Congratz ipax :)
What are some of the strategies you guys use to improve your chances of winning?
None really. I only enter wishlisted.. and throw my spare points on games 20p and above that seem interesting. I consider my wins a happy bonus.
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Congrats on your win!
I see between 0 and 2 or so giveaways since I just hide all games I don't care about and what is left is mostly wishlisted games so my win chance is super low sadly but I see no use or fun in winning a game I won't ever play.
24,419 games have been added to your filter list.
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Wow. 24,000 games—that is a lot haha! I actually use this opportunity to find new games. It could be something I have never heard of, but I watch the gameplay trailer, I look at the premise, and if I like it, I look forward to winning and playing it. It is a challenge that makes coming to SteamGifts every day fun for me.
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A few times I also found a new games thanks to Steamgifts, it's rare but it does happen.
Though I have more ignored games on Steam and I use an add-on that shows me a red X next to games I have ignored on Steam so usually adding them to the list here goes fast so its always nice to find a gem I missed ^^
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Thank you for taking the time to do that. I appreciate it.
purchased backlog of shame 😄
gift what you want, when you want, and let the levels just happen, is the happiest path
I couldn’t agree more. It shouldn’t be forced, like our friend Prosac occasionally pops up here and there to “warn” giveaway makers. (Here is one of my favorite responses to the spam message.)
Augmented Steam by ITAD can add a link to gibs list on Group main page RHS panel
Thanks! That is helpful.
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Ooh, that makes it even more special! Also, the fact that that was almost nine years ago . . .
Update: I was curious, so I looked it up. It was Call of Juarez.
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Yeah, it is. Though I noticed that much much later. :P
Wow I'm almost at my decade here. Time passes quickly. Wish you a nice decades too!
Edit: Thinking it was a unrestricted public giveaway, I was very lucky indeed. Nowadays I mostly win from groups or higher level giveaways. Though thinking with my playing pace, I'm kinda happy with my hit or miss months. :)
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Obviously, the more giveaways you enter, regardless of your level, the higher chance you have of winning. That is just basic probability. However, the point is not to win any game; it is to win in a meaningful way—that is, getting something that you actually like and want to play. That is why I have been hiding the less desirable games and giveaways.
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What Prosac is getting at is that raising your level opens up a lot more giveaways, often with better odds. Many people (myself included) avoid making public level 0 GAs due to the overwhelming number of bot accounts that are just there to siphon off games for automated card farming accounts. A lot of us prefer that our games go to actual players, in hopes that they actually get played some day!
Raising your level will also open up more groups to you, as many have a minimum level requirement to join (often somewhere between 2-5). It can also improve your chances of people adding you to their whitelist. It isn't necessary, for sure, but if you are interested in the community aspect of steamgifts at all, it is probably the best way to open up that side of things. Basically, it shows that you are hear for more than just leeching free games. Whichever route you choose to go, best of luck!
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I admire your sticktoitiveness!
I'll echo the advice of joining the Unlucky 7 group. And the other thing already said, having a higher level (by giving).
Sometimes I improve my odds by leaving a giveaway that has more than 1,000 entries and using the points to join other GAs with better odds.
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Thank you very much. That is part of what makes it fun for me.
I'll echo the advice of joining the Unlucky 7 group. And the other thing already said, having a higher level (by giving).
I just requested to join the group. Thanks. And definitely. I have been meaning to create giveaways myself, if I can find means to acquire game codes. Unfortunately, as of this moment, there is no viable way for me to do online transactions, and living in a country that is sanctioned by almost the entire world doesn’t make things any easier. Still, I am hopeful. You never know what the future holds!
Sometimes I improve my odds by leaving a giveaway that has more than 1,000 entries and using the points to join other GAs with better odds.
Cool. With a total of 400 points at any given point, I have been carefully hopping between giveaways to give priority to the ones that are ending. I only enter those that are less than twenty-four hours away, with the remainder of my points going to the holiday giveaways. It is like resource management haha! I love it.
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Grats on the first win. It's always a great feeling.
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Congratulations on your first win! I hope you'll enjoy it when you get to chance to try it. And belated "welcome to Steamgifts!" :D I'm also going to recommend Unlucky 7 as others have, it is really a very nice group.
My first win was The Darkness II almost eight years ago and I had a great time with it. I only enter for games either on my wishlist or ones that I find out about through SG and find interesting enough to enter. So far I've hidden 23,129 games so I only see about one page of giveaways, which is enough time to check out anything new that pops up.
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Thank you so much! <3
I'm also going to recommend Unlucky 7 as others have, it is really a very nice group.
I just joined the group. I love the idea.
My first win was The Darkness II almost eight years ago and I had a great time with it.
Such a cool looking game! I am glad you had fun.
So far I've hidden 23,129 games so I only see about one page of giveaways, which is enough time to check out anything new that pops up.
That is just beautiful!
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Playing appreciated and other groups of the same type is also a good way to get some games you want to play.
Low entries and people who play their wins.
I hide things as well and do not enter games that don't look interesting to my eyes.
If you make giveaways, the you can enter more groups that have prerequisites like a giveaway per month, or a give away after every win.
And if you play most of your won games, there are more groups to join!
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honestly no strategy! i havent been here long though, so im still figuring stuff out. im just entering things that seem cool and things i dont have. im always looking to expand my game library, both for personal use and for content making, so ill play anything at least once
maybe thatll change eventually. who knows!
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Cool. You should definitely check out the Unlucky7 group then. (Your account will need to be at least two months old, or you will need to have entered and completed seven giveaways.) Check out the rules.
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No real strategy for me, I just enter whatever catches my interest. But I'm also a lucky fool who managed to win the very first giveaway they entered (for a wishlisted game, no less), so I guess I never really had a reason to put much thought into it. I might have a different perspective if I had to persevere over months or years like a normal person 🤣.
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My strategy is to not expect much and be pleasantly surprised when the space cat shows up, although these days is not uncommon for the email notification on my phone to come before I have the chance to encounter it which sucks out a bit of the rush of being jumped by the kitty out of nowhere.
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Congrats on winning
My first year on SG:
Giveaways Entered 7,922
Gifts Won 10 ($131.90)
Gifts Sent 71 ($1,515.29) (mostly reduced CV)
Whitelists (32) Thank you!!
and Blacklists (51)
Now I stopped entering new GA until I complete all my wins!
My Whitelisted persons 2
My Blacklisted persons 2
User reports: 2 (one get perma ban!)
Request new winner: 2 (one get perma ban later! it is other person)
Mark "Received" 1
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Always I found something interesting or funny in statistics. I surprised how many game I send. Year ago I was telling: "Maybe I send some games. No, that never happen", I so wrong 😋
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What are some of the strategies you guys use to improve your chances of winning?
Entering just a wishlisted games or something i'm going to play... but 4 years passed and still no win xD No strategies at all, maybe more luck is the solution : )
PS: Also congrats :)
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I would like to thank my parents, Gabe Newell and the entirety of Valve, and, of course, SteamGifts!
Jokes aside, I won Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts, all thanks to user McNickBR and their awesome giveaway. One of the things I did early on was to filter out the games I didn’t like or find interesting by hiding them. If it was a game I didn’t know, I would check it out on Steam and decide whether it was worth keeping. Right now my hidden games list includes nearly 3,000 titles, and I could not be happier. I only see the giveaways I love and care about.
What are some of the strategies you guys use to improve your chances of winning?
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