Currently at eurogamer and loving it. So far only got my hands on a few things, COD WW2, Far Cry 5, Total Warhammer 2 and Sonic. I won a final fantasy dissida medal somehow as well. Was soooo tired from driving early morning to get here. We bought lots of merch, I'm going to snap up a boardgame today I think, got my eye on Dark Souls boardgame. Anyone got any experience with it or any boardgame suggestions? I particularly love card games.

Today I'm going to check out Detroit Become Human, Assassins Creed Origins and a bunch of indie titles. Also got my eye on the switch stuff and Destiny 2(because Jayes blagging to play it).

Anyone else here? What you enjoying?

Day 2 Update

Holy Detroit Become Human is awesome! It's an absolute insta-buy which makes me happy because its looking like making good on its hype. I had a go on a couple of indie titles too with Tokyo Darks demo confirming with me that I need to buy it. There was a really cute indie title Jaye played that needs to change its name due to legal reasons but it was called Skye today. Fifa was standard amazing for football fans fayre. I spent more money again...Arkham board game and a Grimlock T-Shirt(G1 Grimlock of course). I sucked at Splatoon 2 but it was fun and good to get a hold of a switch.

Day 3

Destiny 2 blows. It just feels like a generic space shooter, that being said I seemed to be the only person not enjoying it. Assassins Creed was buggy and a bit meh. Today was the day for indie games, Forgotten Alice was incredible I loved everything about it. Sword Legends by team17 seems like a Banner Saga type game mixed with xcom, loved what I played. Fire Emblem Warriors seemed to be great but i was too tired to play so just watched Jaye play. A bunch of other indies I dont remember the names of(theres like 100 indie games). Theres a detectivey one Jaye loved and everyones going mental for this one indie game called Strange something. I nearly bought another board game with This War of Mine and Netrunner being up there as potential buys. Lots of free tshirts today too.


7 years ago*

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Thank you and Bump :D

7 years ago

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What's your impression of AC Origins? Is it really more RPG'ish? And well executed?
Good to read that you enjoyed Detroit Become Human.
And thanks for the GAs!

7 years ago

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To be fair to it before I say anything I played Alpha gameplay.

That being said it felt a bit old hat what I did play and full of bugs. I don't hold high hopes. That being said the combat was remarkably better than most AC titles and the skill tree looked pleanty customisable.

7 years ago

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Thanks! I still have to play a few parts of series before, so for me they have enough time to polish it. :D

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Definitely Ni no kuni II: Revenant Kigdom. It's the sequel to the amazing Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, which was developed by Level-5 and produced by Studio Ghibli - creators of Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, My Neighbor Totoro, etc - with songs composed by Joe Hisaishi, who is the genius behind some amazing soundtracks.

7 years ago

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Played it first day, seemed VERY diverse and perhaps the cutest shit I think I've played in ages.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Bump for last day

7 years ago

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All keys sent was moving house so no internet sorry for delay

7 years ago

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