What do you think?
Most of the cases , ppl get warned by other members that they are breaking certain rule ...
And solid part of them take a note on that , and avoid doing it .
There are few exceptions who just flat out flame you and continue to break rules regardless .
I do agree that the rules section can be kinda hard to understand sometimes tho .
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I will admit I never fully read the FAQ and Guidelines until I had been using this site for a few months. xD
I mostly learned about the rules by surfing the discussions and seeing people talk about them.
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I mean i got suspended Twice for calling out for stupid stuff >.<
Like 1 time some guy was saying that a GTA V Giveaway is fake , so i warned him that there is rule against calling outs .
And i added something along the lines of (Even tho i agree with you ) ... bam 3 days suspension :D
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More than you would think. It's a matter of not reading to begin with and an utter lack of common sense among that sort of people. That, or straight up zero common courtesy.
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These types of topics appearing almost daily adds up too.
I'm tired, as are a lot of other people here, of having to weed through the same bullshit posts every day just to find one where someone isn't complaining about this site's rules or about how they got punished for not knowing them (or blacklists - ugh!). If a simple pop-up lessens the workload of the staff and lessens the amount of whine posts and rule breakers by even a small amount then it would be worth it. You'd get used to closing the window and won't even notice it after awhile. They can also have an option to where the window doesn't popup anymore after you've made "x" amount of successful giveaways with no issues, which would apply to a contributor such as yourself.
Another option would be to make anyone who is suspended correctly answer some questions about the rules before being allowed to make/enter giveaways again with the disclaimer that if they break a rule again they will be suspended permanently. Of course, this has been suggested before with the same attitude of it "being too much work". To me this sounds like no one wants to work for anything around here but have no problems complaining when things don't work the way that they want it to. How does one know how the workload will be impacted without trying some of the good suggestions that I have seen from others here over the past few years? I'm still trying to grasp this mentality I see displayed here all of the time.
And to bring up another point that has been made several times in the 3+ years that I have been here, more staff is needed for the rules to be effectively enforced. The few that are here now have enough to do and have a hard time keeping up. More staff and punishments that amount to more than just a slap on the hand for repeat offenders would straighten things right up.
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I wasn't really looking to change your opinion. I even offered an option that would exclude you from having to deal with the popup when I said "have an option to where the window doesn't popup anymore after you've made "x" amount of successful giveaways with no issues". Didn't mean to slam you with a wall of text. I'm just frustrated that ONCE AGAIN this type of conversation is happening here and no resolution will come of it regardless of the good suggestions that are made.
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Nah, I get where you're coming from, and it's cool. No blood, no foul. ;)
I voted yes to the OP's suggestion. I think a nice succinct (with added emphasis on succinct) Rules page is exactly what this site needs, and possibly even translated into the more popular languages used here on SG.
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I have seen several times where people have offered to do translations. I wonder why no one has taken them up on it? I hope it's not the "too much work" excuse or we're talking to a brick wall and it will never get done. This isn't the first time that a similar suggestion has been made here either. I just don't understand why these problems have been allowed to go on for so long and still we get all of this nay-saying when a good solution is proposed.
I still votes Yes though I don't think it will do any good. :(
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Thanks, I never got that, must've been made after I joined. Do you know when it was implemented?
Also that only covers gift sending, not gift receiving.
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I don't know when it was implemented but it's been a while already, maybe when SGv2 was launched
Yes a similar pop-up when winning your first giveaway would be great, it's already been suggested but not yet implemented, hopefully it will be at some point
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Just so you know I'm not against it . :P
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Why would it? I have no idea why I can't give away The Deer. Not that I tried. I assume it's been given for free at some point. This will not be solved until the giveaway creation page shows the game with a message that it can't be given because it's been free before instead of just hiding it.
So basically, yes, SG should have a lot more messages and make things a lot clearer. Is it that hard to put a message "this game has been bundled and will only count for 15% of its value" or something like this when you give it away? These are IMO all things which are easy to do, but will probably never be done here because it will take away some of the complaints that seem to cause pleasure to a lot of people on SG.
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We could accomplish this, and a lot of other useful things at the same time, with a community wiki (linked prominently). I know I've mentioned the idea before, but just sayin'...
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I'm thinking more than just a link. More like a "You have to read this before making or entering giveaways" kind of thing.
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Sure. I meant "prominently" to be taken pretty broadly. I just think that we could kill a lot of birds with one stone if there were a wiki. Every few days there's a suggestion along these lines, often with somewhat differing emphases. A wiki could accomplish what many of them are after, plus other things, and all without forcing the site management to write the copy.
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It could help people that unintentionally break the rules.
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Sorry but I can tell you from experience but most peeps cannot be assed to read any amount of text. While the FAQ/Guidelines should be rewritten for the sake of legibility and a quality of life improvement, this will not stop peeps from being idiots and breaking rules.
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Yes, but something like this would take away the excuse of being ignorant.
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Doubt it since peeps will complain that it is not written in Esperanto or some other bullshit. If there is an excuse to be made, someone will find it and use it :/.
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Problem is - people don't read. Maybe a comic strips describing the rules would help, I dunno...
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Great idea! I personally also don't really link the terms "FAQ" and "rules" together. FAQ stands for frequently asked questions (at least as far as I know) and I personally would not look there to find the rules of the site (if it wasn't pointed out to me).
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Absolutely. We have FAQ, Guidelines, and a few other, useful topics, but they are so hidden.
It wouldn't take much effort to create one useful FAQ with including levels as well. And rename guidelines to rules and such - I know that it's a stupid thing, but so many people said that the guidelines only say that games "should" be activated on winner profile, and it's not a have.
We can't force people to run them, but the site rules aren't as clear as they could be. (suspension times are hidden under roles, and such. Really counter-intuitive)
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The FAQ does say it must be activated though (and the ToS too but no one reads that).
Guidelines say should because they're guidelines, they just advise you how to behave. We can't simply rename the section to rules, since not everything included there is a rule, so that would mean we'd have to keep a guidelines section and adding an extra rule section, so wouldn't it just be more confusing ?
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I think he's saying make the guidelines section into the rules sections, and then move the stuff that doesn't classify as a rule into the FAQ.
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I'd rather keep it as it is, and simply add a guidelines button on top of the page next to FAQ to make them more visible.
I honestly don't get the whole "they're guidelines not rules", "it says should not must" thing. Are these people seriously surprised when they get suspended ? It's like if you go to some place and the people in charge ask you "please don't do that", and you proceed to do exactly that. Would you be surprised if they throw you out ?
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But it's more about not giving them the option to use it as an excuse.
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One thing that might help is having them translated to languages other than English and Russian. I could help with Portuguese :)
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Yes, it states rules for making a giveaway, but not the rules for receiving a gift.
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I always throught the FAQ and Guidelines pages were very poorly laid out. Not a browser-friendly read, some rules are ambiguous, and others have consequences for breaking but are phrased as more of a suggestion.
I'm all for a re-write. And vagalume111's suggestion that there be translations to different languages.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again... People who don't have questions won't click FAQ. If they start out on this website with the assumption that there are no rules, they're not going to go looking for them. We definitely need a button that actually reads "Rules" so that they're aware there are some. Having to go to FAQ then look on the sidebar for Guidelines is just too out of the way.
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Do I think that something should be done, to make the rules more prominent? Yes, I do! Absolutely! And that's exactly what I voted.
But, would that be actually useful? I don't think so...
I want to point out something that really stand out, and that's GOG's user agreement --> https://www.gog.com/support/policies/gog_user_agreement
It appears to be just your average "legalese" agreement, but with a twist: an english "translation", that can actually be read by us "normal people" without growing white hair when we're finished. Don't make funny comments about my current avatar, please!
Something akin to that might appeal more to users, provided they land on that page.
Then something should be made to make people check the guidelines' page; I dunno what would work, maybe something flashy?
Or even a small reward Nah, scrap that, I definitely didn't say anything about rewards, come on!
But definitely NOT popups, you know everyone hates them.
I'it's not like I wanted to write a wall of text, or anything... Sorry
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I just had a great idea to make the FAQ section stick out: boobies! I'm not talking about the birds, obviously!
My brain is slowly switching off after 19 hours awake, I think I need to sleep
Or just check my suggestion above, written when I was being totally serious
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I know all of the rules of the site are somewhere in the FAQ section, but they're mostly scattered about within it. Now while this shouldn't be a problem for the people that fully read the terms and conditions and guidelines and whatnot, I'm sure the majority of users of this site do not.
So what I'm proposing is a dedicated Rules page that explicitly states the rules of the site, such as:
It just feels like it would help lower the amount of rule-breaking (especially unintentional rule-breaking) if there was a succinct list of rules.
Perhaps even a way to make it so users have to view the page at least once before being allowed to enter giveaways, though I'm not sure how difficult that would be to code in.
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