So, I don't have room for a PC, or any time for building a PC.
I'm looking for a laptop that includes:
4/8GB memory
2GB ATI / Nvidia (Preferably ATI)
Intel Core i5
Win 7
Storage: 500GB (I don't need more I assume)
Around 2.8 Ghz CPU (Not below 2.7 nor above 2.9)

And what do you think of the Dell XPS 17 ?

12 years ago*

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laptops are not made for gaming.

12 years ago

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Only serious gamers play Solitaire.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Not meant for gaming, yes. But they can manage fine really (if you get a decent one that is).

12 years ago

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No choice.

12 years ago

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yet people play games on laptops because they can't have desktops like OP

12 years ago

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Again with this stuff? everytime i see a thread about gaming on laptop someone jumps in to post this message. Have you even tried it on a decent one? I bought one for less then $1000 for my photoshop needs and guess what, it can play current games just fine.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Current games like what, sir?
The laptop must be new, not ancient, mine is 3-4 years old.

12 years ago

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I'm gonna reply here because this thread has been littered with silly "DESKTOP4LYF LAPTOPZ NOPE" comments. I have an Asus x52J, I run Skyrim on Medium+ with the HD texture pack DLC (adds a little extra on the usage), it plays GTA IV well on medium (and that's an acclaimed memory-hog), I've played Crysis on this without having fps issues.

The specs of this 3 year old laptop you ask? A whopping i5 2.55GHz processor, 4gb ram and an Nvidia 310M.

I haven't found a single game I couldn't play on Medium or above on this. The only thing I regret about this laptop is it's low memory, I used to have a better laptop (that I gave to my brother) with 6gb ram, and a slightly better everything else as well. It ran most on high graphics (and if not, it ran it well on medium).

I'm telling you all this because you didn't give us a budget, and a laptop such as this is not expensive in today's world. Anything better will obviously do great for current games too. And frankly, don't get a Dell, it's overpriced - go to Newegg and look at laptops there:, read reviews, look up reviews of the specific hardware in the laptops (cpu, gpu, etc), and you're well on your way.

A good site for CPU and GPU reviews would be this:



That should send you well on your way.

12 years ago

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You'll have a nice looking paper weight in no time.

Enjoy it.

12 years ago

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Like premade desktops, you can't up the parts of laptops much, but you can at least get enough specs in it to future proof it for up to 3-4 years for gaming. I know that cause my computer is a laptop. And -1 for you trying to be a dick about it.

12 years ago

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CHTon don't get him started. I deleted a bunch of comments because he wouldn't stop whining after I called him out on it. He doesn't understand what the OP needs/wants.

No one buys a laptop with the same mindset that they buy a desktop with. No one buys a laptop to upgrade it. No one buys a laptop because its a good pc for the money.

12 years ago

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Ha, no, you deleted them because you ended up proving my point. Again, stop being so childish not everyone is attacking you nor "trolling" you.

12 years ago

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Oh nice, now tell me, when did I say otherwise? I don't recall telling anyone that laptops can't run games.

12 years ago

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You said paper weight, so I'm just rebutting you.

12 years ago

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Yes, and that is not enough information to make those assumptions.

You people need to stop freaking out about everything you see on the internet, there's no need to do this kind of stuff, but still you all people take things too seriously.

12 years ago

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You're probably one of those people who can't see high FPS. Running those games on medium is probably giving you 20fps in low demanding environments, and 10 when shit gets real. My GPU has a 6x higher Passmark G3D Mark than yours and I struggle to keep things running at 60fps.

12 years ago

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Seeing slowdowns ≠ minding them way too much. Someone's priorities may lie well outside of having constant 60+ FPS.

12 years ago

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This. You never really need max FPS unless you're some crazy competitive multiplayer person, don't get me wrong, I play competitive games, but a small FPS drop once in a blue moon from 30 fps to 20 fps is no big deal.

12 years ago

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I don't know, i have trouble looking at 60 with slowdowns to 50 for most games. It just bothers me to the point I can't enjoy the game. That's why I tend to play most games on minimum, to prevent any slow downs. I care about the smooth motion more than about the graphics themselves.

12 years ago

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That's not the case unless I push high graphics. Medium plays really well in most games, Skyrim I generally don't go below 30 fps unless I get into some crazy situation such as being caught inside a dragon's breath (which is just particle hell), where it'll drop to 15-20.

12 years ago

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Well yeah, you get my point I think. 30 FPS is nearly unplayable for me :(

12 years ago

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my brother has a 4 year old laptop that can play the latest AAA games on highest settings just fine.

it's made for gaming...

12 years ago

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But you will pay twice the price for them as you would a similar gaming desktop.

12 years ago

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I play on low settings. I play games for the stories anyways, not being able to see each grain of sand doesn't bug me.

12 years ago

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im on a "shity laptop" but i can play almost any game (i cant play games meant to DOS) and without any lag or turning down quilty so shut up with that shit, plz. and have a nice day

12 years ago

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You must be angry from all that lag bro. Retards everywhere, please, if you're mad or whatever your brain condition is, don't reply for the sake of replying and spreading your hate.

12 years ago

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I play on an Acer laptop that has a 512 MB ATI Radeon and has a 100 fps on CS, 60 in OMD2, WoW etc..
But I like playing Saints Row and L4D2. Any laptop better than my current would be a major difference

12 years ago

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I have a HP pavilion dv7-6135dx I can play skyrim, bf3, cs:go, dota2 without lag :3

12 years ago

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Lag is related to the internet, regardless of the laptop being smooth itself, but i care about the processor and fps

12 years ago

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Since when was Skyrim related to internet lag?

12 years ago

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I too have an Acer. It meets my college needs of running programs but I can't really play Saints Row 3 well. It plays fine, but if I drive through the city my FPS really drop.

My specs are AMD E-450 APU 1.65GHz
and a 4GB Ram.

Nothing fancy but it gets the job done most of the time.

12 years ago

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bumping for help..

12 years ago

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Search that xoticpc site

12 years ago

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They never ask for an ice pack for their lapwarmer.

12 years ago

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+1 for the lulz

12 years ago

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Asus N56VZ,N56VMH might do the thing for you.

12 years ago

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A desktop

12 years ago

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If space is an issue there is shuttlepc which is a super tiny pc basically, however for laptops it all depends on budget.

12 years ago

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Budget is 1200$ and what can you suggest for "shuttlepc" ?

12 years ago

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For a shuttlepc you'd need just a hair more for any of them above an i3, at around $1,523.99 US, and that has an i5 3550 (not unlocked) and a GTX 660 2GB, taking note that you would need to add in your own monitor, keyboard and mouse as well. Shuttlepc sizes are typically around (D) 12.7" x (W) 8.2" x (H) 7.5" if you go for one of those. As for laptop this is just right in your range, if you can live with win8 or installing win7 on there. Seems like a pretty good laptop, however I'm no laptop expert so i may be wrong here. Either way you go though, it'll cost you a pretty penny.

12 years ago

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Dell Inspiron 17R Special Edition.

Lots of memory and HDD, has a built in SDD, 2GB GPU, decent price.

It's what I run, and I run most games on near max - games like Spec Ops: The Line/Darkness II/Binary Domain run perfectly.

12 years ago

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Location is a main factor when it comes down to price.
I live in Lebanon, I can't imagine what the price would be, but thanks for the reply, I will look into it right now! I'm mainly ordering the laptop from SWEDEN and not Lebanon but i need to compare the prices

EDIT: The laptop is really good.

12 years ago

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17 inches is too big, larger screens use more battery, are not very portable, and demand a better graphics card for gaming at higher resolutions. I'd get a Dell 15 inch or less, either Inspiron or XPS.

12 years ago

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Speaking from experience as someone who had a gaming laptop for four years: I want a superb graphics card and I don't give a flying fuck about battery lifetime as I have no issues bringing cables with me. They're portable, I've gone to university for all that time.

12 years ago

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^^ This. I just want good graphics and a good processor!

12 years ago

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sager np9150 is pretty nice, check it out here, I have it and have the 7970m, and can run games like BF3 on ultra everything and get good fps

12 years ago

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just got one myself! it's awesome and can play any game on high/ultra. quiet too.

fyi... do NOT buy from xoticpc!!! they tried to rip me off for $100, sending me the wrong invoices, and refused to acknowledge that they had made a mistake. pissed me off and I bought mine from Sager directly. same setup, but cost almost $200 less!!!

long story short, don't buy from a middle man that rips you off. just get it from the source. couldn't be happier!

12 years ago

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Try Alienware i have m11xR3 and it is great

12 years ago

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You can play games on computers?!
But seriously, I'm using an Asus G74 laptop and it works great. A little pricey but I've had no problems with it running any game yet.

12 years ago

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maybe this is more than what you asked, but you might consider looking at Asus G75VW model Gaming Laptops in Amazon

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Lol, nope!

12 years ago

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For a gaming laptop, I would recommend Alien Ware- They're expensive though..
Other than that, use a desktop PC! They're easier to upgrade! (and cheaper)
Edit: I've seen the Dell XPS running, they seem like a reliable laptop. It was running Assassins Creed at a full 60+ frame rate

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Not really, I used to play games on a retarded PC for a whole 13 years until I got an Acer.
Until i changed houses!

12 years ago

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I have the same problem. So i did the same thing. I bought the asus g74sx-bbk8. It has 2 gb nvidia 560, 8 gb ram and i7 quad core. and the best feature is that it has 2 harddrives. so i put a ssd in it, and boom fast :D

12 years ago

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Lenovo has good deal in good performance laptops :D

12 years ago

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One of my friends bought a Lenevo, he's had to send it to repair several times.

12 years ago

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I don't have a Lenovo laptop but I have one of their Desktops and it isn't really that great.I can hardly play Deus human revolution. I have to set to low settings & change the resolution to low

12 years ago

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From what I can tell from their specs the specs seem solid and the price tag is very appealing. Maybe you just bought one with crappy specs...

12 years ago

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I just got a lenovo at around ~$800ish. i7 processor, GT650m w/2gb GDDR5 (same fps as gtx660), backup HD4000 and the ability to add a second discrete graphics card in the future. Haven't found a game I can't play at ultra/very high settings yet with at worst 40 fps.
Only thing I can complain about is the customer service; took me about a month to get my laptop (but not until I was effectively put on delay until 2014 when I ordered). I'm not saying they're the best brand out there, but for the price, there's no other company that can compete.

12 years ago

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Agreed. My 2 year old Lenovo G550 can actually run games that it shouldn't even be able to run (Skyrim and Darksiders) smoothly, though on low settings. But considering that it is questionable if I even meet the minimum specs, I'm actually quite pleased with smoothly running on low.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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We've got a have a 6-year-old (or maybe even older) Lenovo desktop that's never crapped out on us. That thing has taken some serious abuse; malware installed and removed, bloatware downloaded, partially uninstalled, reinstalled and removed again, hard drive filled to capacity, files deleted, filled to capacity again: the list goes on and on. But it's a hardy machine and quite expandable, even slapped a $100 graphics card in there and was able to play Skyrim smoothly on medium graphics, without having to upgrade the PSU. In fact, the graphics card died after a few months, and I ended up playing Mount&Blade and Spore without it.
What I'm trying to say is that Lenovo is a good brand, and their stuff is constructed well. You won't find any flimsy plastic cases on their laptops. And in my experience their tech support (the one time I had to use it through my own fault) is very good.

TL;DR: don't rule out Lenovo.

12 years ago

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Agreed. I have a Lenovo G550 laptop that has been doing great. It runs much cooler than my Toshbia does and I've had no problems with it. Seriously, this computer is one of the most solid I've owned.

For a two year old laptop that I paid $400 for, it's done a lot for me and it can run games like Skyrim and Darksiders without much problem. Yeah, it's on low settings because my graphics card sucks majorly, but they do run.

12 years ago

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what about the lenovo Y580?

12 years ago

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+1 I have it and it's really great

12 years ago

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Buy laptop, buy keyboar, buy mouse and TV and u can play games on your laptop

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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I actually have space for a TV but do you expect me to sit on the ground while having electric wires surrounding me ? Please, I am already an impatient fellow and I get pissed off from complicated stuff really easily. I would rather replace laptops 1 time per 3 years then go through the mess of building and moving stuff around for a desktop.

12 years ago

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A laptop with video card: GTX 660M with Dedicated video memory 2GB, processor: Intel 'Ivy Core i7 3rd gen' Quad core 2400+Mhz, 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz. Asus or Lenovo recommended.

12 years ago

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Asus G75/G55 and Lenovo Y580 :D
Lenovo Y580 falls under the $1200 budget with all the extras :D

12 years ago

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I have the G75 and love it. 12GB RAM, 17" screen and the GTX660M is great.
Have not encountered any issues, running Borderlands 2, Skyrim with the HD texture pack, Civ5.

12 years ago

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Asus G Series

12 years ago

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^this :D
The Newest G75,G55 and the G46 kicks ass! But might be a wee over 1200$ mark

12 years ago

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I have a HP pavilion g6 quad core laptop,so far it's given me no problems and Ive been able to play a range of large games on it like team fortress 2,portal,amnesia,conterstrike etc... I would suggest either a HP or Toshiba

12 years ago

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Perhaps include a budget? Otherwise I'll just blindly recommend Razer's Blade xP

12 years ago

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1200$ as I stated.
Razer Blade is good but it kinda lacks last time I checked.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by bitte.