So? Why would he need to giveaway someone else's games to start giving?
It just seems dumb to me. But it's your stuff to do with as you wish.
I just see it leading to more lvl1 people with no interest in contributing to the site (99k and counting).
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My attitude was specific to reply to someone who I've repeatedly seen in the forums act stubbornly and un-self-aware like everyone else but him is the problem, to someone who is void of nuance and spurns discussion by vilifying anyone who has a different opinion. All in all a more cordial reply than the one you delivered.
I at no point preached about it. All I pointed out is that your ad hominem attacks as a response to Hogohu's criticism were unfounded.
In my opinion, someone who doesn't want to make giveaways (at least not by his own merit) shouldn't be rewarded with levelling up and gaining access to more giveaways.
I personally reserve the title of "leech" for someone who's won hundreds of games and didn't contribute any, but if you think that such user has a net positive effect on the site, I disagree.
Too bad you have to live with the existence of contrasting opinions...
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My opinion is that your winner of the last event was not motivated to make GA's based on winning your event. I don't believe the two to be related at all. But if it makes you feel better than I support you having that belief!
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And I stand corrected and am willing to admit as such. I am glad that he had a positive experience. I would be interested to see the data over say 100 of these events how many of the winners go on to create their own GA's.
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Wow, that's an amazing transformation! Nice innitiative, SillyScream :)
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Sometimes all it takes is a taste of the giving away for people to want to do it more. And also, not everyone knows you can get games for free to give away - for example, I've been here over a year and I didn't know that
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let me know when i called you a retard like you did to me, twice. or how you insulted tzaar and steffke. or when you told sg to F/O (so nice!). then i will admit i'm name calling.
also, i'm not polluting your threads with my comments, it's always you and your friends who instantly come to blame and complain about everything you disagree with.
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Change the record Mully, its old ground, you want to talk about it as I've said a million times, come do it in private.
Out of everyone who's been involved in all this shit, you're the only one I feel disappointed and let down by. I know you're not this person, I've seen you apologise before now and be friendly. I don't know what I did to sleight you all that time ago, but i wish you'd just told me instead of what happened. Tzaar I dont know, Silly I dont know, Steffke I don't know, I'm not going to insult you by saying "i know you" but I knew you to a certain degree and classed you as a friend, even if it was a in a loose sense.
I mean this time we actually agreed ffs! If you don't find the irony and humour in the fact we're hating on each other when we agree then I'm done.
I honestly initially was going to just reply to this thread with a reply to your comment saying "lol, I agree with you for once". But avoided it in case this happened.
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How's having 0.55 ratio is leaching? I've given way more games recently then i have won so dont be silly.
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Reaching level 1 is like a 10 minute work with all the ways to get free games. If person doesnt even bother doing that...
If someone doesnt agree with your 'idea' there is no need to get all itchy about it .
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go pay the lowest ammount, get 3 games, make 3 ga ???? profit
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Sell 5 cards on steam and buy game for 20 cents. SO HARD.
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Might be? But i think i saw few games for 19 and 22 cents on autumn sale.
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That sounds strange, unless Valve went back on their PayPal-esque "Steam fees are starting at 30%, with X cents minimum after each sale" policy. Most of those games are living off from card money anyway, but Valve tried to do something about it since they could play the store somehow.
(Then again, supposedly they also retracted the 1% "sale" option so games couldn't end up in the weekly deals page with practically full price, but we have this right nowโฆ)
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22 cents on steam with 76%discount. Cheapest steam game at the moment.
And about your link..I've just seen Jim's video on this. I would like to say that i'm shocked but..i'm really not . It had to happen :D sooner or later.
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0.24$ here so I think it is a US (possibly EU as well), thing.
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Seems the min is bound to US/EU stores since I've seen a few games below the 0.50$ here in maple town.
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By definition they are:
a person who clings to another for personal gain, especially without giving anything in return, and usually with the implication or effect of exhausting the other's resources; parasite.
Level 0 means they didn't give anything, are you making the caveat that until they win something they aren't leeching, (because that changes everything /s)?
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People who are going to give games here will somehow muster up that 1 0.99$ game by themselves i think. All this will do will make more level 1 bots . Sorry if you dont like my opinion on this:)
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I am level 0! sign me up! (no)
I do appreciate what ur doing though, because I know some people like me won't use sites that demands personal data etc or watch ads of their product in exchange or a crappy game, but now that problem is gone for me :D
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The bots/autojoiners don't bother me as much as the users with alt accounts
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I like this idea. I like how you were able to inspire at least some of the participants and I hope you don't let the naysayers get to you.
Also, I wish people would just stop using the word "leech/er" on a giveaway site. Just stop doing it. It helps no one and achieves nothing. But who am I kidding.
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Wait a minute, to all of those complaining about how this is only going to add more level 1 "leeches".
Are you aware of the fact that it's really simple to stop those "leeches" from "leeching" your games by simply setting your giveaways to a higher level? It's completely up to you whether you make your giveaways for people with level 0 or level 10. As some said here, it's quite easy to reach level 1 and that doesn't stop anyone from "leeching" but there's also people who are level 2, 3 or even 4 who have still won way more games than they've given away, yet they're not considered "leeches"? How does that make any sense? Because, really, it doesn't. Honestly, it's up to each individual what minimum level restriction they use for their giveaways and if you don't use any or only use level 1 then don't complain about "leeches" because you're in control whether or not someone with level 0 or level 1 can win your giveaway. =)
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You get leechers from level 0 to level 10. lol
Making higher ga's is no guarantee, just minimize the odds.
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Exactly, but people are only ever really complaining about the low level "leechers" but if they don't want any of them to get any of the games they're giving away then why complain when it's actually up to them to adjust the required level to even be able to join their giveaways. I feel like some people just complain about anything and everything just so they can complain about something despite there being a solution available which seems to be a very common thing nowadays. ^^
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Are you kidding me right now? You think I should have to use MY OWN resources to get to level 1? You should be ashamed of suggesting this!
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Yeah :) i wanted to when i was 0 but that wont be needed anymore...thx though!
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I need help getting to level 8... can you give me some games so I can make the GA's?
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You are asking for free stuff with that ratio?!...liol.
EDIT: i'm starting to doubt this is funny:( sounded somehow 6/10 funny in my mind.
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just because im the biggest leacher on the site doesn't mean I shouldnt get more free stuff! don't be mean! :(
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Besides the difficulties it might present (not trying to presume peoples behavior, but there's always some bad apples like people you give the keys to simply running off instead of creating GAs with em), I like this very generous idea of yours :). Don't get all the negativity, in the end they are yours and you are free to do with them as you see fit... and tbh, maybe it's just me or my environment, but all the generosity that many users on this site continuously are showing kinda baffles me, seems like there's more good people in this world as one would expect ;). That said, have a bump and a happy Advent season.
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just found this site a few days ago
so just posting here is enough?
And you want Attempts to make you gift a game right away?
I can do that too ;)
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Why didn't this count as a Attempts to make you gift a game right away? ๐
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