Currently at eurogamer and loving it. So far only got my hands on a few things, COD WW2, Far Cry 5, Total Warhammer 2 and Sonic. I won a final fantasy dissida medal somehow as well. Was soooo tired from driving early morning to get here. We bought lots of merch, I'm going to snap up a boardgame today I think, got my eye on Dark Souls boardgame. Anyone got any experience with it or any boardgame suggestions? I particularly love card games.

Today I'm going to check out Detroit Become Human, Assassins Creed Origins and a bunch of indie titles. Also got my eye on the switch stuff and Destiny 2(because Jayes blagging to play it).

Anyone else here? What you enjoying?

Day 2 Update

Holy Detroit Become Human is awesome! It's an absolute insta-buy which makes me happy because its looking like making good on its hype. I had a go on a couple of indie titles too with Tokyo Darks demo confirming with me that I need to buy it. There was a really cute indie title Jaye played that needs to change its name due to legal reasons but it was called Skye today. Fifa was standard amazing for football fans fayre. I spent more money again...Arkham board game and a Grimlock T-Shirt(G1 Grimlock of course). I sucked at Splatoon 2 but it was fun and good to get a hold of a switch.

Day 3

Destiny 2 blows. It just feels like a generic space shooter, that being said I seemed to be the only person not enjoying it. Assassins Creed was buggy and a bit meh. Today was the day for indie games, Forgotten Alice was incredible I loved everything about it. Sword Legends by team17 seems like a Banner Saga type game mixed with xcom, loved what I played. Fire Emblem Warriors seemed to be great but i was too tired to play so just watched Jaye play. A bunch of other indies I dont remember the names of(theres like 100 indie games). Theres a detectivey one Jaye loved and everyones going mental for this one indie game called Strange something. I nearly bought another board game with This War of Mine and Netrunner being up there as potential buys. Lots of free tshirts today too.


7 years ago*

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All giveaways added...
Pillars of Eternity
Plague Inc Evolved
Momodora(whitelist only)

Please if you enter answer the questions!

7 years ago

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Bump for update

7 years ago

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Bump for update

7 years ago

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I wish I could go to some of these events, it sounds really cool. Anyways, thank you and a bump for your thread :)

7 years ago

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They're surprisingly affordable for the general public, was £45 for the full 4 days.

7 years ago

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It's a matter of distance really lol
It's not like they're gonna do an official video games convention here in Malaysia anytime soon (although PlayStation Asia did held it's first event in KL very recently)

7 years ago

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soory for my bad english , so I can't real understand.

boardgame , I recommend Once Upon A Time and Betrayal at House on the Hill.

maybe try Assassin's Creed Origins? I think it may be fun.

7 years ago*

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Thank you for your response! Once Upon a Time and betrayal are boardgames.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Some of my colleagues play Scythe at work on a weekly basis. It's a steampunk themed game and seemed quite nice. Never found the time to play it with them tho (just live too far off of work and got a son to take care of).
If you want to go for eye candy you should have a look for kingdom death and its kickstarter.

Due to being a QA tester for games I basically play Catan all the time. The only card game I recently played was "Love Letter" (for 3 or 4 players) which just includes 8 different cards and can be played quite fast.

7 years ago*

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I played love letter, most card games are variants of werewolf/mafia but very enjoyable. I'm moving into a new house so I'm looking for simple to set up party games. The card games tend to be like that!

7 years ago

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I was gonna say kingdom death

7 years ago

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If I were there, I'd probably get my hands on both CoD WWII & Far Cry 5 to try out. I've seen game play footage of both & liked it so far. As for boardgames, it's really not my cup of tea.
Hope you have a great time there & it seems like a very popular event with all the early tickets being sold out :)

7 years ago

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I can confirm what I played of Far Cry 5 was amazing. In the 30 mins I played I had a dog, flew a plane, liberated a town and drove a truck that looked like modern optimus prime.

I liked COD it felt more like old school COD with an emphasis on fun historical accuracy rather than running up walls with pew pew guns.

7 years ago

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I really enjoy Arkham Horror: The Card Game. It's a collectible card game, but instead of dueling another player like most CCGs, you go on adventures, kind of like playing a RPG.

7 years ago

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This was actually the game I was going to buy, was hoping for a recommedation from an actual player! Theres a Jack the Ripper one too that I liked the look of. How accessible is it to total board game newbies? Can you play it with as few as 2 but like 8/10?

7 years ago

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Ha! Well, it plays 1-4 players. You can play it solo if you like; many people do. There is a bit of a learning curve, like most CCGs, but nothing too complicated. If anything, playing it "wrong" will make the game either seem like it's too easy or too hard until you realize your mistake. The game is meant to be hard, though, in order to give the game a feeling of dread. There's "The Grim Rule" that states:

The Grim Rule
If players are unable to find the answer to a rules or timing conflict in this Rules Reference, resolve the conflict in the manner that the players perceive as the worst possible at that moment with regards to winning the scenario, and continue with the game.

The only thing that I might "caution" about is that it is a story-based game, and once you've played through a story, the surprise is gone. But I've had no trouble replaying a scenario, though, trying new tactics and such. It is best when things surprise you, but I still find it a fun challenge after.

Also, it is a collectible card game, and Fantasy Flight Games puts out a new expansion about once a month. There's nothing that says you have to keep up with the new content, but some see that as a money-sink. Me? They can't put out new content fast enough. Plus there's a lot of player-made scenarios out there.

A good reference is this "re-review" from Shut Up & Sit Down. They reviewed it once it came out and declared it the best game of 2016, and then re-reviewed it after a bunch of expansions came out and declared that it still might be the best best game of 2017. The game is still young, so if you want to get it and keep up with the expansions, now is a great time to get into it.

7 years ago*

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I bought Arkham, going to make the Mrs play it with me tonight! Thanks for your input!

7 years ago

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thanks a lot for GA!

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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There's so much there, you'd be hard pressed to not find something you enjoy.

7 years ago

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Oh Dark Souls board game? That sounds quite interesting, do you have more info about the game please? Is that single player, coop, vs?
And thanks for Pillows of Ecstaticity but no fun under the moonlight :(

7 years ago

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I honestly have no idea it was £45 so I saw it and kinda moved on without proper looking at it.

7 years ago

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Any other boardgame you got interested while there?

7 years ago

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Xcom looks good and I've play a bit before with friends. The Arkham card game, exploding Kittens and Jack the Ripper. I'm always interested in Catan but slightly put off by the price.

Then the usual card stuff Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh and Magic. There was a final fantasy collectible card battler that looked interesting too actually.

7 years ago

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Ah yes Arkham is always fun in any form and Xcom sounds great.

7 years ago

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bump. ;)

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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I only got to play a battle Vs AI. The unit depth was pretty intense though, which made it pretty hard to control(I didnt spend too much time with Total Warhammer though tbf, Im a Shogun player). The graphics seemed the same. As a warhammer and total war fan more of the same seems good, so long as the tutorial has more of an explanation of unit controls. The Skaven are fun to control even if a little confusing though.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

7 years ago

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They had a lifesized doomwheel which I sat in today which was fun!

7 years ago

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Nice expo you're at. I'd definitely check Cuphead and Metroid.

As for card games, my favourite is Dominion. My cousin that is a gameboard geek loves Glory to Rome.

7 years ago

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I personally love Talisman.

Should get some more time in Gremlins Inc and Armello, those look great too!

Come to think of it.......not really sure if you mean actual (physical) board games or digital ones?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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How was Sonic? Really want forces to be good, cause I still like the adventure games but there's little else that's been good in terms of the 3d games.
As oclaymoreo said kingdom death isn't a bad one to look at, but I've heard the dark souls one is good anyway.

7 years ago

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It was 'ok' i just think its not aged very well as a whole, attempts to bring it up to date hurt it and this new game just felt like the original without its charm.

7 years ago

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I've got my eye on Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate :)

7 years ago

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I'd recommend taking a look at the dice tower youtube channel. They have great top 10 lists and have reviewed hundreds of games.
If you want to throw a category my way, I can make some suggestions.

Ali, if by card games you mean deck-building games, Legendary is a good one. If you just mean games with cards, that's too broad for me to recommend stuff.
If you want co-operative games, the pandemic series, Shadows over camelot, and robinson crusoe seem to be very good and not crazily expensive like zombiecide: black plague.

Regarding the DS boardgame, you can take a look at totalbiscuit's VoD and see if you like it.

7 years ago*

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I went for Arkham Horror! :3

Got my eye on Betrayal at Baldurs Gate mentioned above but its not out yet.

7 years ago

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View attached image.
7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I watched a review video of Mechs vs Minions board game by Riot games. It looked very interesting. The board and tokens are really good quality.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Dark Souls: The Board Game is great! I highly recommend.
But if you like card games better, there will be Dark Souls: The Card Game in 2018 :)

Also, if by any chance there is an Fantasy Flight Games booth, go check upcomming Fallout boardgame!

7 years ago

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It looks great but £95 is too steep for me for something I won't play often.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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I really don't know anything about current games, Sonic would be the only thing I'm remotely interested in, sorry... :(

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thanks a lot for your giveaways, Ally and have a great weekend! :3

So much nice games there. ^^

7 years ago

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Thanks Lost!

7 years ago

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You're so welcome Ally!

7 years ago

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Key sent was moving house sorry for delay

7 years ago

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Thank you for your gift and no sorry needed!

7 years ago

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