the problem. Maybe a game was removed from the store, it happens sometimes.

9 years ago

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But a removed game also stays in your library.

9 years ago

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Did you have any free games downloaded that you recently deleted?

9 years ago

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No, I had only 4 games installed after my pc reinstall, earlier this month. And I did not delete any games from steam recently.

9 years ago

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Sometimes the games from the previous free weekend take awhile to remove from your account.

You would know if Steam removed a game because you will get a notice and it would be in red and hard to miss as to get rid of it and use Steam you have to read said message.

Always go by the game count on your profile not the one in under library,as the one in your profile is your true game count.\

Speaking of which mine right now says 457 under library and my profile says 454,it has never matched i suspect it is a couple free games that still are showing as games under library,while the one on your profile goes by your license

Also you can check under your account details license if you want to see if the free weekend are still on it as it always shows under license the free weekend games when they are added

9 years ago

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Thank you. You wrote a lot of valuable information there.
WOW, the difference between my profile games and library games is 10.
But it's good to know that steam will notify me if they remove something.

However there is one exception to this rule. Once I won a game on steamgifts which creator of giveaway got as complimentary gift for purchasing another game. He then decided to refund that game and the complimentary game was also removed from my library with no warning. Giveaway creator the contacted me and provided a different key for the game I won.

9 years ago

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If it is a complimentary it will show under steam license as such,some will allow you to remove them yourself and others are like the ones Steam gives for free that are marked as complimentary but do not allow you to remove them fro your account,at least not without contacting them.Also in rare cases Steam will remove a game without warning if they find the game used say stolen codes or assets without notice.

Well at least they contacted you but i think Steam should at least notify you of game being removed and why.If you really want to make sure you can always copy and past your license page,so if a game gets removed you can double check to see which one it was.

As great as Steam may be for cheap games and ease of access,the sad truth is at any time any game can be removed pretty much at will,this is the one down side to digital and why i hate DRM,and i wish all games where DRM as then even if the game is removed from your library for whatever reason you have a working backup.I also wish they stop using piracy as a whipping stick to use such crap as Witcher 3 proved you can still sell a game and sell it well even with DRM free,anyhow that is a whole different can of worms.

Anyhow i hope you do find the answers your looking for

9 years ago

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Steam didn't contact me, the author of the giveaway contacted me. He contacted me because he suspected that I might be missing the game I won due to his refund.

Totally agree on piracy. Developers should think about various incentives so that people are less and less interested in pirated copies. I actually think that online multiplayer (if not implemented as an afterthought) is a good idea. Like GTA 5 for example. As far as I know there is no other way to play GTA 5 online except if you have original copy of the game. And GTA 5 may be one of the best selling games in recent times. But as I write this I recall that you mentioned DRM free, so GTA 5 is not the best example. But my point is still somewhat valid, because developers should work on features that makes people want to purchase their game.

9 years ago

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Well when i said at least they contacted you i meant the GA creator sorry for the confusion.

Yeah but they could still have GTA V online without DRM,it could still use a key for online access,since they do shark cards at this point this is no way you would get online without official servers anyhow.

I am just saying DRM free can exist if you make a good game people will buy it,and sometimes when you do make a good game they do not,it just the chance you take,but most of the time a good product will sell,as most people are still honest enough to buy what they want.

9 years ago

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I received that today from IsThereAnyDeal: 2015-09-18 15:00 - Company of Heroes 2 - Beta [Steam] removed by system. Maybe this is the same for you, I still have CoH2 in my library but nothing labelled Beta.

9 years ago

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Yes, that actually might be it. What do you have to do in order to receive notifications like this from IsThereAnyDeal?

9 years ago

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You need to Login to ITAD (you can do that using your Steam account). There's a "Login" link in the top right corner.

Then go to Settings -> Collection
Then check the first box ( Automatically synchronize my Collection with my linked accounts ) and also the last box (Notify me about suspicious activity on my Collection.)

cheers =)

9 years ago*

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Thank you. I really couldn't find where to do that. I suppose it takes some time for ITAD to sync up?

9 years ago

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Your collection will be synced periodically every day.

They probably let the server do the syncing of all profiles when the server load is low - so probably night time in the US. At least that's what I would do if I had to implement it ;)

9 years ago

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